"Little friends, don't panic. I didn't mean anything. It's just that you are a master of alchemy. We are lucky to be able to help you and get to know you."

Da Master saw the vigilance in Zhao Yi's eyes. Said quickly.

Zhao Yi nodded, he understood. In this celestial realm, the status of the alchemist is extremely noble, and there are even strong people who do not hesitate to make an alchemist to offend one party.

"Great grace does not say any thanks. If there is a need in the future, please three people speak."

Zhao Yi clasped his fists and said, if they hadn't stopped them in time, Zhao Yi couldn't guarantee that he would be able to retreat all over Yi Tianhun's hands.

"Hurt! As long as the little friend treats us as his own, it is the best help for us."

The second master also said with a smile. After a few people exchanged greetings, Zhao Yi found an excuse to leave quickly.

Now that the soul-cultivating pill is successfully refined, it must be sent to Qiuxia as soon as possible.

"The third child, follow up and stare at him, carrying a holy pill, I'm afraid he will be coveted by other gods."

Looking at the back of Zhao Yi hurriedly leaving, the big master looked solemn.

"it is good!"

The third master nodded. His handprints changed, and the breath on his body disappeared strangely, and then he quietly followed Zhao Yi like a ghost.


"Yi Tianhun! Are you the one for me to have fun?!"

Among the Heavenly Soul Sect, it was severely damaged at this time, and countless buildings fell to the ground. The prosperous sect no longer exists, and it looks very bleak.

But at this moment, in the square of the Heavenly Soul Sect, a man pulled a young man and looked angrily at Yi Tianhun, who was kneeling on one knee, with anger in his eyes. Almost turned into substance.

"Second elder, that kid is very cunning. Our people are also obsessed by him for a while. I don't ask Tian Xianzong's forgiveness. But that kid named Zhao Yi, I will never let go of Yi Tianhun!"

Yi Tianhun yelled, and when he thought of Zhao Yi's figure, countless anger and hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Father! It's the guy named Zhao Yi. Not only did Ruoming's bodyguard die because of him, but because of him, the boy broke his arm!"

Ci Fei on the side heard the words. Also quickly agreed, except for Yi Tianhun. I am afraid that he hated Zhao Yi the most.

"Zhao Yi, just the kid who made a lot of noise some time ago."

There was a dangerous arc in the eyes of the second elder. Unexpectedly, he has always been played around by a thief!

"Huh! Even though this case has come to the fore, you can't forget it at this time if you act on my son!"

"Moreover, you shot it yourself. With the strength of that kid, you should not be able to escape from your palm." The second elder snorted coldly.


When Yi Tianhun thought of being blocked by Chi Shamen when he was grabbing Zhao Yi, a touch of embarrassment appeared on his face. But I told the truth about the situation at that time.

"Second elder, as long as you can help me kill that kid, Heavenly Soul Sect, hand in hand!"

Yi Tianhun actually made a bet on these decades of hard work. One can imagine how much he hates Zhao Yi!

"Oh? Are you sure?"

The second elder raised his brow slightly, and the Heavenly Soul Sect's background was extremely strong. Even though it was captured by him, the value of it was difficult to estimate.

"I Yi Tianhun did what I said!"

Undoubtedly firmness flashed in Yi Tianhun's eyes.

"Very good! In that case, then we will abandon our previous suspicions and cooperate temporarily!"

The second elder stepped on the void, and appeared in front of Yi Tianhun in the next instant. Their eyes met, and the corners of their mouths sneered.

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