"You also want to grab the sacred stone in my hand?"

Zhao Yi glanced at the other two dull-eyed rock grabbing miners, looking at them with dark eyes, scaring them all over.

That kind of look, as if traveling from hell, just looking at each other, there is an indescribable fear.

"Big brother. I...we were wrong, no more the **** stone. No more!"

The remaining two seizure miners didn't have that good face. They trembled all over, and quickly took out the sacred stone from their bodies and handed them to Zhao Yi.

"Big Brother. There are just so many sacred stones on our body, you sir, regardless of the villain, let us go."

The seizing stone miner also knew that he had a hard time today, and he quickly prayed for Zhao Yi to let it go.

A joke, Zhao Yi directly injured their companions and comatose with just one move. If you confront him, you won't have enough lives!

Zhao Yi glanced at the number of sacred stones, but there were only twenty or thirty, and his brow wrinkled.

"Brother, there are only so many sacred stones on us, really no more!"

Seeing Zhao Yi's brow furrowed, the seizing stone miner immediately trembled. They yelled and took out their empty pockets to prove their innocence.

"It's okay not to pay the **** stone, but the next question is answered wrong..."

As Zhao Yi said, a divine stone was only crushed in an instant under his terrifying strength. Pure divine power, madness escaped from it, disappearing into the air.

"Brother, you say! We will tell you what we know!"

The hearts of the two quarrying stone miners trembled fiercely, naturally they knew what Zhao Yi meant.

"You guys, have seen this girl. Think about it before answering."

With a wave of Zhao Yi's hand, a portrait immediately appeared, and their exquisite faces immediately trapped them.

"This girl, I seem to have seen it a few days ago..."

The seizure miner was silent for a while. Suddenly he said: "I remember! A few days ago, an army seemed to have taken this girl to...to the village!"

When the voice of the seizing stone miner fell, he immediately felt an indescribable sense of depression like a storm, madly swept in, and even breathing became difficult.

"Big Brother! What we said is true, there is absolutely no deception at all!"

They turned their heads slightly. Seeing Zhao Yi's black face at that moment, he was immediately shocked.

"I know."

Zhao Yi took a deep breath. Try to calm down your feelings about going out.

Although there are still many low-grade sacred stones buried in this vein, Zhao Yi has no extra experience to pay attention to. Now he must ensure the safety of Zhao Qin!

"Boy, if you want to enter the village, you must hand over a hundred low-grade sacred stones!"

When Zhao Yi rushed out of the vein in a hurry, a group of guards surrounded him again, and the guards spread their palms out in a posture of asking for the sacred stone.

"sorry, I do not have."

Zhao Yi said coldly, now he has a full play of fifty. Besides, even if he has a hundred sacred stones, why should he give these ants?

"court death!"

The guards were not angry, and the guards beside them almost ran away, they were armed with weapons. Focusing on Zhao Yi, they have seen someone arrogant, and they have never seen someone as arrogant as Zhao Yi!

Even in the mid-stage of a god, he has to pay a hundred low-grade gods politely to enter the village!

"Boy, give you one last chance, dig up to a hundred low-grade sacred stones and give them to me, then let you go."

There was no expression on the guard's head. If it weren't for Zhao Yi's two-and-a-half hits to the seizing stone miner, I'm afraid he would have taken the lead in killing Zhao Yi!

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