"Ten thousand lower grade **** stones!"

"Thirty thousand **** stones!"

"fifty thousand……"

In the vast auction room, as Su Xiaoyi's voice fell, the whole room was like a ignited explosive, boiling instantly.

Even if they knew that the money that went out would never be repaid, they still raised their prices without hesitation, and they were all red eyes.

Some are not capable. The calm-headed leaders all sighed a few times, probably after today. Dayan auction site is getting rich.

It's just that they don't understand how this little Dayan auction site has something to do with Tianxianzong.

"Now the price has chased up to 200,000 lower-grade sacred stones, is there any further increase in price?"

With this auction item alone, the entire Dayan auction house boiled for half an hour. And that floating card also reached an astonishing price.

Many heads of power looked painful, not because they didn't follow, but because they really didn't have any money, and all the previous prices had to go to the Dayan auction house!

Those people who had red eyes also gradually calmed down. When Su Xiaoyi was preparing to make a final decision, a flat and hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the corner of the auction house.

"I'm out of 300,000 low-grade **** stones!"

As the words fell, countless eyes looked at a certain place in unison, it was a person wearing a black robe. The whole body was wrapped tightly, and even the voice just now couldn't tell his age.

"Three hundred thousand?! Even my Mo family can't get so much out of it for a while!"

Mo Hengtian couldn't help but change his expression when he heard the price. It was he who yelled, but he didn't expect to exceed the huge amount of 100,000 in an instant.

Who can stand this?

"Father, I want to enter the Tianxian Sect. As long as I learn something, let alone Dayan City, even the entire Northern Territory. There is also a place for our Mo family!"

"Besides, if you don't catch up, I'm afraid the two hundred thousand won't come back."

Mo Chen on the side was also taken aback, but he quickly reacted, and he was also very clear. What does the recommended quota mean?

"Four hundred thousand!"

Mo Hengtian took a deep breath, his eyes were extremely red, as if he was betting on all his wealth!

"Tsk tusk tusk, this Mo family is really ruthless. Although it is the best in the entire Big Rock City, it suddenly took out 400,000 low-grade sacred stones. I am afraid that his family's foundation will have to go back ten years."

"Isn't it? Spend this money, maybe you can't stand it in the end."


With Mo Hengtian's hot-headed bid. Immediately aroused heated discussions. Although the number of places recommended by Tianxianzong far exceeds this price, the rules of the Northern Territory and the cost of money... may not necessarily be his thing.

"Five hundred thousand."

However, as soon as Mo Hengtian's voice fell, the mysterious man sitting in the corner uttered again, adding another 100,000!

"Five hundred thousand?! How is this possible, even if the resources of half a city are gathered. It is difficult to reach this amount!"

Mo Hengtian's lungs were about to explode. The 400,000 he shouted would almost sell all his family property in these years. He couldn't even think of the 500,000 low-grade sacred stone!

"Oh? It seems someone doesn't believe it."

The mysterious man raised the face wrapped in black cloth. The look under the black cloth seemed to mock Mo Hengtian for not seeing the world.

After the mysterious man finished speaking, a universe bag was actually teleporting and appeared in Su Xiaoyi's hands. Such a method was simply unheard of!

"Space teleportation, what is the origin of this guy?!"

Zhao Yi, who had not had much interest in this auction, suddenly woke up, staring at the Universe Bag in Su Xiaoyi's hands. This method was never seen by a second person besides him!

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