"There are five thousand middle-grade sacred stones, which is equivalent to 500,000 lower-grade sacred stones."

Su Xiaoyi's voice fell, and everyone's mouths were blocked immediately. They did not expect that someone would be able to directly pay such a price. They were a little caught off guard.

"Five hundred thousand, is there a higher price?"

Su Xiaoyi suppressed the smile in his heart. This price has long surpassed the expectations of Dayan Auction House.

What's more, there are still many family powers who have given away a lot of money because of this auction item.

Everyone looked at each other, but this time, no one continued to bid.

A joke, even the Mo family, the most tycoon in the city, was forced to ruin his family by this wave. Where else would anyone dare to speak?

"Since no one is chasing the price, then this card is worth 500,000 lower-grade divine stones. Elder Heiling will personally hand it over to the buyer!"

Su Xiaoyi's words fell, and there was an uproar in the court. The various forces that failed the bidding were staring at the black-clothed men who succeeded in the bidding with red eyes.

"Congratulations to the bidders. After a month, use this card to come to any service station in the Northern Territory, there. There will be an envoy from my Tianxianzong who will bring you into the sect."

"But... My Tian Xianzong only recognizes cards but not people. You know."

Elder Black Ling slowly handed the card to the mysterious man. When the latter took the card, his arm looked extremely white and thin.

"Woman? Child?"

Even if the mysterious man closed his hand very quickly, he was still seen by the nearest Elder Black Ling, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. It seems that there can be some capable people in this little big rock city.

"Thank you."

The mysterious man opened his mouth slightly. A slightly hoarse voice came out. After trying several times, it was discovered that the card could not be included in the space props.

In desperation, the mysterious man had to receive the card and put it in his pocket, and then quickly walked out of the Dayan auction house when everyone did not react.

Many heads of power were stunned for a while, some did not expect that the mysterious person was so decisive, and sneaked out of the auction floor without being noticed.

"Hurry up!"

I don't know who shouted, everyone immediately reacted, and in an instant, there were more than half of the people in the entire auction floor!

Zhao Yi ignored the forces that rushed out, and instead sighed casually. It was a pity that the Big Rock Empire didn't have what he wanted.

"Little brother, the auction is over. You are still in the venue. You are a little admired for your courage."

Just when Zhao Yi finished buying the order placed by Zhao Qin, a smiling voice came from the rear, and Zhao Yi's body tightened at this moment.

"Aren't you? Elder Black Ling."

Zhao Yi took the things he bought, paused a little with his palm, and responded without looking back.

"Hahaha! You are the first to dare to talk to me like this since you came to Dayan City. You come to Dayan Auction, not just to join in the fun."

Elder Hei Ling said lightly, a pair of eyes stared at Zhao Yi closely, with his powerful cultivation base, he couldn't see through the latter.

"My brother wants a spacecraft energy engine, but unfortunately there is no one here."

Zhao Yigang wanted to pull Zhao Qin away, but her sister did not stop her and brought out what Zhao Yi needed.

Zhao Yi rolled his eyes towards Zhao Qin. Although he didn't know what Tianxianzong was, the Elder Heiling in front of him was definitely not something he could afford now.

Zhao Yi didn't want to offend and cross the people who could make the Almighty Little Demon spend 20 million points to find out.

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