Supreme Daddy

Chapter 676 You Yaozong

The ruins of the gods, that is, the underworld, will reappear in the twelve realms under Ling Yun's control!

This process takes several days and is quite exhausting!

At this moment, there is a person in the underworld, smiling strangely at a crystal!

The picture in the crystal is that of Ling Yun and the others...

His opportunity has come. This is undoubtedly the most vulnerable period for Pluto, and Huo Lao and others have already formed a formation, so he has nothing to fear.

who is he?

A low-key king, You Yaozong!

You Yaozong, the current genius in the underworld, and Lan Wuyue, they are childhood sweethearts, but You Yaozong knows that Lan Wuyue has no intention of him, she only loves Hades!

So he is a poor man, obsessed with love, and hates Hades very much.

As long as his plan succeeds this time, he can rule the underworld and successfully seize the power of Hades!

Looking at the artifact in his hand, he smiled arrogantly again and murmured to himself: Don't let me down.

You Yaozong is also a weapon refiner. He made the artifact in his hand. This is his trump card and what he is most proud of.

The artifact Dark Blade!

As long as it is inserted into Pluto's heart, it can take away his power, transfer it to him, and Pluto will die in pain.

You Yaozong has kept his power secret for so many years, and his strength has been hidden from Huo Lao and the others. It can be said that Huo Lao is no match for him.

He is the master of hundreds of schools and practices the strongest skills in the underworld. These are enough to make others envious. He is really an incredible evildoer.

Except for Ling Yun, he is the strongest person in the underworld. Huang Er, the mad god of the Endless Tower, was also defeated by him, but no one else knew about it.

Thinking about it, he laughed crazily again...

He is waiting... now is not the time, there are still a few days anyway, there is no rush!

Early the next morning.

Spirit world!

The little one woke up tossing and turning. After the past few days of getting up early, her biological clock was still on time. After Long Yanran helped her clean her body, she was practicing the magic fist in a decent manner!

Slowly adapting to it, no crying, no fuss, no noisy looking for Ling Yun, Long Yanran was very satisfied.

And Beibei also learned the second move. Since he had nothing to do anyway, he even played Mahjong and Tai Chi, which made Long Yanran dumbfounded.

Ling Yun had only taught them two moves, so they only practiced for half an hour.

Came here during Rex…

Seeing them practicing martial arts, I turned around and left without looking. Stealing masters in the divine world is a capital crime.

Breakfast is white porridge…

The little guy drank it with gusto!

Little princess, the old minister is here! Nan Shenzun had been waiting outside the palace gate early in the morning. He only spoke when he saw that the little guy had eaten and drank.

They all started to feel shameless and called themselves Laochen.

Oh, it's you... The little guy glanced at this strange old man and thought to himself, why is he here so early? Could it be that he discovered that she had spent the spiritual stone he gave her?

Thinking of this, she immediately blushed and lowered her head.

Nan Shen Zun smiled: Little princess, did you sleep well last night?

Yeah! The little guy scratched his head, feeling more and more strange about the old man.

Nan Shen Zun was very happy. He brushed his long beard and smiled at the little guy.

The little guy is not as shameless as him...

Beibei came over and said, Grandpa, are you here to play games with us?

No, grandpa didn't sleep well last night, so he won't play games with you.


Beibei curled her lips and pulled the little guy away, leaving Shenzun Daonan with a confused look on his face!

Are they also realistic? Ahem! Nan Shen Zun expressed that he was very hurt.

Not leaving?

Do you want to stay and chat with him?

Beibei thought it would be better for them to buckle the mud, as they had nothing in common with these old men!

Nan Shen Zun was so thick-skinned that he followed them all the way without saying anything serious.

Old man!

Long Yanran called him from behind!

Princess, good morning.

Long Yanran responded awkwardly: It's all good!

After saying that, he turned around and followed Sissi and Beibei!

The little one is the slowest in eating breakfast. Little Irene and Ji Wuxue don't know where they went. Unfortunately, only Beibei is waiting for her, and now she is looking everywhere for little Irene and the others.

Long Yanran was surprised, why were they following Qian Qian and not talking? What does this old man want to do?

Aha, here it is! Little Eileen jumped out of the grass, covering her mouth and laughing.


The little guy grabbed little Irene, and those who didn't know thought they were playing hide-and-seek.

Ji Wuxue also saw the sneaky Nan Shen Zun!

Grandpa, why are you here?

Ahem, I was passing by. Nan Shenzun was embarrassed to speak again!

The little guy and Beibei curled their lips and said together: What about lying to children?

Passing by?

Don’t think that they don’t understand because they are young and haven’t read books? They all found out that he was following us all the way!

Long Yanran couldn't hold it any longer and asked, Do you have something to say? But it doesn't matter!

Nan Shen Zun took a deep breath: That's it, I want to take the little princess to the sacred peak, there are some things to deal with!

Take it away privately?

Long Yanran shook her head decisively and refused!


After saying that, she pulled them away and returned to the palace. She still felt unsafe. She couldn't trust this old man. Who knew where he would take Sissi? What will you do? She wouldn't just hand someone over stupidly.

Nan Shen Zun was dumbfounded...

Is his request excessive? Why does the eldest princess look so angry? It was so early in the morning. Could it be that someone who was short-sighted offended her?


Don't let him find out who it is, otherwise...!

The plan he had been thinking about all night was ruined and was unforgivable!

Manager Nan? Hello? You're asleep...ahem!

Mengluo Tianzun was planning to go see the little guy. The daughter of the Supreme God must be seen with his own eyes. Unexpectedly, he passed by and found Nan Shenzun in a daze...

What's the ghost's name... Nan Shenzun came back to his senses and rolled his eyes at him, speaking in an impatient tone.

Oh... I hope you're fine. You scared me so much that I thought you were dead!

Go bastard! Nan Shenzun covered his chest angrily. He must have been angry with him a lot.

Mengluo Tianzun touched his nose, but he was not angry. Instead, he put his arm on Nan Shenzun's shoulder and raised his brows lightly as if he were a good friend: Let's go and meet with me the little princess of our God Realm. After that, Not allowing him to refuse, she dragged him away.

Nan Shen Zun complained secretly, this person is still shameless and thick-skinned!

Long Yanran took them back to the palace, her tense nerves relaxed again, and she was very vigilant and locked the door.

Little Eileen asked curiously: Auntie, why do you need to lock the door? We want to go out to play... She said, standing on tiptoes, planning to open the door...

Long Yanran quickly pulled her back and signaled them to stop talking. There was really something going on outside!

It's broad daylight, why is it closed? Nan Shenzun looked at the closed bedroom door and twitched the corner of his mouth. It was like guarding against thieves. Is it necessary?

Mengluo Tianzun played with a ball in his hand, stared inside, and chuckled: Just shout out, Manager Nan, you have met the little princess several times, do you know what she likes, if you like her, she will definitely come out!

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