Supreme Daddy

Chapter 660 System Possession (Fourteen Updates)

In other words, it’s an era of looking at faces.

Ling Yun is too young, what ability can he have?

So everyone started talking about it!

Fang Lao, the ghost doctor with the holy hand, saw An Qing hugging the little guy and felt very strange. What would be the relationship between them?

Ahem, listen to what I say, my little friend is really a miracle doctor. Don't offend me, otherwise you won't blame me for being ruthless! Dean Chen spoke forcefully and tried his best to defend Ling Yun.

Ling Yun shook his head. He was always calm and indifferent. If it hadn't been for the little guy's repeated requests, he really didn't want to come.

He looked down upon these quack doctors and acted like flies. They were very annoying!

A discordant voice sounded...

Old man Chen, I respect your master, senior Huayi, but are you the one who counts?

Ling Yun looked over and saw a sneer on the man's face. He was sallow and thin, with a sign hanging on his chest: Vice Dean Huang Jinrong.

Dean Chen is not angry either. What he said is very appropriate. His medical skills are indeed not good.

Boy, you want to be famous, but you've come to the wrong place. Get out of here if you know your facts! Another voice sounded, and the sign on his chest read, Department of Neurology, Director Wang.

Ling Yun is unhappy!


Is this meant for him? very good! !

Ling Yun walked up to him with a sneer and tapped somewhere on his body!

He falls to the ground immediately!

Not surprisingly, he was brain dead...

Ahem, it's none of my business... He's trying to blackmail me! Ling Yun immediately smiled and spread his hands.

Everyone was in a hurry. It was so unexpected. How could a good person fall to the ground? Hurry and rescue!

Fang Lao, the Holy Hand Ghost Doctor, couldn't see why. Dean Chen wiped his sweat and secretly thought that Ling Yun was too messy, there was no need!

He sighed slightly in his heart. Who told him not to be blind and provoke Ling Yun, the mysterious doctor?

The little guy said to An Qing: Mom, this person has kidney failure. Sissi will know it at a glance! After saying this, she looked like a well-behaved child, waiting for An Qing to praise her.


How do you know? An Qing asked curiously.

What daddy said is that if you have a pale face and a bald head...

The little guy said in a sweet voice, everyone present heard it!


An Qing coughed twice: Sorry, Tongyanwuji!

Many people are bald. The little guy really doesn't pay attention to the occasion and dares to say anything.

Dean Chen, the ghost doctor Fang Lao and Zhang Yifa were arguing, but they couldn't let Ling Yun mess around. This was related to the hospital's reputation. The most important thing was that the child's life was important. Ling Yun was too young. Between the two of them, There is no ability in his eyes at all.

There were bursts of crying in the ward!

My child, my child...


Can you do it?

I request to be transferred to the capital!

The parents were excited and impatient.

An Qing held the little one and went in curiously. In a large ward, there were more than a dozen children on the bed, motionless, with black lips.

Their parents looked sad.

An Qing and the little guy didn't feel good at all. Seeing them crying, it was very heart-wrenching, so An Qing hugged the little guy tightly.

She did not ignore the little one's safety because of Ling Yun's confession. Instead, she became deeply worried. She was so naughty and wondered what to do if something happened one day. The more she thought about it, the more panicked she became.

Ling Yun's brows have never relaxed!

Invite him?

Did you leave him alone again?

Boy, you don't have to worry about them. Let's go in. As long as we can convince the parents of the children together, that's all. Dean Chen pulled Ling Yun, who was wearing black clothes. He knew that Ling Yun was unhappy, but he couldn't help it. This is not Jiangnan City, he can't live here!

The Holy Ghost Doctor Fang Lao and Zhang Yi were so angry that they were shaking all over. Did they think his hospital was a place for internship?

Boy, where did you study? Have you graduated? Or do you have a master? What did you study? Zhang Yifa stopped Ling Yun and the others.

Ling Yun touched his nose and said: You have time to ask me here, why not go and see who just wanted to blackmail me!

After saying that, he kept smiling!

At this moment, Zhang Yifa covered his stomach!


His stomach hurts!

Ling Yun didn't want to cause so much trouble, so he wanted to teach the dean a lesson!

After entering!

An Qing looked at Ling Yun with red eyes!

Ling Yun smiled and touched the mother and daughter, comforting them. As long as he was here, these children would not die.

Handsome! Handsome!

Beibei is here!

He is shouting Ling Yun in the corridor!

Coming with them was a nineteen-year-old boy!

Sister...I'm here! Here! The little guy didn't pay attention to the occasion again. The ward needed to be quiet, and the parents who had just cried bitterly were blamed.

I'm here, leave this to me! The young man started to show off as soon as he came in.

Beibei is unhappy!

She said in a milky voice: We don't know you...

After saying that, he showed a look of contempt!

The young man didn't care, but was amused: Dragon Beauty, don't worry, I will do my best to treat them. They are all flowers of the motherland, and we can't let anything happen to them!

Thank you... Long Yanran chuckled lightly and did not refuse.

We met this young man at the entrance of the hospital. He pestered Long Yanran stubbornly and asked for suggestions. Listen to his self-introduction. His name is He Dongtian and he is from Xiangjiang!

What family is from Xiangjiang!

He has a bad reputation in Hong Kong. He is the seventh son of the gambling king Ho Hong-chi. At a young age, he used his wealth to commit misdeeds and harmed many women from good families.

Who are you? Vice Dean Huang Jinrong became more and more angry. What kind of cats and dogs are here?

I am here to save your hope, Doctor He! He Dongtian stood with his hands behind his hands, his eyes filled with disdain for them.

Another miracle doctor?

The corners of the vice president's mouth twitched, and his face was livid with anger, as if he had a heart attack.

Hometowns are already asking for medical treatment at random...

Doctor He, please, please save my child! A male parent knelt down on the spot and kowtowed to He Dongtian!

Can't stand it, can't stand it, please get up quickly... He Dongtian's face was gentle and gentlemanly, but his eyes were fixed on An Qing's face wearing a mask.


He Dongtian's heart was pounding. He could tell that An Qing was definitely a first-rate beauty, no less beautiful than Long Yanran.

There is a voice in his head...

Beep beep beep…

There are three hours left in the mission. Please complete the mission as soon as possible, receive generous prizes, get rid of poverty and become rich as soon as possible, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life!

He Dongtian came to his senses and coughed twice!

This is a system. He has been thinking about it for half a month. When he accidentally got it, his life changed drastically...

I won’t go through it one by one here… Anyway, it’s awesome!

As long as you keep trying to show off and complete the main mission, you can level up and get show-off points, and then use the show-off points to redeem various awesome skills in the system, such as basic medical skills, advanced medical skills, intermediate car skills, and hacking skills. Listen here He said there are still some exercises!

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