Supreme Demon

Chapter 2679: To fight, first hit my teammate!

Boom! The voice was crisp and dull, and Scorpio trembled with this voice, and the exit space was disintegrating, with fragments flying out.

The sizzling sounds from time to time.

The seven devils face heavy, and some people have to open the exit. This is not a demon character. They have a strange door. They will not open the door like this. Only the two saviors in front of them.

Someone has to answer them.


The great white goose and the empty space showed excitement, confirming the conjecture of the devils.

"Keep the exit!"

There is a magic opening, and I don’t want these two invaders to leave the alive.

The demon lords did not hinder. The two demon corps had already flown to the exit, playing defense gates, obstructing them, preventing the characters from coming over, and their real intentions were not only the white geese and the empty space, but also wanted to get rid of that. The person to be invaded.

The Demon Legion is only to weaken its power, and the real killings are the Devils.

"He is coming, we have to hold on!"

Empty and empty, there is no trace of the origin of the wind, the anti-God now needs a low-key, not a high-profile.


The great white goose screamed and slammed a knife directly into the sky. The whole world was conquered by the knife and collapsed in the void.

The loud noise! The big white goose flies horizontally, and a magical warfare rushes across the sky. It is on the handle of the sword, and the powerful Wei Li will fly the big white goose on the spot. This is not the victory on the ban, but the suppression of strength. .

The big white goose is just the emperor. If you want to beat the opponent across the ranks, it is too perverted, at least it has not reached this level.


The empty space sacrificed the relics, and the whole void was filled. An old Buddha flew out, cold to the thousands, and suppressed the demon.

There is a character hidden in the relic! It is a pity that the character is only a virtual body, not a real body, and wants to deal with seven demon statues, it is a delusion.


After all, this is the virtual body of the Buddha, the strength is not weak, directly on the seven demon statues, a slap in the face, the sky is full of stars, the Buddha's mantra shines, falling from the sky.

Restrict the magic.

"Is a Buddha in the district, I still want to improve me?"

The seven devils have no taboos, and they directly confront each other. A magical warfare rushes across the sky, carrying a thousand Thunder.

The Thunder was black, evolved from magic, and eventually formed the law, like a heavy shackle, opened the starry rain and hit the Buddha.

boom! The two shackles were the ultimate smashing, and the smashing of the smashed, the dust was bent at this time, not as good as the squad, and the Buddha was not as good as the demon, not to mention that it was not one or two demon statues. It was a whole four, and they came together. It was the real body of the Buddha, but I was afraid of blood.

In the loud noise, the dust turned into a little star rain and dissipated in the air.


The four devils were pressed together, and the four-handed shackles carried the law of the sky to drown the Buddha.


The air screams, even though he knows that the Master is dead, this is the last guardian, and it is imprinted in the relics, but it is all too real and makes him sad.

"You all have to die here!"

The four devils turned to look at the empty and big white goose, showing the bloodthirsty momentum.

"You can't think about it!"

I didn’t want to delay, and I turned and ran. The Buddha’s virtual body still won some time for him.

The big white goose is faster, the Swan family's Scorpio is beaten out, and there is a brand, not weaker than the empty relic, dragging the time.

It ran wildly.

"You don't want to hit me, just hit my teammates!"

The big white goose yelled at the sky, flickering and fled to the exit. Although there were two legions there, the overall strength was not as good as the demon, and it was easy to cope.

"" The empty smoke in the back air, I have long known that this big white goose has a bad stomach.


Behind, the seven devils really chased over.

He remembered that Master had said a story. There used to be two sheep. On the way, I met a lion. One sheep ran and the other ran. The other one was very confusing. What use is it?

Why do you still have to work hard?

The sheep said: "I am not going to win the lion, I just need to win you!"

At this moment, I think he is the stupid sheep! "You **** it!"

The air was boring, but the speed was not slower than the big white goose. He felt that it was too bad, so he shouted. "Don't hit me, hit my teammates!"

"" The big white goose is even more angry.. "You are a pirate!"

"Who knows?"

Empty and empty mouth.


"No you are mean!"

"To each other!"

The two guys looked at each other and even had a taste of regret.

"Don't fight, you all have to die!"

The seven devils can't stand anymore, these two shameless goods, the strength pit teammates.

Their speed is full, and it is not much faster than the big white goose and the air, which makes them very depressed. These two emperors are really wonderful.


The big white goose and the empty space still can't escape the encirclement, only because there are two Tianmo Legion in front, they suppressed the situation and blocked the two emperors, while the big white goose and the empty air, although powerful, wanted to push the two devils horizontally. The Legion is still very laborious.

Bang! Only one contact, the Demon Legion was torn open a gap, but the speed of the empty space and the big white goose also slowed down, they want to break into the Demon Legion, to contain seven demon statues.

Their wishes have fallen through.

One of the demon statues flew in and appeared in front of them.

"Get out!"

The empty, big white goose devote all efforts to explode, the power is like the sea, pushing out the endless waves, hit the demon statue, and the three-space rule roars among them.

Hey! The demon statue smiled coldly, and when he opened his hands, a light curtain appeared, which curbed the three-space rule.

Demon defense! The big white goose and the empty face are ugly. The situation is too dangerous. They fall into the encirclement of the demon lords. How easy is it to break out?

Hey! At this moment, the other six devils flew together, and together they played the light curtain, forming a prison, and trapping the two emperors.

"Now see where you are going to escape!"

They came in and came in, trying to catch the shackles and not giving the two emperors a chance to escape.

The whole situation is like this, their face is damaged.

Boom! On the scorpio, the huge voice rang again, this time closer, and some people used the ultimate means to tear open the sky.

"Quick speed!"

The seven devils don't want to delay, worrying about long night dreams.

"Oh, are you afraid?"

The big white goose sneered. "I have the ability to kill my teammates first, and then deal with me!"

"The empty mind is full of thoughts."

Why do you want to be in the same group as the big white goose?

He hates this shameless teammate.

Can you use other methods for your delay?

Must you kill your teammates first?


Empty and empty eyes, do you really be fooled when the seven devils are deserved?

"it is good!"

However, when the air is depressed and vomiting blood, the seven demon statues are seriously pondering, and the forehead is up, can you still be a little proud?

Can't you get rid of it together?


Empty is now so vicious, even if you are dead, bring a big white goose! "Don't talk nonsense, I think we are with them!"

Empty and empty words: "We blew together!"

"The big white goose is the first god, and then the gas is straight, I believe you a ghost, you bad old man is very bad."

"it is good!"

It sank for a moment and nodded heavily.

"That's blasting."

Look at the empty white goose and look at it together. "One, two, three!"

The seven devils couldn't help but retreat backwards. The two emperor-level characters blew themselves up quite dangerously. One carelessness was that they were all injured, but they waited for a moment and found that the two characters stood there and glared at each other.

"Why don't you explode?"

The big white goose said angrily.

"Then why don't you explode?"

Empty air and sound quality question.

"I believe you!"

"I can't believe you too!"

"Then work hard to live!"


"The magical people around us are completely watching. Is this a special Taoist emperor?"

What about the exercise?

What about face?

Is this insulting their IQ?

"You are looking for death, I will definitely take you back and feed the dog!"

One of the devils said coldly.


The big white goose went to the mouth of Nunu, indicating that he would look at the back first.

"I still want to lie to us?"

The seven devils are unmoved, and they don't want to be insulted by the two shameless goods.

"Look at the gray machine!"

I am also thinking about the sky.

"Look at your uncle!"

The seven devils were fed up with these two goods, directly hands-on, powerful magic pushed to the empty and big white goose.

"Hey, why don't you believe us?"

The sky is empty.

"Yeah, these people are really poor!"

The big white goose helped me on the side.

"The seven devils are really mad, and they are stronger and faster than the white geese.


They did not notice that the scorpio behind them was pushed open, and a figure shone. Although the cloak was on the head, the white geese and the empty air recognized the cloak as a hurricane.

he came! Then there is no need to worry! next moment.

The storm is moving, it is so suffocating, the lightning is ash in front of it, and the strong strength is ignited at this moment, the confinement space is swaying, and the scorpio is confined. Although the two demon corps found the wind, but the action Can't keep up.

When they reacted, they only felt the body tremble, and a horrible flood of smashing smashes their flesh and blood.

dead! This is the rhythm that should be! When the power was to hit the air and the big white goose, a character fell and was silent, that is, none of the seven demon statues were discovered.

He pointed out a finger.

In an instant, there was a big wave in the air, just like the swaying of the swaying. Because of this swaying, the magical law of the attack was fixed. No further, not wanting, but not.

Imprisonment! It's that simple and rude! (

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