Supreme Daddy

Chapter 674 Phoenix (fourth update)

Looking at the smile on Ling Yun's face...

Huo Lao's eyes were also extremely excited. This was a confident smile, that is, he, Pluto, has a way to deal with the monsters in the Styx!

In the eyes of Lan Wuyue, who was catching up after falling behind, he was so charming and handsome that she became a nymphomaniac.

Except for Ling Yun, who knew what it was, no one else had ever seen that monster before!

That's why they are called monsters by people in the underworld!

It's you, it's you again!

You're not dead, haha, that's right...

The monster's extremely vicious voice came from the river!

Along with the deafening sound of the river, it knew who Ling Yun was!

When Ling Yun heard this, he wanted to laugh...

Afraid that he would find out that he was the God of Hades? This isn’t a secret anymore!

When he met this monster for the first time, he called him out of surprise: God of Hades.

This was also the first time Ling Yun heard this title!

That was when he woke up from ancient times and wandered here. Inexplicably, he was appointed as the King of Hades by the highest immortal emperor in the underworld at that time!

Just because the purity of his dark power is almost 100%!

He didn't even need to test his cultivation, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the great masters in the ancient underworld at that time. However, when Ling Yun went to the Wangchuan River, everyone had to admit that he was the king of Hades.

Ling Yun also heard them say that the monster sealed at the bottom of the Wangchuan River was preserved from ancient times. Ling Yun nodded at that time. It was an ancient mythical beast, the Phoenix. As for why it was sealed, Ling Yun asked, but it didn't say anything. .

It's me, I'm here, do you have a choice?

Ling Yun replied softly!

What choice?

Everyone at Old Huo by the river was confused and looked at each other.

Go away... don't stop me, hum or else... the Phoenix said. As he said it, it realized that it couldn't defeat Ling Yun, so it said again: Otherwise I will destroy the underworld!

Although Ling Yun only came in once, once was enough. It gave it endless fear and it makes me shudder just thinking about it!

It was battered and bruised all over its body. Although it can be reborn from the ashes, who likes to be abused!

Ling Yun also took advantage of its immortality and tortured it to its heart's content.

What gave him a headache was that this dead monster really wouldn't die. Ling Yun had tried every move, but even the crushing with absolute power could not kill the dead bird. In the end, he was unable to complain and had to give up!

Ling Yun frowned slightly as he listened to the Phoenix's words. The Phoenix was still so rampant!

Tell me what happened in ancient times, and I'll give you a good time, how about it?

Haha, haha, haha, I have set several seals in the seals over the years. I don't believe it. You can still come in?

The proud voice of the Phoenix is ​​full of arrogance!


Ling Yun responded lightly, seeming to think the other party was quite funny!

Come on, come and hit me, hahahaha! Phoenix's provocative voice made Old Huo and the others angry. This monster was too presumptuous.

Ling Yun laughed: You actually still have such a mean request? It seems that after so many years of not beating you, you have forgotten how to write the word pain?

Hahaha, what a shameless statement! Phoenix replied!

Anyway, it firmly believed that Ling Yun could not get in due to the seal it had set, so it had a confident attitude and did not take Ling Yun seriously at all.

So what if I can fight again?

You can't come in!

The phoenix smiled triumphantly again...

Ling Yun will definitely meet such a requirement!


The Phoenix was frightened and his scalp was numb...

Looking at Ling Yun in front of him, he swallowed his saliva and rubbed his eyes again, as if he had seen a ghost!

Huo Lao and others outside were extremely excited. They watched Ling Yun enter with their own eyes. They were daunted by such strength.

What? Don't you call me Hades anymore?

Ling Yun looked around and shook his head. The environment here was still the same as before, in a mess.

Then he stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the phoenix. The space in the seal was not big, only the size of a football field. After being frightened, the phoenix transformed into a human form, which looked like a middle-aged man who was neither fat nor thin.

Impossible, how could you get in? I have set three seals. The Phoenix refused to believe this fact and kept shaking his head wildly!


A tragic sound came from its mouth, and Ling Yun suddenly used his strength to punch it away. It was a slap in the face!

Huo Lao, Lan Jiajun and the men present clamped their legs together, as if the sound was the scream of broken balls!


The screams didn't stop for the next hour!

The seal was still shaking, and the air seemed to burst. It couldn't bear Ling Yun's violence.

Ling Yun was tired from the beating and no longer wanted to torture it. The Phoenix lay like a dead dog, covered in injuries, but after dozens of seconds, its body automatically recovered.

Do you have any other requests? Tell me, maybe I will satisfy you too! Ling Yun said solemnly to the Phoenix, with an evil look on his face, and it was impossible to tell that he was joking. more... Phoenix replied weakly!

It didn't want to be beaten again, and it still couldn't figure out how Ling Yun got in?

You missed the opportunity when I asked you to make the choice before. Now...

Ling Yun's eyes were half-squinted as he looked at the Phoenix, those deep eyes seemed to be filled with a crazy devouring intention.

The phoenix was deeply afraid. It didn't know what it was afraid of.

Won't die?

In the worst case, it would be tortured again, but it was not simple. The look in Ling Yun's eyes at this moment was so terrifying.

You... you... God of Hell, what are you going to do? The Phoenix crawled back, wanting to stay away from Ling Yun!

Ling Yun: Now, I have a way to know about ancient things!

The words have fallen!

The Phoenix covered his head and screamed twice as loud as before!

Ling Yun stretched out his right hand and sucked its head into the palm of his hand, directly extracting the memory!

It's's too ridiculous!

After the Phoenix was released, he covered his head with his hands, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and moaned in pain on the ground!

It clearly remembers...its ancient memory has been removed!


It doesn't count, a copy should be extracted from its brain. The copying process makes it unbearable pain, more painful than killing it.

How did Hades do it? The phoenix panicked. It had no choice before when it was asked to make a choice. Could Hades have a way to kill it?

At this moment, Phoenix was extremely flustered. There is no trace of arrogance like before.

Ling Yun held the memory of the golden mass and slowly blended it into his eyebrows!

Will there be answers he wants to know?

From the ancient memory of the immortal bird, it was jointly sealed by many ancient demon gods, and Ling Yun did not participate!

From the subsequent memories, Ling Yun was a little disappointed. The Phoenix knew that he was the God of Hades, the first person in the ancient underworld.


There were only a few dozen people and one city in the ancient underworld...

Even the memory of the ancient catastrophe and the phoenix has no memory about Ling Yun. It was in the seal of the Wangchuan River and knew nothing about it until it sensed it on its own and the ancient times ceased to exist...!

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