"A spacecraft energy engine..."

Hei Ling thought slightly, as if thinking of something, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"If you don't want me to talk too much, there is a tomb of the gods in Dayan City. He liked to build various flying machines during his lifetime. It can not only teleport to various places in the Northern Territory. It can even easily go out of the heavens!"

Hei Ling said with a smile, and didn't give too much explanation to the tomb of the **** king in his mouth. After smiling at Zhao Qin, the strange figure disappeared.

"What a weird uncle."

Zhao Qin scratched his head and glanced at Zhao Yi cautiously, but the latter didn't seem to care what Heiling said. There is not much change on his face.

"Let's go, Big Rock City probably doesn't have what we need."

Zhao Yi's eyes flickered slightly, and he was obviously interested in the tomb of the gods and kings mentioned by Hei Ling, but the energy of the spacecraft was second. Now what he wants to know most is the whereabouts of Qiuxia and the others!

"okay then."

Zhao Qin pouted, but couldn't help but look at Zhao Yi more. Since Dayancheng, her brother has been inquiring about what she is looking for, but Zhao Qin knows that Zhao Yi must have hidden some from her.


In a barren mountain in Big Rock City, a figure in a black robe flashed past. With terrifying speed, the gravel on the ground moved with it.

In the surroundings behind the black-robed figure, many figures followed, tacitly blocking all the way out of the black-robed figure.

"Hehe... so many people are chasing after labor and capital, it seems that this card is really a hot potato."

It seems that there is no escape route. The figure of the black-robed man who kept fleeing stopped instead.

This black-robed man was the one who spent five thousand middle-grade sacred stones and bought the famous card from Tian Xianzong!

"Hurry up, everyone, the card is in his hand, as long as you take it, you can enter the Tianxianzong and become the **** of the gods!"

however. Everyone stared at the black-robed man, but it was like seeing a prey, and a greedy smile appeared on their faces.


I don't know who shouted, completely suppressing the last trace of lucidity in their hearts. They roared like beasts, holding weapons, and swept away frantically at the black-robed man!

"You want to stop me before the mere gods enter?"

However, in the face of everyone's crazy attacks, the black-robed man sneered disdainfully. He raised his head, wearing a mask. The cold voice echoed around.

However, everyone laughed contemptuously. They were all full of energy, and rushed crazy, now no matter who he is, grab the card and talk about it!


The black-robed man sighed lightly, as if he couldn't bear it, he raised his arm, and a thin line that was indistinguishable to the naked eye flashed through the air.


Soon after, I don't know what happened. Almost half of the master's entire body was cut by the "sharp weapon". Before he fell, only the unbearable scream was left.

"What is this?!"

Those who rushed slowly stopped forcibly. The **** reality finally made them sober.

"Spicy chicken."

The black-robed man sneered, shaking the cloak behind him, and was about to leave the room, but a sharp arrow almost penetrated his entire body!

"Gan! Who is it?!"

The black-robed man has a pale complexion, and if it were not for his super reaction power, I am afraid that he has been recruited. The person who shoots is probably at least a strong man in the realm of gods!

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