Supreme Daddy

Chapter 661 Don’t know whether to live or die (fifteen updates)

Half a month!

He has gained a lot of benefits from the system, such as cultivation. He was an ordinary person before, but now he is in the late stage of holding pills. How long has it been?

There are still three hours left. The main mission this time is to become famous, impress the master ghost doctor Fang Lao with his superb medical skills, and successfully accept Fang Lao as his disciple, and you can get an extra chance to win a lottery. That's why he appears here!

Beibei was so angry!

She just couldn't stand this man, his eyes were so lewd!

She had been staring at her aunt just now, what now? Staring at her Aunt An again.

This person has been labeled a bad person by her...

The little guy exclaimed: A miracle doctor?

An Qing signaled her not to talk too much and to be quiet!

After getting to know him, He Dongtian also knew what had just happened, so he said with contempt: Stupid boy, what is your background? How dare you brag in front of me, the miracle doctor He?

In his eyes, isn't Ling Yun just an ordinary person? Can you be better than him? He is the protagonist and has an awesome system!

Why would he fight so hard for the pretentious points of the system!

Ling Yun's eyes turned cold!

Immediately after opening his eyes, He Dongtian and Ling Yun knew exactly where He Dongtian was coming from!

There were only two words in his mind, haha!


Looking for death, right?

Back to the system? Ling Yun is curious, system? What the hell? Intelligent life?

Seeing that Ling Yun didn't answer his words, He Dongtian felt annoyed. Since he got the system, he no longer chooses to look at other people's faces!

Hey, hey! He Dongtian shouted, his attitude was not good. Considering that An Qing and Long Yanran were here, he still maintained some demeanor and was scolding Ling Yun in his heart.

Ling Yun's eyes are fierce!

This He Dongzhen was so ignorant that he repeatedly touched his bottom line!

Ling Yun suddenly smiled and patted his shoulder without saying anything!

He Dongtian was even more displeased and was about to teach Ling Yun a lesson when a system prompt sounded in his head...

warn! warn!

The host's life is being threatened, stay away!

A series of red exclamation marks appeared in his mind, which made He Dongtian confused. He was in good health at the moment. He felt relaxed after moving his body!

Suddenly he was sweating profusely!

Not wanting to understand what was going on, he pointed at Ling Yun, a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth, and he knelt on the floor.

My eyes were still open and I couldn’t close my eyes. At the same time, my mind was full of questions. It was so frustrating!


The vice president swallowed his saliva, and the corners of his mouth twitched!

No one present has ever seen such a strange thing. How could such a good person suddenly act like this?

An Qing covered the little one's eyes. She was so frightened that her face turned pale. Could there be a ghost in the hospital? He immediately looked around.

Beibei clapped her hands, and the annoying people finally stopped bothering them.

No more life-saving straw?

All the parents were in an uproar, and some of them started to complain. What about a miracle doctor?

Did he die of a cerebral hemorrhage?

Dean Chen sighed again and looked at Ling Yun with complicated eyes. Is this saving someone or killing someone?

Ling Yun's eyes did not leave He Dongtian, and He Dongtian was being tried to save by several doctors at the moment!


You're a little thing, do you have a lot of abilities?

Time has stopped!

A transparent intelligent creature slipped out of He Dongtian's mind!

The intelligent creature immediately dived underground and was secretly frightened. This person was too dangerous and time was controlled!


Ling Yun stepped on it!

It was immediately forced out!

He doesn't plan to leave ink, the merit points are valuable...

intelligent! intelligent?

Ling Yun smiled playfully, pinched it, erased its memory, and slightly changed it, turning it into a brand new intelligent life form!

Taking out a material from the space, Ling Yun refined it into a mini zombie-shaped toy. It was a cute zombie toy with an intelligent system.

Papa, what is this?

Time jumped again, but the little guy saw at a glance that Ling Yun had a small toy in his hand!

This is a toy, I'll let you play with it for a while first! Ling Yun pinched her cheek before giving her the zombie toy in his hand.

Little Erin scratched her head. Is there energy in it? His eyes never left the toy in the little guy's hand.

Beibei is not interested for the time being. Ji Wuxue is observing these poisoned children with a sad look on his face. Who is so cruel? Even the children are not spared!

When Dean Chen saw that something was not going well, he quickly begged Ling Yun to take action, but the vice president no longer stopped him. If anything happened, it was Dean Chen and Ling Yun who were responsible for it. Let them take the blame, and it would not be able to cure the poison anyway.

Ling Yun was also thrust into the waist by An Qing. It hasn't been that long. Have you seen enough? Why don't you give the child an injection!

Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry!

Then he no longer planned to kill time, secretly took out a pill, walked to a water dispenser, pulled out the bottled water, put the pill in, and the water immediately turned black and numb!

Everyone was stunned, not knowing why Ling Yun did this?

I saw him put the bottled water back in, and then poured a cup from a disposable cup. In full view of everyone, he held the cup of black water and walked to an old lady!

He had been observing this old lady for a long time. She just cried, but very quietly, and didn't make any noise. She just held her granddaughter's little hand. Her granddaughter was very cute and slept peacefully...

Old man, I said this glass of water can save your granddaughter. Are you willing to give it to her? Ling Yun directly handed over the glass of water...

Everyone laughed...

Dean Chen turned around and glared at them a few times, secretly thinking that they were all a bunch of ignorant quacks.

Parents showed expectant expressions. It is better to have hope than no hope!

The vice-dean sneered in his heart, and his pulse was not there? Just get a glass of unknown water casually, you are too young, drink it to death, just take it as a lesson!

In his opinion, Ling Yun wants to be famous and is crazy!

The old lady raised her eyes and looked at the slight smile on the corner of Ling Yun's mouth. She also smiled at him and took the glass of water from Ling Yun's hand!

Hurry up and help her up to drink!

Ling Yun showed a charming smile. He didn't know why. This feeling was very comfortable, a feeling of being trusted? No, it's wonderful anyway.

This this…


What a hell!

Great, the child is saved.

The children are saved!!

Everyone saw that after the old lady drank the glass of water for her granddaughter, the little girl's dark lips slowly faded and started to turn rosy, so they were so surprised that they all started talking.

The vice-dean wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was really ignorant. Thinking of his performance just now, he had already slapped himself twice.

Miracle doctor!

Miracle doctor!

This is a miraculous doctor. It's a pity that he left a bad image for Ling Yun. Even if he wanted to ask for advice, he would be shameless.

Ask for advice?

Ling Yun would give him two more slaps without hesitation, would a quack deserve it?

An Qing looked obsessed with Ling Yun at this moment. It was so perfect. Her heart was pounding. No matter how many times she saw it, she couldn't get enough of it and couldn't figure it out!

Fang Lao, the sage ghost doctor, recalls the black numbing water? Is it an elixir? He immediately looked at Ling Yun with a look of admiration.

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