"Who are you?"

When Zhao Yi's words fell, not only was the man in front of him stunned, but even the people in the distance were speechless.

"Very good... if you have done such a thing to yourself, you can forget it completely. If so, I will remind you. lest you don't know how you died!"

The man in front of him sneered. He was Yi Tianhun, the clan of the Heavenly Soul Sect. The early stage of cultivation as a **** king.

Some time ago, Elder Tian mistakenly thought that Elder Soul was the victim of the flight, so he ordered a series of pursuits.

When this matter was introduced to the father of Cifei, Shuangyi started a battle that lasted for half a month. Both parties have losses.

By coincidence, the Elder Soul took the Shen Dan and narrated the day's affairs, and the Heavenly Soul Sect suddenly realized.

It turns out that they were turned around by Zhao Yi and found the wrong person!

"You made a mistake yourself and still rely on me?"

After listening to Yi Tianhun's narration, Zhao Yi couldn't help but pick his nose. He had seen shameless people, and he had never seen such shameless ones.

"Huh! Skynet is so elusive and not leaking, you can't escape from me now!"

Yi Tianhun's old face blushed, and then he snorted and immediately rushed towards Zhao Yi. Only by beheading Zhao Yi to vent his anger.

"The true king is so strong!"

Zhao Yi's complexion changed slightly, and Yi Tianhun came before him in an instant, even though he had broken through the gods and faced the real **** king and powerhouse. Still have the pressure that is difficult to resist!

Just when Zhao Yi had to sacrifice the battle spirit puppet, the three figures invariably stood in front of Zhao Yi, their supernatural power surged, and the rushing Yi Tianhun shocked and retreated!

"You guys, do you want to be an enemy of the Heavenly Soul Sect?!"

The Heavenly Soul Sect retreated two steps in succession. He looked at the three people who appeared in shock, each of whom was a well-known existence in the Northern Territory!

"Hehe, Heavenly Soul Sect, this pomp is really big. I don't know who it is, he was chased by Heavenly Xianzong and ran away with his tail clipped."

Facing the threat of Yi Tianhun, the three of them didn't take it seriously, instead they ridiculed them, the divine power surged in their bodies, and they were ready to fight.

"The great master. Today, my three Chishamen brothers are in Baoding. If anyone dares to move him, he is our enemy!"

The three screamed. They reported their identities, and everyone in the distance looked at each other, shocked in their hearts, and obviously knew them all.

Chishamen, a force that rose rapidly in a short period of time, was once inconspicuous, but they didn't know where to get their adventures, the three leaders of Chishamen. Breaking through the realm of God Kings successively, they also have a place in the entire Northern Territory!

Zhao Yi looked at the three brothers who made his way for him, and he was taken aback. Zhao Yi is quite sure that he does not know them.

Zhao Yi's eyes flickered, and he arranged a long-distance teleportation array in the dark. If there is any change, he can get out of it in the first time!

"Okay! Zhao Yi, you wait for me! I will truthfully report your matter to Tian Xianzong. Even if I can't help you, you can't get away with it!"

Yi Tianhun looked at the three brothers with serious expressions. He gritted his teeth and could only give up unwillingly. After all, with his strength, he could only beat one at most.

"Walk slowly, not send it!"

The three brothers sneered, and did not take it to heart. After all, I am afraid that there is no way to hide the matter of the Shendan today.

"Why do you help me."

Zhao Yi squinted his eyes slightly, no merit was left, and the three people in front of him were not good!

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