Supreme Daddy

Chapter 681 Divine Peak

For example, tell her not to be naughty...

Long Yanran's face turned dark when she heard that. The little guy himself is a bad example, so he still teaches? It really made her dumbfounded.

Another example is asking her to get up early every day and don’t forget to practice Shenquan...

Finally, the little guy and Beibei pulled her aside and gave her all the Ling's Dairy milk powder they had on hand. The latter was so happy that she laughed for a long time!

She smiled so happily. She just went back to see the princess, and she planned to come back in just one day. It was so close anyway, who knew her sister would give so many cans of milk powder!

The most important thing is that she can't bear to part with the Wangzai milk in Long Yanran's hand, and the endless sea is so boring, she might as well play games with Ji Wuxue who doesn't like to talk.

The little guy and Beibei don't even know where the Endless Sea is. Without Lingyun's black hole shuttle, they won't be able to see each other after they go there.

She also mysteriously gave ten gold coins to little Irene, saying that she had shared the stolen goods before and that the little guy had enriched his own pocket. She only had ten gold coins on her.

Of course little Eileen accepted it happily.

Everything was explained, and little Irene set off with Beishen Zun. The little guy, Beibei, and Ji Wuxue rubbed their eyes and watched them go away.

Beishenzun felt uneasy because he was worried that the princess would ask him why her daughter was still the same age when the emperor took her away after one year.

He doesn't understand this question either. I'm afraid only the emperor knows the reason, Beishenzun thought in his heart.

Little princess, should we go? Dongshenzun was also anxious. He had to announce this happy event to others when he returned to the divine peak, and he would also announce it to the God Realm another day.

The little guy only spoke after Long Yanran nodded, but she couldn't make the decision: Yeah!

Old Xi, you stay, remember to tell the divine guards, and I will leave the task of repairing the palace to you. There is also another matter here, which is to reactivate the portal leading to the divine peak.

Dongshenzun looked around and ordered with a sad look on his face!

Xishenzun had no objections, so Peipianpidian did as he was told. Finally, he was allowed to activate the portal, which was much more convenient.

Immediately, Dongshenzun and the others summoned six or seven white Pegasus, followed by a small palace. The little guy liked it and was chirping all the time.

Grandpa Dongguanshi, is this the white dragon horse? the little guy pointed at the Pegasus and asked curiously.

Long Yanran was so funny that she explained to her that this was not Journey to the West!

White dragon horse? Dong Shenzun didn't know what it was and shook his head: No, it's just an ordinary horse in the God Realm, which is born to be able to walk in the air.

Pegasus seemed to be very intelligent and rolled his eyes at them. From the look in his eyes, it was clear that he was mocking their ignorance and glaring at them.

Beibei slapped the horse's head angrily: Look at me again? Look at me again? If you look at me again, I will sell you!

Pegasus' eyes just looked unconcerned and dismissive?


You little kid, you little one, no matter what you say, they are the most luxurious cars in Shenfeng!

Beibei's eyes rolled around: Grandpa Dong, steward, they are disobedient, can they be sold?

As soon as these words came out!

Pegasus rolled his eyes at Beibei a few more times!

Dongshenzun smiled and replied: Princess, as long as you like it, you can kill them!

Haha, stupid donkey! Beibei covered her mouth in a fit of laughter! As if to say, actually laughing at us? I'll sell you to see if you know how to be afraid.

Long Yanran's expression turned ugly, this was Pegasus! Not a donkey! !

Pegasus was secretly frightened, how could their owner be willing to vomit blood!

If I had known earlier, I would have kept a lower profile. What a look.

Who knew this kid was so big.

Did you hear that? You have to listen to us from now on. Beibei touched her horse's head. The hair was so soft that she couldn't put it down.

Hearing this, Tianma was overjoyed that there was still hope, and quickly nodded, touching their skirts affectionately.

Aha... the little guy responded with a smile...

It was not far from the divine peak. In order to show the noble status of the little princess, Dongshenzun strongly requested that they ride on the Pegasus.

After the imagination...

The little guy was tired and fell asleep on the palace pulled by the Pegasus. The little guy always had a bad habit of sucking his little finger.

Long Yanran helped her take it away every time. Three seconds later, she frowned and sucked it in again without opening her eyes.

Dongshenzun and the others were escorting us with all their strength. Their lineup was very strong. They passed through many towns along the way, which was surprising! It can be said to be a rare sight in ten thousand years!

Who is inside?

The steward, general, and Tianzun will escort you together?

Those questioning glances from the lower world were not withdrawn until the Pegasus flew far away.

On the divine peak!

Dongshenzun knew that the little princess had gone to sleep and did not wake her up. He also knew that she was tired. I heard she was only a few years old, but he didn't think there was any problem.

Some races are one hundred years old, some are one thousand years old, such as some dragon races, and there are all kinds of strange things in the twelve realms. As a god, I have seen a lot.

So they let the little guy be the god, and their conscience doesn't hurt at all!

The Pegasus stayed under the divine peak, surrounded by the main personnel of the God Realm. They had been notified early and wanted to come out to greet him!

The little guy didn't wake up. They were all waiting and no one complained. What happened in the shrine was just heard from the West God Lord.

While the little guy was sleeping, Dongshenzun said doubtfully: Have you noticed that there is a little girl who doesn't like to make a sound? Why does it look so familiar to me?

The cold-blooded Tianzun laughed softly and said: Maybe she is also the daughter of the Emperor. I also feel familiar, as if I have seen her somewhere. After speaking, he touched his chin and thought hard.

Another Heavenly Lord, Infinite Heavenly Lord, said: I thought you all knew it. After saying this, he smiled meaningfully.

Oh? Dong Shenzun frowned and seemed to be thinking, where is it?

After a while!

He, Lengxue Tianzun and a Zhenbei general all shook their heads, it was really unexpected.

The Infinite Heavenly Lord didn't show off any more: Twin Emperors!

The Twin Emperors!

These four words shocked them all at once, making them immediately think of Ji Wuxue's identity.

Oh my God!

Is it possible?

The twins of the Twin Emperors are well known to everyone in the twelve regions.

The question is, hasn't Ji Wushuang's cultivation recovered? Two years have passed, so Ji Wuxue should no longer be a baby, but a graceful empress.

Dongshenzun shook his head and asked in disbelief: Do they look alike?

Infinite Heavenly Lord smiled again: I don't think so!

General Zhenbei asked: Why?

Infinite Heavenly Lord gave the example of little Eileen, and they understood it instantly!

If you want to know the specific reason, you can only ask the Supreme Lord, but they dare not speak, maybe it is a secret?

The idea also hit the little guy, asked her? After thinking about it, she probably didn't understand and could only focus on Long Yanran!

As their elder, Long Yanran must know, so Dongshenzun and the others were thinking of making excuses.

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