"Ah this..."

The thunder converging at the top of the sky made the three **** kings behind Zhao Yi feel tight, and then they were as spiritual as they were, and they fled behind them without hesitation!

Zhao Yi is so crazy that he even angered Colorful Xiangyun!

"Are you crazy! Normal people can't wait to receive a few sky thunders. This is a good one, and the colorful auspicious clouds are offended!"

"That kind of powerful sky thunder. Even the super powerhouse in the middle of the **** king can't hold it."

"That kid is dead!"


Seeing the colorful auspicious clouds running away in an instant, countless people were shocked and sighed. After all, in their opinion, Zhao Yi was a late stage **** man. It can't stop the terrifying thunder at all.

Based on this, the three **** kings who fled from the wild have interpreted all this.

The corner of Zhao Yi's mouth raised slightly, and the flashing thunder arc reflected in his pupils, not retreating but advancing.

The colorful auspicious clouds condensed by the thunder light also broke out completely at this moment, and one after another thunder bombarded Zhao Yi.


The roar kept resounding, countless thunder lights flickered crazily, and the earth under Zhao Yi's feet couldn't withstand this force, and it broke apart abruptly!

Such a terrifying roar made people suffocate, countless people evacuated hundreds of miles away, roar and flashing thunder light. It lasted more than ten minutes before stopping.

The earth at this time has long been devastated, and everything around it has been completely destroyed.

Countless people sighed lightly, they didn't believe that Zhao Yi was under such a terrifying thunder attack. Can still survive.

I'm sorry, not only is Zhao Yi still alive, but his strength has also reached the realm of gods!


When the last thunderbolt fell on Zhao Yi, it was instantly absorbed by the "Olygii" armor, transformed into a domineering and pure thunder power, poured into Zhao Yi's body.

The realm of gods that was originally far away indefinitely. Also because of this last thunder, the barrier belonging to the realm of gods was completely broken!

"Is this the realm of gods? The dantian in my body has only developed a small world!"

Zhao Yi exclaimed in surprise. This "Oli Giving" battle armor is really Oli Giving, not only avoiding the crisis of the sky thunder, but also increasing the strength to a higher level, which Zhao Yi could not even think of!

The colorful auspicious clouds at the top of the sky also fell with the last thunder, and it no longer had the strength to attack Zhao Yi. Slowly drifting away.

"Ding Dong! The time limit has arrived, and the "Oli Giving" armor is reclaimed. Thank you for using it."

At the same time, the voice of the Almighty Little Demon rang again. He snapped his fingers like a human being, and then, the armor he wore on Zhao Yi was taken back.

"Forget it, this wave is not a loss."

Zhao Yi was reluctant to give up the "Oli Gai" armor lent to him by the Almighty Little Demon, and slowly left the scene under many unbelievable gazes.

However, Zhao Yi hadn't walked far, but a sword light swept from a distance. Very fast!

"Big Dream Heart Code!"

Zhao Yi's complexion changed slightly, without any hesitation, he directly used the Great Dream Heart Code, and then he could avoid this trick.

"Boy. You really deceived me so hard, the soul elder was not the victim of Master Tiaofei, but you!"

An angry voice reverberated endlessly, and a man carrying a lightsaber suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Yi, with an angry look that seemed to be enough to dispel the hatred of Zhao Yi's corpse!

Zhao Yi looked at the aggressive man in front of him, also a little angry, but more curious.

"who are you?"

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