Supreme Demon

Chapter 2680: A prosperous vision!

Time and space are still!

The sky is flowing.

A person standing in the air, standing in the middle of the seven devils, he is wearing a cloak, the body exudes a taboo atmosphere.

Behind it, there was a **** road in the two demon corps that extended to his back.

Dozens of demons died on the spot, flesh and blood fluttered in the wind, and other demons could not fully respond.

That person would like the devil to appear in front of them.

He was cold to the seven devils, and pointed out a moment. The time and space were fixed. Only the streamer flickered, and there was a heavy light around it. It was this heavy light that suppressed the attack of the seven devils.

Face the seven devils!

This is Ling Feng!

The big white goose was excited with empty eyes and tears. They almost died, and Ling Feng finally appeared in time.

One step worse!

The demon statue will get rid of the big white goose and empty.

One step worse!

Reversing God will lose two powerful characters.

Fortunately, Ling Feng came in time.

The big white goose and the empty and sometimes vicious thoughts, is this Lingfeng deliberate, intending to let them sell their lives to the anti-God?

of course.

If Ling Feng knows that Ling Feng feels the need to leave at this moment, then tell everyone all that he does not know.

"Who are you?"

"Dare to commit me to the devil world, do you really want to live?"

The seven devils eyelids jumped straight, and the cloak in front of them made them feel the strong pressure. It was the feeling of facing the devil, and it was the feeling of facing the supreme of the demon country.

"Come on!"

Responding to them is the two simple words of Ling Feng, the truth of the eighth star he has found, there is no need to entangle here.

As long as you put a brand of anti-God, there is a way to break into the devil world.

Wait until the strength of the anti-God is enough, and when they are full of wings, their real opponents will only have the magic domain.

"court death!"

The seven devils are unstoppable. This character is too arrogant. Is it really easy to deceive the devil?


Someone has broken into the devil world, but how many characters can leave alive?

It is indeed very tricky for the character of Lingfeng, so they informed the Tianmo Kingdom that the Xeon characters are flying, even if the top Tianzun is going to die.

As long as they can hold their time.


Ling Feng did not say much, directly hands-on, single-handed out, madness is like the sea of ​​the sea, carrying the thunder of Tianwei, playing in the middle of the road was confined, the day was confined.

That is the confinement of the devil!


The void suddenly trembled, and the surrounding became sticky. Only the one finger swayed out and was placed on one of the demon bodies.

In an instant.

The aura broke out from the body, and the terrible madness carried the evil spirits of the internal organs, and the enchanted Dan Tian took out a hole, the power was damaged, the flesh and blood was damaged, and the demon statue was Was swayed out by this power.


He made a sorrowful sigh, and he did not expect that the opponent would be so tricky, and he could shoot them with one hand, and the tyrannical mess.


Ling Feng did not drag the mud, lightning strikes, the palm of the hand shoots five lights, like the gushing lake, suddenly fell on the body of the demon, so that his flesh and blood are falling apart.

"Do not!"

The demon statue feels the flow of power, and the power of kindness is imposing its own laws and powers.

And that finger is from his deficiencies in Dantian, destroying his flesh and blood.

His whole people are dying.

in spite of.

His full sorrow, but still can not resist the attack of these forces, after a moment, the voice is weak, slowly dissipated in the air.

A demon statue!

In a short period of time, this makes the other six devils sorrowful, and even more sensitive to the horror of Ling Feng, this is simply the top Tianzun.

To know.

Most of the seven demon statues have just stepped into the devil's dignity. Two of them are not weak. They should have already asked for success, but the strength is only in the fourth-class Tianzun. It is really not enough to look at the strong Lingfeng.

after all.

The gap between Tianzun is too vast, and the crosswind after the cross is even more extraordinary.


Ling Feng hit the second demon statue, showing invincible style, one-handedly pushing the road, the power of the collapsed road is integrated into the confined space, and a finger is thrown, that is, the law is closed!

Any law is empty talk in front of him.

This is a contempt!

The tremor of the cockroach.

The second demon, Fuxi, is not an opponent at all. The confinement space is really terrible. Once the law is banned, the magical power is really a chicken in front of the wind.


Ling Feng did not stop, but hit the third demon.

He didn't want to break into the scope of the Mozu, it was too easy to be discovered, affecting the overall layout of the anti-God, but the white goose and the empty space were smashed and he had to come in.

he came!

Then there is no need to be jealous.

Come here.

Naturally, something is left.

For example, the seven devils are killed.

For example, the fear of the Mozu!

"Oh, the devil!"

The big white goose flew away from the empty lightning and shouted. "First turn our teammates and deal with us!"


Ling Feng really wants to take these two things down. Is there such a pit father?

A full quarter of an hour.

Six demon squats, Ling Feng showed the power to make the characters in the audience tremble, even if the white geese and empty air are fried, this has just stepped into Tianzun, is it necessary to cast a record of burning Tianzun?


Ling Feng is different from burning Tianzun, not a prosperous world, but in the relatively desolate world of poverty, so the strength is even more unpredictable.


Lingfeng has been too miraculous. The "Void Road" is different, and its strength is naturally different.

The person who gave birth to Xianli, once asked, is it that the average Tianzun can match it?

He has cultivated life and death and deserves the reward of the whole heaven!


The seventh demon glory, the sky full of magic blood, the whole picture is really terrible, that is, the two demon corps are tremble, it feels like a resurrection of the king.

This kind of picture they only experienced in the anti-God, and only the anti-God can let them eat.

"Grandma's, bullying us?"

The air came to the fire, and the two demon corps were on the sneer. He said with a sneer. "There is a kind of rushing lord, don't hit my teammate!"


The big white goose looked disdainful, and he smiled coldly. "This kind of wicked thing, only you can do it!"

"It’s the brothers who don’t regret when they cut the knife!"

He said with a sigh of relief: "You come to me!"


The empty space was defeated by this shameless goose.

No way, who makes himself not a goose?

They rushed into the Demon Legion, and they pushed forward strongly. Even though they were two emperors, they were almost smashed by the two demon corps. One or two devils were not terrible. The terrible thing was that after they sacrificed the gates, if they were not big white geese and empty There are forbidden devices, I am afraid that I really want to die inside.


The ending is that they live, the demon army is dead!


Ling Feng didn't want to delay, and flew out of the devil with two serious dying things.

He has already noticed that there is movement behind him, and the Mozu forces are flying. One or two extremely terrible atmospheres are about to be savage. The white geese and the empty space must first be sacrificed, and they have to do their best.

Obviously, this is not good for them.

When he left, Ling Feng shot the confinement space and completely wiped out the breath on the spot, which closed the Devil's exit.

He didn't want to stay in the magic hole space, but flew directly out of the magic hole.

As for the Mozu problem, it is not his consideration of the scope. If the Mozu dare to fight out of the magic hole, it is only afraid to pay endless blood and magic, in the starry sky can not be demons.

Two months later.

The eighth star ended.

The black hole disappeared into the sky, and only the eighth star was ancient and eternal, there was no squalor, no truth and breath.

People searched for a whole month and finally sighed.

The flowers are not falling, and the prosperity is still there.

The stars of the universe are undergoing metamorphosis, but there is no such thing as a Taoist or a martial artist.

of course.

It is worth noting that the characters of all major forces are born and asked, the auspicious picture appeared in the universe, and a terrible old man drove the crane to appear and fell on the fairy tales.

Dian Xian Gu Zun!

It is reported that in the ancient times, there were nine imperial sects, but unfortunately only one ancient lord survived, and the other eight died in the last days.


It is this ancient esteem that makes the fairy tales ecstatic, only because this ancient esteem is no less than the ancestors of the wilderness, the strength is unfathomable.

A few days later.

The Oriental clan returned to the virtual star, and the Eastern Rain came back together. It was only that the Eastern Rain had never come out since returning home. It seems to be taboo for the end of the world.

More like dealing with the end of the world!

The sky is still calm.

The major forces are vying for the general trend and swimming in various scarce resources. Only the anti-God maintains a low-key, almost fading out of people's horizons.

A few years later.

A character was born, carrying a storm full of sky and flying into Xianting.

This is an ancient respect!

From the ages!

Undoubtedly, Xian Ting's strength has increased, and finally in the world.

To know.

The horrible characters such as the Hongtian Tiandao, the Oriental Clan, and the Immortal Taoism are all born. There are only five sects in Xianting. The forces are still too thin, but the ancient sacredness sits in the town, and the situation is completely different.

They have the confidence!

They have strength!

They can prosper in the world!

In fact, not only Xianting, Buddhism, Mohist and other forces have also appeared in ancient times. They can survive from the end of the ages, and naturally they should not be underestimated.


These characters did not have much impression of the end of the world. They did not directly participate in the tragedy. Instead, they used the door of Wanguqi and concealed it, and this lived to the present.

"Try to take the big picture, so that you can cope with the end of the world and live to the next!"

The ancient emperor of Xianting said that if you want to maintain the prosperity of a force, you must make an effort. Every prosperity is very important.


Dao Xing, Ling Feng eyes filled with a smile, the animal skin in the hands dissipated as smoke, but this is the current situation against the gods.

They did it sixty-five!

Only a few people in the world know how much they have paid behind, but those blood will not flow in vain, they will finally embark on the path of the ages, and arbitrarily end the world!

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