"Sister, this is your fault. The stolen thing is said to be your own, why is your skin so thick."

Mo Feng said helplessly, and the atmosphere around him also made a fuss. Zhao Qin instantly became a target of public criticism.

Zhao Qin's pretty face flushed. This Mo Feng was simply planting up and setting up, "Yang Shen Dan" was purchased by her by chance. Not stealing!

Zhao Qin really couldn't stand Mo Feng's framing. Just about to leave, everyone around him looked angry. Stop Zhao Qin's way!

"I planned to leave if I stole it, did I let you go?"

Mo Feng sneered, what he wanted was this kind of effect!

"If you are now obediently asking me to ask the deacon elder, thinking that you are offending, you might be open to you!"

As Mo Feng said, the big hand wanted to reach Zhao Qin directly. Such rhetoric also attracted praise from everyone around him.


At the moment when Mo Feng's big hand grabbed Zhao Qin, a powerful big hand came out first, and the two hands were held together.

Mo Feng, with a spreading smile on his face, stiffened at this moment.

"who are you?!"

Mo Feng screamed and took two steps back quickly. Staring at Zhao Yi who suddenly appeared.

"When the road sees injustice and draws a knife to help, it seems a bit unwell for you to plant an innocent girl like this."

As a middle-aged man, Zhao Yi suddenly appeared in front of Mo Feng and said slowly.

"Stop being there and be more nosy, and get out when I'm in a good mood. Otherwise, I will catch you both by Mo Feng!"

Mo Feng yelled, seeing the two breathless, but he was a little nervous.

"Hey! It's okay, I'm late."

Facing Mo Feng's clamor, Zhao Yi didn't seem to hear, and automatically ignored the past. Immediately seeing Zhao Qin with helpless eyes, he felt a little pain.

"Brother, is that you?"

Although Zhao Yi became a big man, the tenderness in his eyes made Zhao Qin recognize him at a glance. Her eyes blushed, and an inexplicable grievance turned into tears, constantly erupting.

"These days, you have suffered."

Zhao Yi rushed Zhao Qin into his arms, his appearance was still a greasy uncle, and people around him dared not look directly at him for a while.

"Boy...you have no one in your eyes. There must be a degree too!"

Seeing Zhao Yi not only ignored his words, but also ignored him as a whole. His face was gloomy, and his body was full of supernatural power. Only the cultivation base of the gods in the middle stage!

"It doesn't matter to you."

Mo Feng wanted to make a move, but he was directly stopped by the little tiger. He stepped forward, his horrible aura spread, and his cultivation was no weaker than Mo Feng!

"The middle stage of the gods! It is not easy for this person to have such a cultivation level at such a young age!"

Seeing the divine power rushing in the little Huzi, I was slightly surprised. If you killed you, let him know that the little Huzi was less than ten years old. Don't know what you think?

"Huh! This woman stole my things, I have the right to take her back to Tian Xianzong forcibly and hand it over to the deacons and elders!"

Mo Feng gave a cold snort, and did not lose in terms of momentum. While talking, strode towards Zhao Yi.

At the same time, everyone around him quickly agreed, and both Zhao Yi were regarded as thorns in the flesh.

"Father, what should I do with this guy?"

Before he started to start, Xiao Huzi suddenly tilted his head and looked at the two people embracing each other.

"Remove the limbs, or get killed, let him choose one."

Zhao Yi comforted Zhao Qin's emotions. He didn't know if he was too tired. He fell asleep in a daze in his arms, with some tears on his delicate cheeks.

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