
On a slightly worn-out bed, Zhao Yi suddenly sat up in shock, panting heavily. Zhao Qin, who was watching the day and night watch, was taken aback.

"Brother! You are awake!"

Have not had time to react. Zhao Qin fell directly into Zhao Yi's arms, crying with rain.

"Yo! Uncle. You finally woke up. You will be blessed if you survive a catastrophe. I didn't expect you to make a breakthrough in the half-month of sleep!"

Zhao Yi smiled and comforted Zhao Qin, and then, the noise sounded inappropriately. The former turned his head slightly, and saw the little tiger like a little adult holding his chest.

"Brother, it was Xiao Huzi who rescued us from the tomb. Don't embarrass him anymore."

Zhao Qin remembered how Zhao Yi was aggressive towards Xiaohuzi in the mausoleum.

"Do not worry."

Zhao Yi touched Zhao Qin's head and messed up her hair, making the latter pouted unhappy.

"What happened at the time. It is indeed my little heart. It's better to treat each other with sincerity. Let's confess what we know."

Zhao Yi said, a pair of pitch-black eyes looked at the little tiger tightly, calm and could not make any waves.

"Huh! I meant it!"

Little Huzi just wanted to activate the serial formations arranged deep underground. Seeing Zhao Yi compromise first. A cold snort.

"What you bring around your neck. It is what I gave to a girl."

As Zhao Yi said, with a thought, the necklace Xiao Huzi was wearing suddenly lit up with dim light, and it was still spiritual. Came to Zhao Yi's palm lightly.

"This...you know my mother?!"

Little Huzi was taken aback for a moment, his eyes widening constantly.


Zhao Yi just regained consciousness. Hearing these words, a line of blood spurted directly from the chest cavity and spilled to the ground.

"What are you talking about? Are you Qiuxia's child?!"

Zhao Yi was shocked. He knew that Qiuxia was pregnant when she left Fuling Continent, but it only took more than a year for the child to grow up like this? !

"Uncle, correct me, my mother's name is Yan Zhirou!"

Hearing this, the little tiger yelled for correction.

"it's the same!"

Zhao Yi smiled, but he didn't expect that their child would be born smoothly after experiencing that year.

In other words, he is a father...

"Brother, what are you talking about, why can't I understand a word?"

Zhao Qin listened to their conversation with a stunned look, and became more confused, but women were always keen, and soon noticed some clues.

"Brother, you won't go looking for other women behind my back. If Ye Lingyao's sister knew it, she would be sad."

Suddenly Zhao Qin drew Zhao Yi's ear, and the latter couldn't help shaking after hearing the words.

"this and that……"

Zhao Yi scratched his head awkwardly. Under the direct gaze of Zhao Qin and Xiao Huzi, he finally couldn't withstand the pressure and explained his relationship with Qiuxia.

"Okay brother! They are all fathers, I have never seen my sister-in-law!"

After listening to Zhao Yi's words, Zhao Qin instantly exploded her hair. Fortunately, she had been trying to match her brother and Ye Lingyao when she was at Blue Star.


Zhao Qin picked up the long whip without any hesitation, and lashed at Zhao Yi. In an instant, the bed on which Zhao Yi was sitting was destroyed and torn apart.

"Sister! Calm down!"

Zhao Yi complained endlessly. Under the pursuit of his sister, there was no relationship between Xiaohuzi and half a dime.

Little Huzi looked at Zhao Qin waving the long whip dumbly, and swallowed secretly.

The woman went crazy, it was terrible!

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