Supreme Daddy

Chapter 659: Being looked down upon (Thirteenth update)

The little guy looked at Ling Yun indifferently, and she stepped forward and lay on Lan Wuyue, listening to her heartbeat!


The little guy smiled and rolled his eyes again!

Daddy, if we become friends with her, will she wake up?

Ling Yun touched her head amusedly: No, okay, let's just throw her here and go back, otherwise your mother will be angry again!


The little guy was stunned!

Don't you care about this beautiful aunt?

Little Eileen didn't agree with Ling Yun doing this. At least leave a quilt. Is it so cold here?

Daddy... The little guy didn't give up and pulled Ling Yun!

Ling Yun said with a smile: Baby, how are you going to cheat your father?

The little guy responded with a sweet voice: I don't cheat on daddy, I cheat on daddy!

Ling Yun's face turned dark, it makes no difference!

Your mother will definitely be angry if I carry her back and start a quarrel. Do you really want that?

The little guy shook his head, looking confused!

Half a day later!

The little guy said: Daddy, Mommy won't be angry.

Ling Yun asked her curiously, why wasn't she angry? She smiled mysteriously but didn't say anything!

There was no other way but Lan Wuyue, because the little guy was clinging to Lan Wuyue and making cooing sounds saying he wanted to keep her warm.

Half-supporting Lan Wuyue, Ling Yun and the others returned to SZ City Hospital!

Four people suddenly appeared at the door of Anqing's ward. Fortunately, they didn't see them, otherwise they would have been scared to death.

The little guy took the lead and ran in: Mom, mom...

The old man, the dean, said, arrange for the patient to share a room!

As soon as the little guy finished speaking, Ling Yun helped Lan Wuyue in and immediately threw her onto the Anqing hospital bed!

An Qing found no problem and was quite happy. She didn't need to be hospitalized at all. It was all Han Xiaoai's fault for insisting that she stay in the hospital for observation.

Ling Yun, why doesn't she have a family?

I don't know, she's the only one. Ling Yun replied without blushing or heartbeat.

The little guy was so kind and even helped Lan Wuyue cover herself with a quilt.

An Qing asked again: Her clothes are quite strange!

Nothing, don't forget that this place is closest to Hengdian!

Having said that, An Qing thought it made sense, but she still had doubts in her heart. If a beauty like Lan Wuyue was filming in Hengdian, she shouldn't be unknown, right?

Could it be that Ling Yun was lying? This woman is not filming at all.

If Ling Yun knew what An Qing was thinking, he would be so angry. Didn't he say Lan Wuyue was an actor?

Mom, don't be angry! The little guy said in a sweet voice, hiding in An Qing's arms and acting coquettishly!

Who told you that I was angry? An Qing couldn't laugh or cry.

The little guy shook his head. She wanted to monitor the two of them anyway and couldn't let them quarrel.

Little Eileen didn't know where she went just now, and she just came in now.

Brother, brother, baby, I heard that many children are ready to die!

What's the matter with death? An Qing asked curiously.

Little Eileen said again: It's poisoning. It's just a bad stomach.

She didn't know how to express it for a while. She probably meant yesterday's poisoning incident in Haitian Kindergarten.

Little guy: Daddy, they are so pitiful...

Yeah! Little Eileen agreed. She secretly went to see those children, many of whom were as old as her.

After listening to Ling Yun's words, An Qing searched online if she wanted to know. There should be news.

Sissi, give mom an apple and ask your dad to help me wash it!

An Qing ordered while typing!

The little guy curled his lips and took two out of his pocket. No more, they are all gone. He gave one to little Irene, and left one. Ling Yun told her to go to the toilet faucet to wash it. !

In the end, An Qing didn't let her go, so she let Ling Yun go!

Little Eileen shook her head, wondering why the fruit had to be washed when it was so delicious?

An Qing flipped through the news and was really shocked. It was so unsafe. Kindergartens were poisoned by people with psychological distortions. They pitied a bunch of children. How fragile their lives were.

Isn't Ling Yun a miracle doctor?

After he came out, An Qing planned to ask if there was any way to save these children. They were really pitiful as the little guy said.

After Ling Yun came out slowly, An Qing really spoke, and the little guy also looked forward to it!

What's the big deal?


Do An Qing and the little guy want him to show off again?

Will the ghost doctor Fang Lao discover this and suspect that the elixir came from him?


He seems to have fallen into a trap again.

Boom, boom, boom!

Sissi, open the door quickly, grandpa is here to see you!

Dean Chen’s voice!

The little guy laughed and wanted to play with her? Or did you buy her ice cream?

Ling Yun smiled mysteriously, lifted An Qing's chin, and motioned her to look outside the door...

A snap of the fingers!

The door opened without warning. An Qing's eyes widened. What kind of skills did Ling Yun use? Where could he find a handsome and mysterious man?

Now An Qing feels that Ling Yun is perfect, he is simply the male god in her heart.

Dean Chen spotted Ling Yun as soon as he came in, with a serious expression on his face.

He came here just to ask the little guy, where is her father? At present, Fang Lao, the sage ghost doctor, is unable to help such a child reduce the fever and detoxify, so he can only place his hope on Ling Yun.

As long as Ling Yun is found, the children will be saved. He has no doubts about Ling Yun's medical skills.

Boy, that's great, you are really here! Dean Chen was not polite at all and directly put his arm around Ling Yun's shoulders. He is so shameless!

Ling Yun quickly separated from him...

Dean Chen, you are in such a hurry, why don't you sit down and drink a glass of boiled water! Ling Yun asked knowingly!

Dean Chen’s mouth twitched!


Where to sit?

There isn't even a stool!

I won't sit down anymore. Time doesn't allow it. Come with me quickly and talk as we walk. Dean Chen nodded to An Qing, grabbed Ling Yun and walked towards the door.

The little guy and Irene just followed, walked to the door of the room, turned back to An Qing and said, Mom, are you coming?

An Qing hesitated, then immediately put on a disposable mask, hugged the little guy and followed Ling Yun and the others. She wanted to see where Dean Chen was taking Ling Yun to go? Is it to help children detoxify?

Follow Dean Chen to the second floor!

The Holy Ghost Doctor Fang Lao and Dean Zhang Yifa were wandering at the door of a large ward. There were many famous doctors sitting on the sofas around them!

Old Chen. Where have you been? Zhang Yifa asked.

Dean Chen looked happy and said with a smile: There is hope, there is hope!

Have you thought of a method? That's great! Mr. Fang, the Holy Hand Ghost Doctor, was happy.

Everyone was also excited and didn't pay attention to Ling Yun and the others at all!

I did not expect…

Everyone sighed after hearing this!

But the person I brought here is also a miracle doctor. His medical skills are even higher than those of my teacher Hua Yi!

Faced with such a high evaluation from Dean Chen, Old Ghost Doctor Fang frowned. How could this young man be so good?

Zhang Yifa looked bad, looked at Ling Yun, and sneered in his heart, Have you graduated from college? Or are you saying that you haven’t even studied in college?

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