"Is this the Tianxianzong?"

In a luxurious city, a magnificent building soars into the sky, even if it is hundreds of miles away, the vastness of the building can be clearly seen.

"Look at the way you haven't seen the world. Not only that, the city under your feet is also owned by the Tianxianzong. After all, the Tianxianzong is a giant in the entire universe."

Beside Zhao Yi. Little Huzi couldn't help but said, taunting his never-before-seen father, he had a sense of accomplishment.

"It's not too late, go see your mother."

Zhao Yi took a deep breath. A piece of Fu Lu quickly handed it to Xiao Huzi.

"This thing can change the breath and appearance. Now we are wanted by countless forces. If we want to sneak into the Sky Xianzong quietly, let's use it for now."

Zhao Yidao, with a thought on his mind, he took the lead in running the Cang Shendian, changing his appearance and changing himself into a middle-aged uncle.

"Is it reliable?"

Little Huzi narrowed his eyes with a look of suspicion, and then put the talisman on his body.


The divine power entangled on the little tiger, when the divine power dissipated. A handsome guy immediately appeared beside Zhao Yi.

"so amazing!"

It was the first time that Xiaohuzi felt the power of disguise, not only changed his aura and appearance, but also his physique!

"Let's go, get rid of the people behind."

Zhao Yi sneered, took the little tiger who hadn't reacted, and quickly left the place.

"The two of them. Where did they go?"

Soon after Zhao Yi and his son left, several figures chased up immediately. The breath that belonged to Zhao Yi was suddenly not sensed in the air.

However, they did not give up, but increased the search range and continued to search for Zhao Yi and his son.


"This woman is too shameless. She actually steals things in broad daylight."

"Bai has such a beautiful face, such a venomous heart."

"You don't know, this woman has a previous conviction, according to reliable sources. The thieves who made a lot of noise some time ago are a group of them, and they seem to be called Zhao Yi."


In a square near Tianxianzong, there was a lot of noise at this time, and many people tightly surrounded a girl.

"I do not have!"

The girl raised her head, revealing that stunning face, she was actually Zhao Yi's sister. Zhao Qin!

She came out this time to find some pill to nourish the soul. Unexpectedly, the pill was not found, and it was corrupted. She said she stole things.

"Huh! I didn't admit what I just did so quickly, and I really belonged to the uncultivated thieves!"

With a cold snort, a young man walked in front of Zhao Qin with a hatred look, and took out a porcelain bottle from her sleeve!

"I also said that I didn't steal it. This'Shenzhen Pill' is a miraculous medicine. Only disciples who have made great contributions to the Tianxian Sect have the opportunity to obtain it. There are no sales channels on the market. Where did you come from?"

This young man was called Mo Feng, who was also a disciple of Tian Xianzong, and he sneered. While talking, put the body care pill into his pocket.

"This is mine, you can't ask for it!"

When Zhao Qin saw this, he was anxious immediately, and the divine power in his body surged and took it back with the momentum of thunder.

However, if Zhao Qin did so, it was even more difficult to get rid of the charge of theft.

"What kind of person is this? Tian Xianzong has such a malignant tumor, it really corrupts the face of Shenzong!"

Everyone only believes that seeing is believing, and the eyes of Zhao Qin are full of hatred for thieves.

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