Supreme Daddy

Chapter 677 Successful Invasion

Nan Shen Zun's eyes lit up. Why didn't he think of this? It seems that he is really old...

Where did the ball in your hand come from? Why does it feel weird?

I don't know what it is. It's floating outside the shrine. I saw it during my vigil last night. I played with it all night!

Watching Nan Shenzun despise him...

He hurriedly said: No, it's research, research...

As he spoke, he threw the ball aside and muttered: The research has revealed that it is just an ordinary ball!

Nan Shen Zun shook his head, not wanting to talk to him, his mouth was dry!

Little princess, come out quickly, someone is visiting you, there is a gift! The last three words, Nan Shenzun shouted the loudest!

Mengluo Tianzun immediately prepared to put two top-grade spiritual stones in the blessing bag according to Nan Shenzun's request, but they ignored the ball on the ground, which was changing.

The little one heard it all, Zheng Sha Le, have you received another gift?

Aha, Sissi is here! After saying that, she wanted to jump out...

How could Long Yanran let her go out? Maybe it was their conspiracy to trick the little guy into going out, so she was really panicked!

Huh? The little guy scratched his head, wondering why Long Yanran hugged her and refused to let her out.

Auntie, why don't we go out? Beibei asked!

The four little guys all focused their attention on Long Yanran, waiting for her to explain!

Long Yanran couldn't explain why: Qian Qian, if we don't go out, they might be bad old men!

Bad old man? The little guy was dumbfounded. She had seen that old man several times. How could he be a bad old man?

Hmm, if we don't go out, they will definitely catch you! Long Yanran saw the change in the little guy's face, and her words had some effect, so she continued.

Beibei didn't believe it either, pouting: Auntie, are you lying to children?

In her eyes, Nan Shen Zun was a bit strange today. But if he was a bad old man, her handsome uncle would have beaten him to the ground. How could he make him jump?


Long Yanran forgot that the most difficult person to deal with was Beibei. The little guy alone was easy to fool, but now that Beibei was there, little Aileen and Ji Wuxue were also there, and they didn't believe Long Yanran!

Long Yanran was worried!

She said in an aggrieved tone: You go out, don't ask me for Wangzai Milk when you go out, I will go back to Blue Star by myself! At this moment, she had to use her trump card, she didn't believe it, in front of Wangzai Milk, how could they select.

No... Beibei shook her head and replied with a milky voice.

Long Yanran was overjoyed!

Then I heard Beibei say: Stay Wangzai Milk. You can go back to Blue Star by yourself. We have to wait for Shuai Shu.

Vomiting blood!

Long Yanran was so angry that she imitated Ling Yun and beat her up!

Caught Beibei, held her little feet, and spanked her. Although she did nothing wrong, she was making trouble...

Auntie, Beibei doesn't dare anymore... Beibei was instantly frightened. An adult was not here and there was no one to speak for her. She would definitely be spanked!

Good guy!

Quite smart.

Long Yanran did not spank her buttocks, but gently tickled her feet.

Hahaha. Beibei laughed!

Nan Shen Zun and Meng Luo Tian Zun, who had been waiting outside for a long time, were dumbfounded when they heard the laughter but did not see them coming to open the door!

What's the situation? Mengluo Tianzun asked speechlessly. Didn't he say that the little princess would come out if there was a gift? I'm sure I wasn't playing tricks on him.

Ahem, don't look at me, I don't know either. Nan Shenzun's face turned dark, he couldn't think clearly...


A shocking explosion, like thunder, resounded through the sky.

Even that ball just now, I don’t know what it was, released so much power!

Mengluo Tianzun was the closest, and both he and Nan Shenzun were blown away, even though they reacted very quickly!


Real Tema's pain!

This was a feeling Mengluo Tianzun had not experienced for a long time. He propped up his body with one hand, spit out a mouthful of bruises, stood up unsteadily, and glanced at Nanshenzun. This old guy only had Nascent Soul!

Mengluo Tianzun was trembling, he was in trouble, that ball! ! !

Jie Jie...

There was a series of strange laughter, and after the thick smoke dissipated, a group of men in black were in a deep pit outside the palace. The leader was still holding the ball.

They are the Tiandao Planning Army, and the leader is not Su Kuangao, but Liu Ziyi!

Su Kuangao?

They took the explosion as a signal and are now harassing outside the shrine.

The little guy and Beibei were frightened and cried, and their faces were livid because the sound was too loud. Little Aileen and Ji Wuxue's faces were pale, as if they were stunned, and they didn't react.

What Long Yanran was most worried about happened. She used up her true energy to barely block the aftermath, thanks to the solid palace door, even though it was broken.

She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and hugged them instead of letting them see it!

Don't cry, don't cry, you can drink Wangzai milk tonight!

Huh, is Aunt Long real? the little guy asked, rubbing his eyes!

Long Yanran smiled inwardly, the little guy was really easy to fool: Really, Auntie won't lie to you!

Beibei stopped crying. She blinked. She still felt that what she said was wrong. She also thought that it was not important. Forget it, just drink some.

You? You traitors, stop being crazy! Tianzun Mengluo swallowed a pill and jumped to the front of the palace. Facing this group of Tiandao planning troops, he showed no weakness.

Boy, hold on, I'm going to call someone! Nan Shen Zun's floating Nascent Soul sounded very angry, and then he flew into the air and shouted: Here, help! Here, here, see Everyone, come here!

Meng Luo Tianzun patted his head, was Manager Nan stunned? Can you be more serious and not see the situation?

There was such a big movement, and none of the divine guards came, so they must have been caught.

So many people? He has no idea!

Jie Jie, I didn't expect that your immortal body was not destroyed by the explosion. Liu Ziyi was a little surprised, but immediately calmed down. Their plans were so tight, what should they be afraid of!

This time, we will definitely catch that little kid!

Maybe he could become famous in the Twelve Realms and the Divine Palace? It was ridiculous for them to successfully invade like this!

Humph, you know how to do these little tricks. What kind of skills do you have?

Mengluo Tianzun spat, his face full of contempt. He pretended to be calm, stalling for time, waiting for support.

Looking Liu Ziyi up and down, he found that he was very strong. He was injured now and was no match. Plus there were many of them, and he had to protect the little princess and the others. It was very difficult for him alone.

He couldn't figure it out. What was so important? Is it a shrine or a little princess? Are all the divine guards stupid?

Rex is not stupid, he is just trapped and unable to escape, and he is very anxious. If something happens to the little princess, he can only kill himself to apologize.

It's just a little trick, at least we killed one of them! Liu Ziyi said proudly, his dark eyes scanning the palace.

If he was told that they killed Nan Shen Zun, who knows what would happen?

It is impossible not to brag to everyone!

(Happy May Day! Do you have any requests for additional or explosive updates?)

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