"Nima's, this omnipotent little demon, really doesn't give the slightest face."

Zhao Yi's entire body fell to the ground, his mouth slightly opened, and the smoke was immediately spit out from his mouth, causing a lot of burns on his body. Even Cang Shen Jue couldn't hold it.

If it hadn't resolved part of the power at the last moment, I'm afraid the current Zhao Yi. Already dead.


While Zhao Yi was afraid of this, the top of the sky once again condensed thunder, but it was obviously more than just now, and the aura of terror spread. Zhao Yi below felt suffocated for a while.

The sky thunder under this colorful auspicious cloud has fallen thunder seven times, one is stronger than one, and even the strongest one can kill a strong man in the middle of the king!

"Master Grandmaster, don't be afraid, if we are here, the thunder can't help you!"

When Zhao Yi was desperate to hand over the Soul Cultivation Pill, a shout resounded abruptly, and then three figures did not know when they appeared. They stood in front of Zhao Yi, and their terrifying power quietly shrouded them.

Zhao Yi was stunned, the three standing in front of him turned out to be the super powers of the early three gods!

"What are you doing, you may not be able to stop the power of thunder this day!"

Zhao Yiqiang stood up with support. Seeing the thunder condensing at the top of the sky again, his expression became solemn.

"Then what to do?"

The three **** kings looked at each other, and they were confident that the next few waves of thunder could not help them, but...but not necessarily later.

"There are so many farts. If you want to help, lend me the **** stone, hurry up!"

Zhao Yi yelled. There was a vague dragon breath, and the three **** kings were frightened by Zhao Yi's aura for a while, and carefully took out their storage bags.

Zhao Yi dodged it, pieced together. Just enough two thousand middle-grade sacred stones.

"Ding Dong! Successfully redeemed 2 billion points!"

"Ding Dong! Consume 2 billion points and successfully redeem the'Oli Gai' armor (one-time item)."

After Zhao Yi's operation, a dark armor was worn out of thin air, looking unremarkable.

"Damn! Two billion points can only be used once, if it doesn't work well, you can't smash the system!"

When Zhao Yi heard the five words "disposable items", his whole body collapsed. When he secretly scolded the Almighty Little Demon Black Heart, the thunder under the colorful clouds. Cleaved it again.

"Be careful!"

The three kings yelled, but it was already too late. The lightning fell extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it smashed into Zhao Yi's body, and the lightning flashed for a while, just like the end of the world.

"Master Grandmaster!"

The three gods screamed, and when the thunder light dissipated, they immediately stunned their jaws and looked at Zhao Yi incredibly.

"Hey, it looks like these two billion. The spend is not injustice."

Zhao Yi stood there, motionless, not only did he not hurt him when the thunder struck him. On the contrary, all the burns just now recovered.

Not only that, Zhao Yi's cultivation base has also moved a lot!

"Hey! Qi Caiyun, are you just this capable? If you want to destroy the soul-cultivating pill made by labor and capital, you are afraid that you don't have that strength."

Zhao Yi raised his head and pointed at the colorful auspicious clouds provocatively. Not only that, Zhao Yi once again took out the soul-raising pill he had just refined from his arms.


The colorful auspicious cloud seemed to be spiritual, and after understanding Zhao Yi's provocation, its entire body grew stronger, and thunder and thunder were condensing crazily at this moment.

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