Supreme Daddy

Chapter 694 Take action (second update)

Yes, we are the same master. As for who it is, I'm sorry. I don't dare to mention the name of the master without permission. Lord Leng cast an apologetic look.

With Brother Leng's cultivation, your mentor must not be simple, haha. Dugu Yida waved his hand indifferently.

Demon Lord Leng chuckled: Let's not talk about this anymore. We, the demon clan, are on the same level as you, as well as forces from other places, and we can take over the God Realm in one fell swoop. It's just around the corner.

Do it first as a courtesy!

Ha, by the way, what is the origin of the Tiandao Plan Army, a force that has recently emerged? Demon Lord Leng was very curious. This is what he has heard the most today.

From the news they found out, the Tiandao Planning Army was making big moves. He once suspected that they were targeting the God Realm just like them.

I heard that a kid was wanted with all their strength. This is so ridiculous. I guess they just deceived some ignorant people. Dugu Yidao was extremely contemptuous, with a flash of disdain in his eyes.

Okay, as long as there is no conflict with our interests, we will join forces with Munan tomorrow and kill them by surprise.

After finishing speaking, Demon Lord Leng stood up, looked at the sky, and smiled sinisterly...

Today's God Realm can be said to have suffered heavy casualties, falling directly into Lord Leng's trap, a terrifying formation.

The heavenly soldiers led by Maple Leaf Tianzun were directly sent to death. In the end, he rushed out of the formation and killed the famous Immortal Emperor, one of the members of Dugu Yidao formation while being seriously injured. He was pinched to death by the men in black robes. His death was worth it. At least he saved one. Padded.

In the realm of gods!

The city closest to the gate of the God Realm, Haotian City, all the people in this city have moved away, and only the heavenly soldiers are left.

In the Shenfeng camp...

Dongshenzun, Tianzun, and the generals are all discussing tomorrow's war.

They were all filled with grief and indignation over Maple Leaf Tianzun's tragic death.

Lord Bai Shen was so angry that he threatened to rush over now.

This suggestion immediately received support from many militants.

You all calm down. Now you can beat that black-robed man in the past, not to mention their formations? Dong Shenzun looked solemn. He had to admit that the black-robed man was very powerful, although he was sure Defeat the man in black robe, but not in a moment, plus Dugu Yida is here!

He and Dugu Yidao are equally powerful, so they are particularly difficult to deal with.

Beishenzun said calmly: Not only him, but also Munan. He may cause trouble. Tomorrow I suggest we only defend but not attack. Let's defend the Shenfeng together.

Xi Shenzun disagreed: No, this is equivalent to giving up the divine world, you can't do this.

Bai Shenzun said: I also agree to defend. As for here, we let Ye Guhong, the general of Zhennan, wait for the guard. This is not giving up.

Dongshenzun agreed...

Munan is a big problem. He is afraid that he will suddenly attack the divine peak. The cold-blooded Tianzun has been sent by him to attack Huanglong. There is no news at the moment.

In the end, it was decided to keep the two generals, and everyone else returned to the divine peak. Anyway, it was very convenient for them to come here. They could just go straight to Shattered Void. If anything happened, they would still come with one or two to support them, although Shattered Void would greatly deplete their vitality.

The Tiandao Planning Army is in the dense forest under the shrine, and they are also gathering!

Su Kuangao counted, more than thirty people? A little less!

It was all their fault that they had underestimated the enemy before and had Liu Ziyi and the others killed. Because no one from the Tiandao Plan Army that invaded last time was alive, so they didn't know that Liu Ziyi and the others were killed by the Emperor's residual shadow.

They didn't know that the little guy was no longer in the shrine, and they only regarded it as a cover for the gods' arrogant use of Pegasus before.

We will attack the shrine again later, remember to follow the arrangements. Su Kuangao said without changing his expression.

Ye Sheng was a little scared, secretly wondering if Liu Ziyi and the others would die in the hands of heaven?

At that time, they all saw the white light breaking through the sky on the shrine. The sky at that time seemed a little abnormal.

This night!

The divine palace was invaded again, and the divine guards resisted desperately. Eight divine guards fought with more than thirty Tiandao Plan troops. The result was unfortunate. When other divine guards arrived for rescue, it was so miserable that only two were left, and they were still seriously injured. Tiandao Plan The army also suffered a heavy blow, with more than ten people dead.

Rex was not in the Shrine. He had been secretly protecting the little guy through the teleportation array of the Shrine. When he heard the news, he felt sad.

Dongshenzun and the others are no longer calm. Enemies seem to be everywhere. The palace is the residence of Taishenzun, and it is a great shame to be invaded twice.

Rex looked at the shrine in a mess, holding back his anger, and finally ordered that all the divine guards should not worry about the lower realm, and let each city lord handle it on their own.

At the same time, the divine guards scattered throughout the divine world were recalled, a total of forty-four, to guard the palace.

The Tiandao Plan Army failed again, and they were quite angry. There was no sign of the little guy in the shrine, so she was the god peak?

Su Kuangao stared at the divine peak in the distance, and an extremely eerie Jie Jie sound made everyone's scalp numb.


Ling Yun was still reorganizing the Nether Realm, and it was at the most important moment, but there was a hint of paleness on his face, indicating that he had used too much power.

As for the outside world, a group of immortal emperors who came to explore the ruins of the gods saw their scalps numb and cold sweat breaking out when they saw all this!

My heart is extremely shocked, what kind of power is this?

Lan Wuyue kept walking back and forth, why was she so restless?

You Yaozong walked over with a smile on his face and said to Lan Wuyue: Wuyue, congratulations!

Lan Wuyue was confused and instinctively said thank you!

What puzzled her the most was, why didn't You Yaozong come alone? How many people did you bring with you?

Brother Zong, you? Why are you here? Lan Wuyue seemed a little unhappy.

Do it! You Yaozong said coldly, his eyes suddenly turned sinister.

Take action?

What's the meaning?

The innocent Lan Wuyue was imprisoned by several immortal emperors behind You Yaozong without even thinking about it.

Lan Wuyue immediately realized something was wrong and shouted, Dad!

Lan Jiajun and Huo Lao all saw it clearly, and then their expressions changed drastically. The group of people were helpless. They never thought that the person coming would be him? You Yaozong? What is he going to do?

What about the rest? What about the other people in the upper echelons of the underworld? Didn't you notice he came in?

other people? To be precise, they were all attacked by You Yaozong who suddenly appeared, and they were unconscious at the moment!

Ha! You Yaozong smiled, victory was right in front of him!

You Yaozong, you kid, get out of here quickly. I'll pretend that nothing happened. Huo Lao became angry. At this moment, he had already guessed You Yaozong's plan.

Huh? You Yaozong smiled again, looking at them with furtive eyes, as if he were looking at prisoners!

Then he pressed one hand on their guarding formation!


Under the terrifying force, the formation directly shattered, and then the excess power and the formation power of Huo Lao's people came back. They were seriously injured and lay on the ground one by one, unable to stand up for a while.


You Yaozong ignored them, took out the Dark Blade, and with extremely fast movement, he aimed at Ling Yun, who was standing in the center, and stabbed him in the heart!


Lan Wuyue shouted wildly.

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