Supreme Daddy

Chapter 680 Little Master (Breaking Update)

Mengluo Tianzun had no idea that his actions at this moment had successfully attracted the attention of the little guy. When Ling Yun investigated him in the future, the little guy said a lot of good things, and he felt that he had received a talisman.

Beibei also took back the gourd. No one noticed the Sixth Guardian, otherwise they would have been asking questions here and there.

Little Irene curled her lips and said, The baby hasn't even taken any action yet. He can breathe fire!

Beibei comforted: There will be opportunities in the future.

Long Yanran almost fell down when she heard this. The fastest runner just now was her little Aileen. She was the one who suggested running when they were in the dormitory.

Any chance?

Again? I'm scared even if I'm not sick!

I have used my best trump card. I have to be more careful in the future. I pray in my heart that Ling Yun will come back soon.

Little princess, are you interested in becoming the master of the divine world? Dong Shenzun looked at the little guy with a smile on his face. He always speaks straightforwardly and doesn't like to beat around the bush.

Grandpa? What is a master? The little guy scratched his head. He looked so cute. Several generals and Tianzun wanted to come forward and hug her, but they could only think about it. They didn't dare to do that. Their status was too noble.

Old minister is the biggest steward, little princess... The master is that you are the biggest in the God Realm, whatever you say is what you say...

Afterwards, Dongshenzun explained a lot of benefits to her, and the little guy's eyes were burning, and he seemed to find it fun.

Dongshenzun and the others were extremely happy, look at the little guy like that, there should be something fun!

Beibei's eyes rolled around, and he pulled her and began to mutter. She was very smart, and the muttering language was English, which they couldn't understand.

a while

The little guy shook his head and said, Grandpa Dong is in charge, Sissi doesn't want to do it. The children's daily task is to play, so we don't have time.

While talking, she acted very embarrassed. After filming a few scenes, she certainly knew how to act.

Dongshenzun never thought that this would happen. He was communicating with other people's consciousness for a while...

Lengxue, what did the eldest princess and the little princess just say? Why can't we understand?

The cold-blooded Heavenly Lord responded with his spiritual consciousness: I don't understand either, but I think they think being a Realm Master is not interesting.

Do you have a different opinion? Dongshenzun stroked his temple with a headache...


Others shook their heads. They didn't understand the princess at all, and they didn't know the cause of the disease? How to take medicine?

The little guy was a little anxious, thinking why didn't he ask her? Just coax her and she will agree! so stupid…

Her mouth is pouted high!

Lord Xi took a step forward, first praised her for her cuteness, and then said: Little princess, as long as you are the master for a few days, we old men will agree to a condition for you, what do you think? It's very rare!

The tone is full of temptation, as if to say, if you refuse, it will be your loss. After passing this village, there will be no such store.

When the little guy and Beibei heard this, they felt happy. This was what they wanted to do just now, but they didn't expect that they actually proposed it!

Ah ha... the little guy giggled...

Beibei said: Haha, this is so embarrassing. After saying that, he scratched his head and didn't look embarrassed at all!

Long Yanran finally understood and turned around to chuckle!

You guys, don't lie to the children. The little one nodded in a sweet voice. The breeze blew and her little dress swayed, which was really cute and charming!

The two of them have not forgotten what Ling Yun said, they still have a small mission!

The Tianzhu Bead is a treasure. If it is a treasure, you must get it. Let them agree first. When Ling Yun arrives, they will have enough confidence to ask for it!

Not giving?

Not even giving it what you said? That is lying to children, and the consequences will be very serious... Huh!

Did you agree? Xi Shenzun asked excitedly!

Dongshenzun also felt that it was too sudden, but he couldn't find anything!

Yeah, let's do Gou Gou! The little guy innocently stretched out a little finger!

Ha ha!

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Dong Shenzun said: Don't worry, how could the veterans deceive you! After that, he still flirted with her!

The little guy said in a sweet voice: Hang yourself with a hook, and you won't be allowed to change for a hundred years!

Long Yanran suppressed a smile. She said it would only be a few days, but a hundred years?

Beibela stopped the little guy and said to them: You guys go...

Everyone is dumbfounded, let’s go? Confused, what is she trying to express?

Dong Shenzun was puzzled and asked: It is the little princess who should come with us. To be the master, you must be familiar with the divine peak.

Beibei became angry: You are lying to children!

The cold-blooded Heavenly Lord said: I'm not lying. You don't even ask. This is the business of the Supreme Lord. You must do it as the master.

Beibei shook his head and explained: You just said that the master is the greatest and can do whatever he says?

My sister and I are going to play...

Faced with Beibei's confident words, they were speechless and unable to refute.

Ahem, little princess, we have to be honest and can't be like this! Right? Dongshenzun thinks that the little guy doesn't understand and is easy to talk to. Beibei is too smart to be easily deceived!

The little guy touched his forehead and it seemed like oh!

Okay then, Sissi will go play with you. ... The little guy nodded. They were bored anyway, and maybe they could play everywhere again.

The gods and the others were naturally happy that they had finally managed to deal with her. Their worries these days were gone, and they felt happy.

Long Yanran's mouth twitched, and she suddenly became worried when she heard that the ruler was similar to the female emperor of Blue Star in ancient times!

At the same time, I’m also angry. Why are these old men and these people so thick-skinned?

Isn't it embarrassing to let a child who is less than three years old take the position? Will your conscience not hurt?

Long Yanran decided to complain when Ling Yun came back, but he actually bullied them!

Little Eileen didn't speak during the whole process. She met Beishenzun twice!

At this moment, she was looking at him dryly, which made the latter feel scared.

Why does this kid keep looking at him? Beishenzun thought about it for a long time but didn't think of it.

Princess Eileen, is there something wrong with my face?

No! Little Eileen shook her head.

Then what do you want to see me do?

The baby misses his mother. He wants to...want to go back and see her! Little Eileen's voice became softer and softer as she spoke, looking a little aggrieved.

The little guy walked over and touched little Irene: My daddy hasn't come back.

This kid is so innocent!

Little Eileen shook her head. She didn't necessarily need her brother's black hole to go back. The North God Lord in front of them knew where her home was.

So she stared at her acquaintance Beishen Zun!

Beishenzun asked uncertainly: Do you really want to go back?


The Endless Sea seems to be uneasy, and he doesn't know if it's been implicated by the God Realm. He hasn't been concerned about this recently.

Dugu Yidao probably had no ambitions towards Endless Sea. After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed to Xiao Eileen and send her back in person.

The little guy was not very willing and looked unhappy, but when she thought of the princess...she wiped her eyes, nodded vigorously, and made an explanation before leaving like a little adult.

(I have the intention to update ten times...but my strength does not allow it. I originally wanted to update one more...)

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