
Seeing King Tsiling unwillingly dissipate between the heavens and the earth, Little Huzi breathed a sigh of relief and thought, and immediately put the flute in his hand into the storage bag.

"This man... is it possible that Uncle Chitong's disappearance is related?"

"No, with this man's strength, he is definitely not Uncle Chitong's opponent!"

immediately. Xiao Huzi looked at Zhao Yi who was full of evil spirits, his eyes flickered. At a young age, he has been able to calmly analyze and think.

"Little Tiger, you can save my brother!"

Zhao Yi at this time has been eroded by evil spirits. Zhao Qin also ran out of his demon nuclear world.

"Don't worry, I won't let this man die until I understand all this!"

Little Huzi sneered. He actually took out his flute again and played it gently. An indescribable force was pulling the evil spirit in Zhao Yi's body!

"It's amazing and peaceful!"

The sound of the flute played by the little tiger carried a kind of magical power, and even the evil spirit that was not bound by anything became docile at this moment.

"Brother, is he alright?"

After a long time. The suffocation in Zhao Yi's eyes faded, and a wave of fatigue and weakness surged up. Before he could react, he was unconscious and unconscious.

"Not necessarily, but depending on his situation, it will be impossible to wake up for a while. Before that, let's leave here first."

Little Huzi stared at the surroundings with a solemn expression. With the complete fall of King Tsing Ling, the power he left here was unable to sustain the tomb and began to collapse!

"it is good!"

Zhao Qin nodded, as he left. Do not forget to take away Zhao Yi's war spirit puppet.

"what is this?"

Beside the war spirit puppet, there was a black stone, which seemed to have life, constantly undulating. Zhao Qin picked it up without even thinking about it.

As the three of Zhao Qin left, the depths of the tomb also completely collapsed. Not only that, even the entire tomb of the gods began to crack every inch. Black energy rises.

"Go! Otherwise it's too late!"

Little Huzi pulled Zhao Qin into a clearing, and his handprints changed. Under the feet, there was a formation that kept spinning. A wave containing the laws of space quietly spread from it.

"This is my brother's space teleportation array, how can you..."

In the next instant, before Zhao Qin could finish speaking, the whole body turned into white light and disappeared!


"It's so uncomfortable...Where am I?"

Zhao Yi's consciousness kept wandering in a dark space, and he walked in confusion. Suddenly, a green light was like sprouting branches and leaves, constantly flickering from the darkness.

"Brother Zhao Yi, have you finally come to Heaven?"

Zhao Yi took a closer look. A soft voice came, and he was taken aback for a moment, but his eyes became wet involuntarily.


Zhao Yi was a little surprised. Ye Zixin was regarded as his most sorry girl. In order to repay her life-saving grace, she stepped through the entire continent.

But in the end, looking for Yan Zhirou to protect him, the soul was almost destroyed, and could only hide in the invisible place in Zhao Yi's body.

Ye Zixin's affection for him, maybe Zhao Yi will never end in this life.

"Hehe! Thank you for remembering me, but now is not the time to rest. If you can't find Sister Yan back, hum!"

The green light was full, before Zhao Yi could speak, the green light instantly shone in the darkness, and Zhao Yi's sanity was forcibly squeezed out by this force.

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