Supreme Daddy

Chapter 675 Coolie

Ling Yun feels distressed...

In order to show off my skills in front of the Phoenix, I forced myself to show off!

Ordinary means definitely cannot copy the Phoenix's memory, but Ling Yun added merit points, and then ignored the Phoenix's hard consciousness and copied it forcefully.

I feel bad!

A small part of the red health bar of the Samsara Pearl in Lingyun's sea of ​​consciousness was missing.

Only then did he realize that it was really a trap.

So Ling Yun is angry, what should he do? Kill the phoenix!

The poor Phoenix was beaten horribly by Ling Yun again.

Want to die? Want to live?

After a moment of silence, Ling Yun spoke!

He wanted to kill the Phoenix. After all, in order to continue to seal the Phoenix, so many immortal emperors from the underworld died. If it did not die, it would be difficult for Ling Yun to explain to Huo Lao and the others.

However, he felt heartbroken when he thought about wasting his merit points again. Those were reserved for dealing with Ye Lingyun. If he hadn't forced himself to show off just now, he would have gritted his teeth and killed the Phoenix, but it was all wasted and there was no regret medicine.

You can't kill me!

The phoenix is ​​lying on the ground calmly and numb. Go ahead and beat it. It won't die anyway. If you beat it enough, Ling Yun will probably leave. If you give it time, it will be able to break through the seal. It's just a little bit close.

Haha, really? What now? Do you still think I can't kill you?

Ling Yun laughed, and a ball appeared on his right hand!

The fire of merit and karma!

Fuck, you pervert... Phoenix's pupils shrank, his face turned pale, and his back was soaked, as if he had been dragged up from a pool. His whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and his face was dripping with sweat. Falling down

It was beyond description. There was no doubt in Ling Yun's words in its heart. The power contained in the fire gave it endless fear.

I, I surrender and accept you as my master! The Phoenix chose to surrender. It had no choice but to die and it didn't want to die!

Recognize the master?

The phoenix thinks too much!

Don't resist! Ling Yun said after taking back the karma fire. I can't cure you without using some means?

His hand probed the Phoenix's head again, and the latter was trembling, not knowing what Ling Yun was going to do...

Then it became stupid again!

Ling Yun's methods are so shocking that he can capture its soul with his bare hands!

You stay in there, work hard, and do things for me. You will get a lot of benefits, and you will also get a year-end bonus!

After that, he took the lost phoenix into the space!

What do you want it for?

Of course I am a production line worker!

Sissi likes drinking Wangzai milk so much that she has to add an extra manpower, just relying on the Sixth Guardian?

Although he is honest, as an employee of Lingyun, he still will not be harsh on the labor force of the Sixth Guardian. Who can bear the burden of working day and night?

Those machine-produced ones have no soul and are not as delicious as those produced by artificial ones.

The Phoenix who went to Ling Yun's space recalled Ling Yun's words!

its not right?

Isn't it a contracted beast?

It's a mythical beast. It's so majestic when you take it out for a walk!

How did you get here?

And his soul was extracted?


Phoenix vomited blood, Ling Yun said in the simplest language, he was a worker inside!

It also explained what a worker was. After knowing what it was, its eyes darkened and it fainted.

Inside, you need to work six hours a day, with room and board but no food, one day off every seven days, no holidays throughout the year, and a year-end bonus. What's the salary? For the time being, it is said to be a probation period, three thousand and one months.

The most important thing was that Ling Yun told him three times not to drink secretly if he discovered it.

beat! ! !

Three thousand a month?

Phoenix was a little confused. After thinking about it, he was quite happy. Three thousand spiritual stones? It should be the best!

I secretly thought that the treatment was pretty good...

Are these idiots thinking too much? Return the spirit stone? Still top quality? Ling Yun was talking about three thousand Chinese coins! After all, his dad’s salary is not high!

What is the difference between working for Ling Yun in space and working in a sealed place? Phoenix started to complain a little!

Ling Yun rolled his eyes at it, could it be the same?

You will suffer in the sealed land, but working with him is different, an easy production line!

Ling Yun also agreed to let it out on the rest day to see the world and go anywhere.

Phoenix thought about it and thought it was pretty good. After all, he had saved his life. He planned to discuss other conditions after getting acquainted with Ling Yun.


Hades is out.

Is it solved? I feel anxious!

Looking relaxed, I can see the fun, hehe!

Huo Lao and the others began to whisper to each other, and the worried look on their faces just now disappeared without a trace after seeing Ling Yun Spotless come out, and was replaced by an expression of great excitement.

Ahem, don't look at me like that, I'll blush too! Ling Yun said seriously, looking around at everyone...

At this moment, there is a sea of ​​people beside the River Styx. How many people are willing to squeeze in here just to see the grace of Pluto.

Lord Hades...

Lord Hades...

Everyone shouted in unison!

When they saw Ling Yun's handsome face, many girls lost their minds.

They saw the legend today, how could they not be excited? The scene is almost out of control!

Everyone be quiet! Ling Yun shouted, displeased!

So noisy? How to speak?

After hearing this, everyone immediately dared not speak and waited for Ling Yun to speak again.

In the future, the underworld can come out again. I will kill the monsters in the seal.

Ling Yun said with a calm face and a calm heart. His eyes were full of conviction that this was the truth. They could not doubt it. They had never seen the Phoenix anyway.

It was quiet, and there was silence!


Oh my God!

Pluto is so awesome, he has improved his strength after many years. After being quiet, he dances crazily and gets excited.

The seal of the Wangchuan River that has troubled the underworld for countless years has finally been completely solved. The people in the underworld cried with joy and even knelt by the river!

Two meanings!

Kneeling down, Xie Lingyun, if it hadn't been for him, the underworld would never have had its day.

Second kneel, those Immortal Emperors who sacrificed their lives for the seal, let them rest in peace.

Ling Yun said to Mr. Huo: Get ready, I'm going to take back the seal of the underworld. This will take a little longer.

Huo Lao nodded and signaled everyone to disperse...

After a while!

Ling Yun, Huo Lao and others were the only ones left on the entire Wangchuan River. Although those people were reluctant to leave, they also understood that they could not stay any longer and looked reluctant to leave.

Huo Lao and others have a tacit understanding and are escorting Ling Yun!

Ling Yun stood there and closed his eyes. A trace of power slowly leaked out of his body and was seeping into the ground!

Huo Lao said to Shui Lao, Lan Jiajun and others: Start!

After saying that, the aura emanating from each of their bodies formed a formation, and Ling Yun was in the middle. This was proposed by Mr. Huo for the sake of safety, and Ling Yun did not refuse. This process was not dangerous for him.

Lan Wuyue did not participate. She was guarding the surrounding area and could not let anyone get close to it!

A minute later, Ling Yun's power spread out more and more, and Huo Lao and the others swallowed hard!

Are those powers too terrifying? so many? besides?

The continent where the ruins of the gods were destroyed is suppressed by Lingyun's power and is being reorganized.

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