Supreme Demon

Chapter 2834: It is better to wait for a person to slaughter a city!

He wants to be the king of Huangquan! When Ling Feng just stepped into Huangquan, the goal was not as clear as it was, but when he stepped down step by step, the intention in his heart sprang up.

He is not as strong as the ancient characters of Xiangu, and he can only play a different road.

for example.

Let Huang Quan surrender to his feet! At this moment, Ling Feng sits on three giant tombs and looks at the first floor of Huangquan. Although this is only a glimpse of the land, if the whole Huangquan is likened to a universe, then Ling Feng they are still working **** a star.

They still have a long journey.


The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Ling Feng believes that they can do it. The important thing is whether God can give them a little more time.

in fact.

Ling Feng is more anxious than anyone else, but there are some things that are urgent. He needs to think too much. The reaction of Huang Quan’s superiors is very important. If they attack too hard, the upper ones will suppress them once they It is very difficult to move.

That is very dangerous.


Even if he is sitting on three giant tombs, the upper part has been slow to move, which means that in the eyes of the creature, the three giant tombs are too small, perhaps sitting on the 12th to be able to make those creatures pay attention to a little bit. Only.

"Then go to the massacre!"

Ling Feng’s face was filled with a smile, and this massacre was much easier than they thought.

Because they only need to kill a few top creatures, other creatures have cold solitude to kill them, and the loss of the entire yellow spring is quite serious. Since they entered Huangquan, millions of creatures have died at this moment.

This number is still a drop in the ocean in the Yellow Springs, but don't underestimate the **** massacre.

When Lingfeng's appetite becomes bigger, when his armpits and sinisters are hundreds of millions of people, every step must bleed and kill, and the number is not a million-level, but a million, hundreds of millions.

"it is good!"

God’s forehead, the changes in these days, he looked in his eyes.

Now every step of their way is to build a solid foundation. As long as its origins have not been uncovered, when this giant building is born, it will be able to blast a horrible hole in Huangquan.


They are concealing inquiries about the remains of Xiangu Wangu, hoping to discover the truth and get the treasures and resources that are beneficial to them.


These creatures in the Far West knew little about the battle that happened in Xiangu Wangu. They had to move forward and knew to tear open the first layer of Huangquan.

On the same day, Ling Feng announced the next step in the massacre, from the initial blindness to the planned massacre.

He is not trying to build the Huangquan dynasty, but to retain the power at this time as much as possible, which is more aggressive.


A few days of the cold and quiet, as well as the heavens that were cast in the three giant tombs, shouted excitedly.

They get too much in the massacre, and the progress can be described as fast. I am afraid that it will not be long before I can step into the peak of the sky. This kind of temptation is really fatal.

The next day.

Two million yin soldiers rumbling to the fourth giant tomb, the yin and turmoil, dead pneumatic days, Ling Feng was in the sky above the yin, was blessed with his eyes, his eyes shine, like two rounds of yin and yang, let His Majesty, the Yin soldiers are fascinated and bowed.

Xuan Shen Mausoleum! It is reported that an extraordinary mysterious **** has fallen here and formed this tomb.


Before the Lingfeng attack, the Xuan Shen Mausoleum flew out and took the initiative to bow down to Ling Feng. The attitude was extremely pious and humble. Although some of the hearts were unwilling, the monarch of Ling Feng was really too strong.

These days.

The land of the West is completely chaotic.

The Twelve Tombs were shaken, which was previously unimaginable by Huang Quan. They were full of anger and wanted to get rid of the wind.

But when the record of Ling Feng was presented one by one, they realized how powerful this opponent was, and they did not bottom out. Like a black hole, they were swallowing up the twelve tombs one by one.

There are creatures that die unyielding.

There are creatures in the dark layout.

Xuan Yu is another kind of thing. It is smarter and knows how to choose. When it collects the means of the Lingfeng massacre step by step, it chooses to surrender decisively.

Because it doesn't want to die.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng opened his mouth and laughed. Although it is not a difficult thing to get rid of Xuan Yu, this person has a greater role.

He was the first creature to vote at the heavenly level.

The meaning is very important.


Ling Feng needs such a creature. Perhaps Xuan Yu has an ulterior motive, but Ling Feng also has his own purpose. On the IQ level, Ling Feng is quite confident.

He has already seen Xuan Yu.

At the same time, he wants to conquer the entire Huangquan, and he needs more people to vote. It is not only a heavenly creature like Xuanyu, but also a godly creature, and even a monarch.

"We are coming from the mighty, will not let us enter like this?"

The gods and faint smiles, they used two million yin soldiers, but not to wait for him to surrender, and pay a lot.

"Belonging to this is a treasure!"

Xuan Yu is very sensible, understands people's minds, and has been prepared earlier. In his wave, there are Huang Quan creatures, which have raised many resources.

Big bleeding! Don't say that the gods are fierce and cold, that is, Ling Feng is frowning, because Xuan Yu is too sensible, and almost took out his own resources, no less than the resources of any one of the owners.

Normally, people like them should be reluctant?

Dare to make such a big blood, the plot of the mausoleum is not small.

Ling Feng smiled and did not stop.

No matter what Xuan Yu is trying to do, it is not true here.

"Have a rest, fly to the fifth giant tomb tomorrow!"

Ling Feng said coldly and faintly, he is already anxious.


Two million yin soldiers settled down in the tomb of Xuan Shen, and they got a lot of resources. They wanted to play the next giant tomb, and stepped on the top of the twelve tombs that used to be high.

That is quite a pleasure.

Xuan Yu blinked and did not speak.

The next day.

Ling Feng took nearly three million Yin soldiers to the fifth tomb. This is a more vast tomb. Unlike the Xuan Shen Mausoleum, this mausoleum has no meaning of surrender, and it is built around the solid soup.

Forbidden, Qimen, Huangquanshui, etc. were all around.

The terrible light rain hides everything in it, making people invisible and truthful. Perhaps this has no effect on the characters such as Ling Feng and Shen Lie, but for other Huang Quan creatures, the impact is too great.

And the purpose of this mausoleum is this.

As long as it can suppress three million squadrons, there are only a few characters left by Ling Feng.


Ling Feng’s face reveals a gloomy smile. These characters are really interesting, but they are a bit stupid.

Do I look so idiotic?


He glanced at Xuan Yu, faint and laughing, but this smile, but let Xuan Yu body a stiff, cold sweat is permeating through the hair, when Ling Feng turned his gaze, a sweat was rolling down his cheek Come.

He is shaking! He is all embarrassed.


He still has to do this! At the next moment, Ling Feng first rushed into the fog, cold and quiet, etc., but Shen Shen also broke into it, but Xuan Yu's Yin soldiers were somewhat scattered, and the speed of entry was slower.

Wait until Ling Feng and so on all enter the fog.

The charming expression on Xuan Yu’s face has finally changed and become sinister. He does not have to hide, revealing crazy fangs.

"You are all damn, swallowed me so much resources, and now die inside!"

Xuan Yu had an angry drink, and then his hands were lifted up, and a spear was flying out of his hand, giving off a secluded green light. When it was in full bloom, the ancient power instantly ignited the fog and formed a raging flame.

at the same time.

There were also millions of sinister soldiers flying in the tomb. The headed ones turned out to be seven heavenly creatures. They were not weak, and Xuan Yu was just eight heavenly creatures.

There are more creatures of the gods behind them, flying one by one, and the momentum is like a dragon, a powerful mess.

This is a big drama carefully prepared.

It is prepared for Lingfeng.

Because the Lords of the Twelve Tombs felt the dangerous taste, they united to deal with Ling Feng, and Xuan Yu was a different person. Very cautious, even the eight heavenly figures were still not enough, so there was such a .

He swindles! Using Ling Feng's "rough" character to introduce it into the fog, and then ignite it, using the terrible power of the fog to kill more than two million sinister soldiers.

"Hey, Tu Yu is not your patent!"

A mausoleum smiled coldly. "You want to deal with us, you are still too tender."

"The strength is there, the IQ is too bad!"

“It’s an idiot!”

Xuan Yu rolled his eyes and said, "I am eager for quick success, too much to overcome us. I have never thought about managing my own sinister soldiers. Can such people be unbeaten?"

"Oh..." Suddenly, a sigh of sighs rang in the ears of people.

"You are really slow!"

The voice became very erratic and unpredictable.

"Sometimes it’s better to wait for someone to slaughter a city!"

Ling Feng’s figure appeared in the fog ban, letting the smoldering fire burn, and had no effect on him. His face was filled with a cold smile. “I am like an idiot?

It’s just a swindle, but because of your swindling, I have learned a lot about it. ”

"A net is exhausted?"

"Actually, this is exactly what I want!"

Ling Feng stepped out of the yin fire step by step, and together with Shen Lie and Xiao Long, they were not affected.

Only in the area.

"You... how is this possible?"

"That's nine smoldering!"

Eight heavenly creatures were shocked by this scene, and Ling Feng was so arrogant that it was unimaginable.


Ling Feng shook his head and said, "You don't even know your opponent, what wisdom is you talking about?"


He raised his hand, and the intense light rain broke through the gaps of the universe, carrying endless power, and the pressure came out, and the madness said, in the sorrow of the eight heavenly creatures, the swells swooped down.

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