Supreme Daddy

Chapter 695 Seeking Death (Third Update)

Ling Yun sensed it, but had no choice but to let You Yaozong insert the knife into his heart.

To his surprise, he was actually injured!


That knife is unusual!

Immediately, the corners of his mouth began to bleed, and he covered his heart in pain. His face turned deathly pale, but he laughed at himself. As he half-knelt down, the reorganization of the underworld stopped.

Haha, Pluto, go to hell! You Yaozong looked up to the sky and laughed, his plot was successful!

Ling Yun didn't speak and kept sneering...

Do you find that your power is losing at this moment?


You bastard, do you know how much I hate you?

You brought this on yourself...

Why, you didn't die during the battle of the gods, why did you survive?

You Yaozong kept roaring, his eyes were bloodshot, and he became more and more excited as he spoke, like a madman.

Ling Yun stood up, pulled out the Dark Blade, and said, The knife is good. Tell me your last words, kid. After saying that, he kept sneering, but his eyes were terrifyingly black, like an abyss.

Shui Lao saw it and shivered directly. Didn't he see this look himself during the War of the Gods?

You Yaozong swallowed his saliva, how panicked he was. How could there be a secret passage? The Dark Blade was ineffective? What about taking the power of Hades as promised?

What look is this?

Impossible, you die.

The more You Yaozong panicked, the angrier he became. A knife appeared in his right hand, and it was another divine weapon!

Immediately, without sparing any effort, his whole body was spinning with true energy, he held the knife and cut off half of Ling Yun's body with one blow.

The terrifying Dao Gang not only split Ling Yun in half, but also split the Wangchuan River behind Ling Yun into a avenue.

Seeing this scene, Huo Lao's face turned ashen. This was the intention of the sword. Unexpectedly, You Yaozong understood the most profound intention of the sword. He was truly a genius.

No! Lan Wuyue shouted again. The power of this sword was too powerful. She was afraid that Pluto would die in the hands of You Yaozong.

Huo Lao and others were filled with anger and stood up despite their serious injuries. However, how could the immortal emperors next to them allow them to knock them down with a palm.


Their eyes were filled with resentment as they fell. Will Pluto be implicated in the end?

Lan Wuyue seemed to be stunned, hugging her legs, cowering and crying bitterly. She didn't understand, why was this?

You Yaozong looked up to the sky and laughed, his dark hair instantly turned to silver, and the silver hair danced in the wind, coupled with his evil bloody eyes, it really made their scalps tingle.

Sir, please stop laughing... An Immortal Emperor was terrified, looking at Ling Yun's repairing body on the ground, trembling all the time.

An idea flashed through his mind, Pluto is immortal. That was what a senior immortal emperor who had studied Pluto's deeds all his life said to him. He chuckled at that time and did not take it seriously.

At the same time, they all took a few steps back and took a breath of air.

A shocking scene appeared. Ling Yun's body was filled with thunder and lightning. After a moment, a brand new body appeared in front of You Yaozong.

Huo Lao and the others finally saw how terrible Pluto was, and they felt secretly happy.

You Yaozong's eyes widened, his face was dripping with sweat and he didn't wipe it off, and the knife he held in his hand kept shaking.

Ah, why!

Even this can't kill Pluto, and he himself is beginning to despair.

Crazy You Yaozong slashed at Ling Yun, but this time Ling Yun couldn't help him. All his swords passed through Ling Yun's body, as if cutting into the air.

There were sounds of chopping on water, chopping on rocks, and chopping sounds on thunder and lightning. Ling Yun's body was constantly changing.

There were looks of shock on all the faces present.

Why, why, why? You Yaozong slashed wildly and yelled crazily.

Why? I want to know too, haha, your last words are very interesting.

You wasted my time, so...

Ling Yun's pupils were so big that he couldn't even finish his words.

Oh no…

You Yaozong painfully slapped Ling Yun's void body, but it couldn't be photographed at all!

At this moment, Ling Yun's first demonic form was holding his throat with one hand.

And he felt severe pain all over his body, his internal organs were being destroyed, and his strength was as weak as a chicken in front of Pluto.

You Yaozong's face was full of fear and disbelief, his head was covered with sweat, and his face was red from being strangled. You must know that he was the person who defeated the mad god Huang Erling and was ranked in front of the Immortal Dao. How could he be in such a mess at this moment? ? He couldn't even resist, and let Pluto hold him in his hands!

You Yaozong looked into Ling Yun's eyes, what kind of eyes were they? They look like two black holes, filled with endless fear.

He is not the only one who is afraid!

Everyone in Huo Lao was also trembling. Who is Hades at this moment? His whole body was surrounded by steaming black energy, and terrifying blood-red lines were wandering around him. The murderous aura like the sea was targeting You Yaozong's accomplices!

Have mercy, Lord Pluto. This was all planned by You Yaozong, and we were all forced to do so!

Lord Pluto, my subordinates are loyal to you.

Let me go, I won't dare to do it next time... no... ahem...


After several screams of pain, the words of the accomplices did not move Ling Yun, so their bodies were directly destroyed by the power of Ling Yun's rage. The second before death, they seemed to have experienced all the pain in their lives.

For the first time, Lan Wuyue felt that Pluto was terrifying. Is this his secondary personality? She kept asking herself, how to describe the look in Pluto's eyes at this moment? Those eyes were cold and ruthless, with a look that would kill the world.

Ahem... You Yaozong couldn't speak anymore. He kept coughing, but he couldn't cough out... All that was left in his body was struggling, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

Ling Yun smiled softly. He liked this cat-killing-mouse game.


It should be a game of elephant stepping on ants...

In You Yaozong's eyes, this smile was a mockery of his behavior, his ignorance, his stupidity, and his weakness as an ant.

Ling Yun's hand that strangled You Yaozong's throat gathered a terrifying force. Just a trace of power was enough to cause the void to split open in an instant.

Go to the endless darkness of the star field and die completely!

Ling Yun thought about it, if he used this move to kill You Yaozong here, the underworld would definitely not be able to withstand the power he released.

A black hole enveloped half of You Yaozong and Ling Yun's arms!


Even though this move released an explosion in the star field on the other side of the black hole, it was clearly heard in the underworld. The terrifying power exploded countless cracks in the void at the edge of the black hole, like glass fragments, with a crushing bang. ring.

At a certain position in the star field, a large area of ​​light exploded around the black hole, and the universe exploded. For a moment, there was a roar of explosions, and the air exploded into broken flames, which fell one after another towards the surrounding planets.

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