Supreme Daddy

Chapter 679 The group is destroyed (explosive update)

Everyone was shocked...

I don’t understand what the afterimage of the emperor means by stretching out a hand?

Soon they will understand!


The air in the entire shrine was very cold, and an ice sword slowly froze in the air. As soon as the sword was completed, it started to be played under its command!

The little guy clapped his hands and applauded happily, and kept saying from the corner of his mouth: Papa is so good, Sissi must learn from it. After saying this, he waved his little hands in the air blindly.

Everyone can hear clearly!

Is this little baby the daughter of the Supreme Lord?

What interrupted their thoughts was the terrifying sound of the sword energy, swish, swish, swish... layers of snow-white sword energy formed in response to the sky, and the ice sword was no longer one, but two for life. , two give birth to three, three give birth to infinite!

Facing such a large sword formation, the Tiandao Plan Army regretted showing off. If they had chosen to escape just now, they might still be able to escape, but now? It’s hard to say!

Is the afterimage of the emperor planning to use his ultimate move?

With the combined strength of everyone, they also have the confidence to compete with the sword array, but whether the consequences will be serious and both sides may suffer, I don't know if I haven't tried it.

The sword rain from the sky is about to fall!

I only heard a voice: Three thousand galaxies, dazzling the human world.

In an instant!

The snow-white light in the sky was extremely dazzling, flashing across the sky. This scene made many masters in the lower world frown!

Countless ice swords, carrying terrifying sword energy, fell straight to the ground of the palace and instantly surrounded the Tiandao Plan Army.

Dozens of screams…

The little one covered her ears, closed her eyes, and let Long Yanran hold her. Little Aileen and Ji Wuxue had hot faces. What kind of sword skills are these? So excellent?

The sword formation was so lethal that the temporary guard of the Tiandao Plan Army did not resist for long. Broken corpses and remains were everywhere, and the air was filled with a heavy smell of blood.

Seeing that all their people were killed by the Emperor's afterimage, Liu Ziyi trembled all over, even holding the ball, he felt like running away.

Helpless...he can't escape!

Dongshenzun and the others are here, how can they escape? It was too late to use the ball.

Thieves, surrender! Dong Shenzun saw that this place was so severely damaged, and his eyes flashed with anger.

The cold-blooded Tianzun couldn't help but swallow his saliva when he saw the emperor's afterimage. Is it really an afterimage? Why does it give him such a scary feeling?

North God Lord directly gave Liu Ziyi a sword in anger, and they all saw the miserable state of South God Lord. After all, they are all brothers, so what can I do if I don't express myself.

Liu Ziyi tried his best to calm down, the worst he could do was die.


He must die with value, so he stared at the little guy with gloomy eyes!

This master doesn’t need to think too much. The emperor’s afterimage’s pupils shrank...

Everyone was shocked!

The afterimage of the emperor was shattered. Time and power were exhausted, and he retired after success.

The little guy opened his eyes and suddenly said, Daddy, daddy, Aunt Long, my daddy is missing!

Long Yanran's face turned dark, and he explained to her again. The little guy laughed and touched his head, feeling stupid.

But Liu Ziyi giggled and smiled, but he couldn't laugh anymore!

Damn divine light!

Breaking, breaking, breaking...

Countless bloody lights shot out from his body, and his struggling body was riddled with holes. After his death, the ball mysteriously disappeared.

Everyone present gasped, divine light? There are actually blood red ones? It was really the first time they saw it!

Aunt Long, are they all gone? The little guy covered his eyes and didn't dare to open them.

Mengluo Tianzun and all of them looked at each other and had a tacit understanding to clean up the mess.

Okay, they won't dare to come anymore! Long Yanran replied!

The few surviving members of the Tiandao Plan Army have lost their will to fight and are seriously injured. They have been trapped by General Zhennan in his magic weapon.

The little guy opened his eyes again, and the secret passage had indeed not lied to her. The surroundings were empty, and the people who looked so menacing just now were gone.

It seemed like they were injured, covered in blood. Others just slept on the floor. How did they get away? The little guy thought stupidly.

Dong Shen Zun and his group of five people, Cold-blooded Tian Zun, Zhennan General, North God Zun, and West God Zun came to the little guy and saluted!

Princess, do you still have the afterimage of the emperor? Dong Shenzun asked. If he takes out the afterimage of the emperor during the battle with Dugu Yida, it can be said to be of great use.

No more! Long Yanran was embarrassed by the sight of them.

Dong Shen Zun and the others were dejected upon hearing this!

You shouldn't have brought it out just now. This is a trump card. Beishenzun muttered dissatisfied.

This guy was slapped on the head by the God of the West on the spot. Is this the tone of a minister?

Long Yanran didn't think she did a good job. At least they were all safe at the moment. Sure enough, the twelve regions were all dangerous, but I just didn't understand why they were trying to catch Qian Qian?

Could it be that Xixi is really the reincarnation of Tang Monk?

Dong Shen Zun and the others have already learned the cause and effect from Nan Shen Zun Yuanying.

Meng Luo, tell me, how should you be punished? Beishenzun shook his head, looking like he hated iron. He was no longer a child, so why were he curious about the ball?

Mengluo Tianzun did not deny what he did!

Kneeling on the ground, he replied: Please, Manager Dong, punish me! Mengluo is willing to bear all the consequences.

It's his fault. Not to mention the Southern God, the most terrifying thing is the little princess. If the emperor knows about it, the consequences will be serious!

Furthermore, they also lost an afterimage of their ace card, the Emperor, and it was all on his head!

Dongshenzun sighed, the rules are the rules, even though the cold-blooded Tianzun and the general spoke for him!

It was all designed by the enemy, so we cannot put all the blame on Monroe.

Dongshenzun shook his head, can't you see? He is protecting Mengluo Tianzun.

If he waits for the emperor's punishment, Mengluo Tianzun will most likely die. Even if the emperor is usually gentle and gentle, once he comes into contact with the little princess, he will be the incarnation of the devil. For example, last time in the Endless Sea, it was because of little Irene's incident. , the emperor was angry once.

Little Irene is the emperor's recognized sister, and the little princess is the emperor's daughter. Who is more important than the other? The answer is obvious.

Lord Dongshen doesn't want to punish Meng Luo. Now it's time to employ people. He has no choice. If he doesn't punish him, it will be difficult to explain to the public.

This incident injured five or six of the divine guards, and Rex was slightly injured due to poisoning.

The palace was destroyed again. To be honest, if Mengluo Tianzun hadn't brought the ball in, how could the enemy invade the palace? It's really a shame to the Supreme Lord.

In this way, Mengluo Tianzun was imprisoned by General Zhennan as a magic weapon. He returned to Shenfeng to punish him accordingly. Most people really can't stand the torture in the divine world.


Before he was imprisoned, he said sorry to the little one and, as their first meeting, gave her the lucky bag from before.

The little guy doesn't know what's going on, why is the atmosphere so dull? Regardless, she happily put it away, secretly getting two more!

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