Supreme Daddy

Chapter 662 Enlightenment and Awakening (Sixteen Updates)

The parents saw that their children had woken up and cried with joy. Words cannot describe their gratitude at this moment, while the little guy showed off excitedly, this is my dad! !


Miracle doctor, this is my wish.

This is my business card!

I still have some influence in Suzhou. If the miracle doctor has anything to say, please give me an order. This is my number.

Thanks to them!

Ling Yun shook his head and said calmly: Everyone, just pretend that I have never been here. It is all the credit of Dean Chen!

Dean Chen's face turned dark, his eyes flashed with helplessness, and just like last time, he put all the credit on him.

Ling Yun didn't allow him to refuse at all. He held An Qing's hand, shouted at the four little guys and turned around and left the ward.

When things are done, just brush off your clothes and hide your merits and fame. This is the attitude that an expert should have.

Back to the ward!

An Qing was not ashamed. She secretly kissed Ling Yun when the little guy wasn't paying attention. She didn't know where she got the courage, but Long Yanran and Beibei saw it!

Beibei's smart big eyes blinked: Handsome Shu, who is this?

She pointed at Lan Wuyue, who was asleep on the hospital bed, and asked curiously.

Ling Yun asked her to guess!

Beibei shook his head, and the little guy replied: I picked it up!

An Qing glared at them angrily...

The second and first floors of this hospital were very noisy. There were too many reporters, all rushing to report on the incident of rescuing the children.

Ling Yun and the others no longer plan to stay in the hospital. An Qing and Long Yanran went to settle the discharge, followed by Beibei and the others. The little guy didn't go and was staring at Ling Yun!

Looking at Lan Wuyue, Ling Yun had a headache. If he didn't personally enter her inner world, she would have been in a vegetative state for the rest of her life. She would also be in the underworld. The incident was also caused by him. He had to wake her up!

Qian Qian, please close your eyes for a moment and stop making noise! Ling Yun sat beside the hospital bed and scratched the little guy's nose lovingly.

The little guy hugged Ling Yun's waist, nodded, and didn't ask any questions.

In Lan Wuyue's sea of ​​consciousness!

At this moment, she was like a frightened deer, cowering in a small corner, holding her legs with her hands, crying softly.

Ling Yun sighed deeply!

Why bother?

Hey, Xiaonizi... Ling Yun called softly.

Hearing the sound, Lan Wuyue raised her beautiful eyes, sniffed, glanced at Ling Yun, and then lowered her head.

Ling Yun was sitting cross-legged opposite her and said a lot of enlightening words. I don't know if Lan Wuyue listened!

Forced to do anything, Ling Yun still told a few jokes, which made Lan Wuyue burst into tears and laugh!

Xiao Nizi, just wait for me to handle this matter. It won't take long! Ling Yun said lightly.

Lan Wuyue said nothing and nodded wildly!

Let's go out. You're so old, why are you still losing your temper? Your grandfather spoiled you?

The words have fallen!

No matter what Lan Wuyue's expression is, whether he answers or not, he will return to reality.

Ling Yun, wake up! An Qing patted his cheek!

I have shouted it several times. Are you so tired?

Wake up! Ling Yun rubbed his eyes and rolled his eyes at the little guy. Seriously, wouldn't you explain it to her mother? Look at how worried she was, her face changed.

Lan Wuyue on the bed also woke up from sleep!

Beauty, are you awake? Do you want some water? An Qing asked!

Lan Wuyue sat up and looked at An Qing carefully. She looked like a baby in Pluto's arms!

You...are you? Lan Wuyue asked uncertainly.

Ahem, okay, let's get up and go! Ling Yun quickly interrupted the conversation between them. There are always endless topics for women to talk about.

This is me Mom! The little guy blinked and asked An Qing to hold her again.

Lan Wuyue had a serious expression and did not show any surprise!

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Ling Yun basically told her that Sissi was his daughter, and he was living a very happy life now.

Sissi is very cute and pretty, and Lan Wuyue's heart is almost melted by her every move.


There are three more, one of whom I have seen before, is a small dragon!

They all looked so cute, and she even smiled without realizing it.

An Qing thought to herself, could this beauty be born with dementia? How can you be so stupid and know how to laugh?

Lan Wuyue's smile made everyone stunned. It was so beautiful that An Qing even lowered her head in shame. Looking at Ling Yun from the corner of her eye, she realized that he was not looking. For some reason, An Qing felt happy in her heart.

Beibei jumped up and said with a smile: Auntie, how did your sister pick it up?

This inexplicable sentence made Lan Wuyue stunned and unable to answer, so he could only smile awkwardly!

This fell in An Qing's eyes, and she suddenly panicked. What a beautiful girl, she is so stupid at such a young age!

Beibei, you're such a brat, stop talking! Long Yanran rolled her eyes angrily.

Beibei made a little face and played with Long Yanran.

Ling Yun, what should we do? An Qing pointed at Lan Wuyue who was in a daze!

Ling Yun didn't dare to give any advice, shrugged and touched the little guy's head.

This child was smart and knew that it was her father who asked her to speak, so she said in a sweet voice, Mom, can we just pick her up and take her back?

An Qing disagrees. The follow-up will be quite troublesome. For example, what will happen if her family cannot find her? Maybe others thought she was a celebrity and was a human trafficker.

Sister, can I follow you temporarily? Lan Wuyue spoke, following the request of Ling Yun's consciousness.

An Qing smiled and blamed herself for being paranoid. What are she thinking about? Girls are just normal, okay?

The little guy immediately smiled happily and said, Okay, okay!

Mom, are you okay?

While talking, she was acting coquettishly with An Qing!

This trick worked very well for An Qing. An Qing nodded happily and let Lan Wuyue follow him for the time being. It would only be a few days anyway. After the filming was completed, they would return to Jiangbei and they might not see each other again in the future.

In the taxi back to the hotel!

An Qing, Long Yanran, and Lan Wuyue have become good best friends. Ling Yun made him understand that women establish friendship directly based on body shape, skin, support, etc.!

Although she was curious about this strange planet, Lan Wuyue didn't show it too much.

It took an hour to get back to the hotel, and there was a traffic jam on the way. I heard what the driver said, people are playing with fire and setting themselves on fire these days, what kind of Almighty God do they believe in!

It’s been a boring time!

Beibei, a few little guys and Lingyun are in a taxi!

Handsome, Beibei was so tired from filming just now. Why don't you tell me a story to comfort me?

After saying this, Beibei slumped down in the back row, looking exhausted. This kid's movements and expressions were quite spot-on. He was really a drama star.

Ling Yun's mouth twitched. Beibei kept making strange tricks for his story, and each reason was more bizarre than the last.

If Ling Yun didn't have countless stories in his mind, he probably wouldn't be able to cope with Beibei at this moment.

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