Supreme Daddy

Chapter 653: Trapping Ling Yun again (seventh update)


She understood immediately!

Damn, who taught them?


Fortunately, An Qing also covered one ear!

Is that box a bomb? She saw the little guy press his hand, and the box held by the gangster opposite exploded instantly!


No, at most they are like high-end firecrackers, but they are still quite lethal!


These gangsters screamed again and again!

Aha, that's fun! The little guy clapped his hands happily!

Beibei even stepped forward to take a look, and said with a milky voice: Wow, it's so miserable! Pig head!

Little Eileen was responsible for sending the video that Beibei had just taken to Ling Yun.

An Qing's face turned pale when she came to her senses. Was her daughter playing with such dangerous things?

Sissi, who taught you this? An Qing asked with a dark face.

The little guy didn't know that An Qing was already angry. She said: Daddy...Daddy...

This kid tricked Ling Yun again...


An Qing's face turned livid and she gritted her teeth. She had to question Ling Yun later!

Help, help, call an ambulance! Zhang Ming shouted and screamed!

Zhu Linlu and others who came over after hearing the sound took a deep breath, what happened?

They heard the explosion just now, but they were frightened. Fortunately, their boss An Qing was fine, otherwise he would have been guilty.

Han Xiaoai covered her mouth. She really couldn't believe that everything in front of her was caused by a few live treasures?

Beibei said to these gangsters with a sweet voice: Don't come here in the future...otherwise...hum!

Long Yanran is funny, this will only anger them more and has no effect.

Zhang Ming's face was cold and terrifying, his eyes flashed with a cold light as he stared at Beibei closely.


Beibei looks familiar to him?

I just didn’t remember seeing it there, so I planned to go back and have a look. I always felt that this child was different. He temporarily endured the pain in his arm and called an ambulance himself!

After the gangsters were dragged away, Beibei ran up to Long Yanran and said in a sweet voice: Auntie, is Beibei awesome?

Not Powerful…

Beibei pouted: No way, they must be afraid and won't dare to come in the future.

I asked Han Xiaoai to handle the matter here, and also told Zhu Linlu to start shooting at any time.

She had to call Ling Yun, how could she teach Qian Qian like this?

Ling Yun was looking at the video that little Eileen had taken for him. He didn't know what was going on and thought he was filming a movie!

When he heard An Qing's scolding, he was dumbfounded. Didn't he tell them not to mess around? Disobedient again?

His good daughter tricked him again?

An Qing, listen to me...I didn't teach you, she must have learned it from the movies! Ling Yun explained.

An Qing asked angrily and amusedly: Tell me, which movie has such a plot?



Ling Yun couldn't answer at all, and was scolded by An Qing again.

It seems that we must start to let An Qing know his origin and extraordinaryness, otherwise as Sissi grows up, there will be a lot of such things.

Ling Yun hung up the phone and shook his head with a bitter smile. When is the right time?

A pop-up window pops up on the computer desktop!

Ling Yun took a closer look and kept smiling. He had promised the little guy before that he would confess his love to An Qing. This pop-up window was a good reminder!

Just do it!

After Ling Yun finished handling the company's affairs, he immediately went to the mall to buy some props needed for confession!

Afternoon time!

Qin Lan invited him to dinner and said she was thanking him!

Although she could not win the cooperation with Lukaku, this opportunity could be said to be lost forever, but she has no regrets.

Ling Yun agreed and made an appointment at Yuexia Hotel. He was talking to Qin Lan about Guanghua Group!

When the two met, they had a tacit understanding and did not mention what happened yesterday. Ling Yun got right to the point!

He plans to start spreading Guanghua Group's core technology on the Internet tomorrow, so that Stephen can retreat!

Qin Lan said that she could just ask if she needed anything, but she couldn't ask for shares!

Ling Yun smiled and said: Recommend someone for me. I don't know anyone. I prefer to be a hands-off shopkeeper!

Qin Lan rolled her eyes at him and thought to herself that Ling Yun was really rude. That look in his eyes clearly meant that he was relying on her!

Okay, let me help you pay attention. You must give me 5% of the shares after the matter is completed!

Qin Lan now owns 15% of Guanghua Group's shares. If Ling Yun agrees, she will own 20%.

Tsk tsk!

This is a good calculation!

Ling Yun nodded without hesitation, which really surprised Qin Lan!

Five percent?

If Guanghua Group can still rise, it will cost several billion, right?

What Qin Lan has to do is to help Ling Yun buy more shares of Guanghua Group, because Ling Yun doesn't have enough funds!

this point!

Ling Yun would not confess to Qin Lan foolishly!

They all use the money advanced by Qin Lan. If he wants to be a short-seller, he can just give Qin Lan shares when the time comes. I guess Qin Lan would be more willing to take the shares!

Over here, little guy!

The shoot didn’t go very well!

Basically, they are all unqualified. I don’t know whether it’s because Zhu Linlu has high requirements or because Sissi and Beibei didn’t do well enough!


An Qing is very angry. The anger before has not gone away, but now there are so many irritating things?

Han Xiaoai comforted her and said, Sister Qing, everyone is tired, so let them rest first!

Zhu Linlu also said: Yes, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!

Long Yanran rolled her eyes at him and secretly wondered if he did it on purpose? Haven't you seen the little guy working so hard? Why is it always stuck, stuck, stuck?

The little guy yawned again and again, but she was fine with it and thought it was fun. She might be different tomorrow, after all, it was only three minutes of heat.

Little Erin was quite curious at first, but when she found out it was acting, she lost interest and went to play with the Rubik's Cube by herself.

After Zhang Ming returned from the hospital, he checked Beibei's information on the Internet. He was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. The Long family alone was so overwhelming that he didn't dare to breathe. What's more, the recent Long Beibei incident that caused a lot of controversy?

Are you going to collect protection fees? To cause destruction?

The person who made them do this was poisonous, right?

Whoever wants to die can go, but he won’t go anyway, and he told their president truthfully!

Their president swallowed hard, Long Beibei?

His face suddenly turned pale!

Immediately choose to go to Hengdian in person to apologize to them, maybe they can still survive!

He is afraid of Lingyun, the name of Pluto, who kills people thousands of miles away without being seen. Now some killers are so frightened that their legs weaken just by hearing the word Pluto!

Director, something's wrong! An employee ran over in a panic!

Zhu Linlu frowned: What's the matter?

Here it comes! Here it comes again...

Them? Are they here to collect protection money again? Zhu Linlu turned pale with fright and even scratched his hair!

The employees were sweating profusely and nodded!

An Qing and the others all stopped what they were doing, feeling even more angry. Is it over yet?

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