"Can't you understand people? Even if there is, it won't be given to you!"

Being repeatedly blocked by the guards, Zhao Yi's already heavy mood became worse, and there was a surge of divine power in his body. Every time he took a step forward, that fierce aura radiated from his body.

"Do it!"

The guards also showed no weakness. Seeing that Zhao Yi did not compromise, he set up a formation. Then he attacked Zhao Yi.

The cultivation base of this group of guards is not weak, not only the head of the guard is close to the middle stage of the god-man, other ordinary guards also have the strength of half of the god-man, they are combined. Even the middle stage of the gods can fight!

"Since you choose to do it, don't blame me for being rude."

The corner of Zhao Yi's mouth rose up, revealing a cruel arc. Although he was only the first stage of the gods (the early stage of the gods), before reaching this level, Zhao Yi was already at the peak of the martial arts, equivalent to the strength of the gods in the later stage.

With the guards in front of him, I am afraid it is not enough to be worthy of Zhao Yi's shot!

"I'm afraid this kid is tired and crooked. If he dares to attack the seizing stone miners, it does not mean that he can be compared with these guards. After all, this mine is the owner of Yang Lei!"

"Oh! I really don't know where this kid jumped out from. He won't live long!"


Seeing the friction between Zhao Yi and the guards, everyone sighed. When they mentioned the host of Yang Lei, their expressions changed slightly, and they could only secretly pray that Zhao Yi would not die too miserably.

"Devil Thunder, now!"

For everyone's discussion. Zhao Yi was not interested. His footsteps did not stop at all, the moment the guards met Zhao Yi's corner.

At the top of the sky, it became pitch black, and the wind surging, an arc of thunder. Although only the size of a hair, it gives a person a supreme terrifying power!

"Unexpectedly, my Heavenly Demon Thunder can only be used to such an extent in the heavens."

Zhao Yi sighed as he watched the indistinguishable thunder arc sweeping down from the horizon. Although the Demon Thunder was suppressed to some extent, it was more than enough to deal with these guards!


The thunder arc swept down, as if it had eyes, instantly turned into dozens of copies, all swept over the guards.

There is no strong sound. There was no scream, only black thunder arcs that kept flashing. He directly brought down all the guards present in an instant!

"How is this possible?!"

Countless people have seen this scene. They were so shocked that their jaws were about to fall. It was not that they had never seen anyone resisting these guards, but the fate was very tragic without exception. Being a miner here forever, death is worse!

The only calm person in the field is probably the seized rock miners who were robbed against. They were grateful to breathe a sigh of relief, but at the last moment they chose to compromise.

"Who else wants to stop me?"

All the guards were placed in an instant, Zhao Yi scanned the surroundings sharply. No one in the court dared to look at him, and bowed their heads.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yi sneered and looked for some sacred stone on the guard. He left an arrogant back and disappeared in the sight of everyone.

"Eh... all the guards guarding us were defeated by that man, are we..."

Some quick-reacting people withdrew their gazes from Zhao Yi's handsome back. Their gazes flickered, and when they looked at each other, they actually reached an agreement.

"Everyone, run! As long as you enter the village, no matter how strong the mine is, it won't catch us!"

I don't know who yelled, the eyes of the people who had thoughts like this brightened, they moved, holding the sacred stone they just dug, and fled into the village frantically!

This day, the mine is in chaos!

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