Supreme Daddy

Chapter 658 Confused Memory (Twelve Updates)

Lan Wuyue couldn't hold it any longer!

After she and King Tang exchanged palms, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth!

The five of them finally had relaxed smiles on their faces. It's not easy. This woman is too strong. If they can't take her down, they may be the ones killed. Thanks to the King of Tang who joined during the period!

The little guy whirred and shook Ling Yun: Daddy, auntie is injured!

Little Eileen started to breathe again, muttering: Brother, let the baby breathe fire! She was more anxious about this child than Lan Wuyue.

Ling Yun stopped watching the show. This woman couldn't die. He had to ask clearly!

You guys just stay here and watch, I'll go help her! After Ling Yun said that, he dodged directly in front of Lan Wuyue and blocked Beise's punch for her.

Dongyan and the others were startled by the sudden appearance of Ling Yun, took a step back, and then asked, Who are you?

Ling Yun's eyes were cold and he put away his fists, but Beise had already fallen to the ground, and his internal organs were all broken by Ling Yun's punch!

Even if the gods come, they can't save him.


Nandang shouted and was about to take a step forward, but was caught by Dongyuan who reacted in time.

Let's go! I'll take revenge later! Dong Yan was full of violence, but he was still very smart. He could kill Bei Se in an instant, and they were no match for him.

Xi Jian was very unwilling and kept looking at Ling Yun with his dark eyes.

The King of Tang Dynasty trembled and knelt down directly: Spare my life!

Even though Ling Yun's hairstyle has changed, his appearance is still the same as that of the ancient Pluto!

Lan Wuyue looked at the dreamy figure from behind, a layer of mist appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Dongyuan and others took a step back again and distanced themselves from King Tang!

After taking a closer look at Ling Yun...


real or fake?

how so?

Aren't you dead?

The three people's faces were horrified, they all swallowed, and their backs were soaked.

Ling Yun sneered, his face filled with abnormal evil energy, and he still shook his head, as if to say that they didn't need to know.

The King of Tang Dynasty was sweating profusely. He had never been so scared before!

Ling Yun raised two fingers, and Lan Wuyue exclaimed, those were swords, and a sharp sword aura rose from his two fingers.

With a glance, Ling Yun's afterimage passed by them, and it was almost impossible to see that he had moved!

King Tang and the others had already covered their necks and went to get their lunch boxes. Lan Wuyue was so excited that she finally saw him. For a moment, she couldn't tell which personality Ling Yun was at this moment!

Little Erin transformed into a dragon and came carrying the little guy!

Daddy, daddy, give me a hug!

Brother, it's so amazing, even the baby should learn from it! Little Eileen admired the hand Ling Yun showed just now.

Ling Yun knelt down and picked up the little guy, with a smile on his face!

Lan Wuyue was stunned. Killing God?

Then she patted her chest, breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense nerves relaxed. There was no doubt that Ling Yun was his protagonist at this moment.

Is this little baby the daughter of Hades? Isn't he dead? Another baby? Lan Wuyue's mind was filled with questions.

Are you from the underworld? Where is the underworld? Ling Yun said leisurely, his face calm. don't know? Lan Wuyue was shocked, and his face turned very pale.

Why are you so hesitant to speak? I'm so scary? Ling Yun narrowed his eyes and asked in an unhappy tone.

Daddy... The little guy is not happy!

Why does her father talk so strangely? I was so scared of the beautiful aunt in front of me!

Ling Yun held her head down and pressed it against his chest, signaling the little guy to stop talking.

I'm from the underworld, but wasn't the underworld sealed by you? Why don't you know where it is? Lan Wuyue became more and more excited as he spoke.

Ling Yun shook his head and said he really didn't know!

Lan Wuyue was stunned!

Lao Huo asked me to give this to you. We in the underworld have been looking for you!

Huh? Ling Yun frowned and absorbed the information from the jade slip.

Suddenly Ling Yun smiled!

Ha ha ha ha ha…

This was self-deprecating. Unexpectedly, he still let Ye Lingyun make a move and almost made another big mistake!

That's right!

It was during the final fight between Ling Yun and Nan Wu Tian in the Battle of the Gods that Ye Ling Yun took the opportunity to tamper with his memory, causing him to think that the underworld had been destroyed. In fact, the underworld had always been under his seal!

The news from the jade slips is that the seal of the ancient demon god in the River Styx is about to be broken. If it is the last moment, will Pluto come back? They will choose to destroy the underworld, so as to seal the devil again.

Seal of Styx?

Ling Yun had a headache. It was necessary to see that monster again!

Seeing Ling Yun in a daze, the little guy kissed Ling Yun on the cheek and said with enthusiasm: Daddy, is it delicious?


Ling Yun smiled and said: That's not food, it's news...

When the child saw the light flowing from the jade slip flying into Ling Yun's eyebrows, he thought it was something to eat!

Lan Wuyue knelt down: Welcome Hades!

Get up, I know everything, but I'm not free now. I think the underworld can last for a while, right?


Lan Wuyue's mouth twitched!

I just came out to look for him because I had no other choice!

Ling Yun didn't know how long it would take to go to the underworld, so he couldn't control the time. He didn't deal with things here, and An Qing didn't know. How could he go to the underworld like this?

The little guy's eyes started to turn...

No. The underworld has sacrificed too many immortal emperors for this. Hades must go back with me!

Is this a threat to Lan Wuyue? no? Why is the tone so strong!

Ling Yun stretched out a hand!

The little guy quickly took the picture and said angrily: Daddy, don't be angry!

Auntie, if you do this again, my brother will kill you! Little Eileen reminded, she didn't like Lan Wuyue's tone just now, so domineering?

Lan Wuyue also realized that she did go a bit too far just now, and she was just like this in a hurry.


After saying that, a tear flowed from the corner of her eyes, and her heart ached!

If the little guy hadn't stopped Pluto just now, would she be dead now?

Is Pluto really ruthless and unjust? So why has she loved him for so many years?

After thinking about it, she finally couldn't accept it, and a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth again. Her eyes darkened and she fell into endless darkness.

The little guy seriously suspected that it was her father who did it, so he stared at Ling Yun with his mouth pouting high!

Bad daddy...

Little Eileen walked into Lan Wuyue and gently touched her forehead. Not knowing what to do, she turned back and blinked at Ling Yun!

Ling Yun asked: What do you think we should do?

The little guy immediately said: Daddy, wake her up!

Little Eileen shook her head directly, she didn't know!

Ling Yun also shook his head. The Holy Light was of no use to her. She was heartbroken and chose to fall. As long as she couldn't think about it, she would never wake up.

Why bother?

From the look in Lan Wuyue's eyes, Ling Yun knew that after all, he was not the same Ling Yun as before.

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