Supreme Demon

Chapter 2835: Ling Dynasty!

Hey! The whole void is trembled, a mad stream comes from all directions, the rules of space are blasting, and the momentum of the king's level despise the audience.

The confinement space was also released at this time.

Shocked Huang Quan.

It is different, can not see the quality, is not born and died, it comes from the void, it is scattered from the air.

Infusing too much yin and death, it is more like the power of death.

A gas-shaped sickle evolved in the void, slowly falling down, and all the space around it was swept up and covered by this swell. The eight heavenly creatures felt that the surroundings were completely solidified and the body could not move.

The fierce airflow pushes everything.

This is the way of Ling Feng! After being silenced for a long time in Huangquan, Lingfeng has been quenching, so that his strength is closer to the power of Huangquan's death, and now he has done it.

The confinement space is the medium.

"Do not!"

The eight heavenly creatures changed their faces and really felt the breath of death. They were all stunned and couldn't believe that Lingfeng was so powerful.

King of the world! That is the height they have always wanted to achieve, but it has never been done.

"I surrender!"

The first one of Xuan Yu couldn't help but surrender to Ling Feng because he still didn't want to die.

"I surrender!"

The second Huangquan creature couldn't help it, his nose and mouth were bleeding, his face was ugly, and under the enormous pressure of Lingfeng, his road was falling apart.

There are more creatures that want to surrender.

"I do not accept!"

Ling Feng eyes are full of anger, really angry, Xuan Yu's betrayal made him very unhappy, although he had already seen all of this.

Such creatures are not credible and must die.


The other mausoleums in the other mausoleums came together. At this time, they thought about surrendering. Do you think he is a very good idiot?

When things get to this point, where can I look back?

The rumbling confined space carries a huge amount of yin and dying, and the sun-like power kills all resistance, letting the eight heavenly creatures do their best, still not the opponent of Lingfeng, their bodies are in a massive yin In the madness, it is withered bit by bit, like decaying flesh and blood, once dissipated in the wind and rain.

Only left.

There is only one ghost left! After a moment, they had nothing left, and they all vanished in the great power.

Eight heavenly creatures are so desperate.

This scene not only shocked the creatures in the eight tombs, but also let the cold and a few days of suffocation, they thought they knew the wind, but at this time they discovered that their understanding of Lingfeng is just the tip of the iceberg. Only.

His strength is strong! His greatness is king! There is no power to suppress this character.


The fog of the eight heavenly creatures was very banned, and Huang Quan’s biological losses were heavy, but like the cold and quiet, it was able to withstand a moment, and Lingfeng’s eight heavenly creatures did not take much time.

next moment.

Ling Feng looked back, shooting in the eyes of endless lightning, screaming, and the yellow spring fog broke out of the two holes.

"Quit now!"

Ling Feng opened, it looked a lot colder.


Cold and quiet headed, the other days will be guarded, with more than one million sinisters flying out of the fog.

Although their injuries are not small, they have not been hurt.

"They are damn!"

Cold and cold, said, because these creatures almost died inside.

Ling Feng’s shots touched and awe.

"Either surrender or die!"

Ling Feng looked at the millions of sinister soldiers in front of the giant tomb, and the smile on his face became smashed, and the killing in the body was completely activated.

He doesn't care that Huang Quan's creatures die more.

"We are not satisfied, we must avenge the mausoleum!"

A few days will express dissatisfaction, full of bloodthirsty, even if the eight lords died in the hands of Ling Feng, still can not let them admire.

"Good, I will meet your requirements!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, and the mountain river collapsed when the hand was raised. The sun and the moon were eclipsed, and the confined space was like the same round of yin and yang.

In the rumbling of the ray of light, the creatures fell like tidal waves, and then in the tyrannical power, the flesh and blood were torn apart bit by bit, and then died.

Just three efforts.

The creature that said that he was dissatisfied was killed in this tyrannical force.

The strongest is suffocating.


Cold and other creatures have also felt an unprecedented bloodthirsty momentum in Lingfeng's eyes. It is a glance at the glance, and can't help but beheaded.

This kind of look is only available to the creatures of the princely level.

"Either live or die!"

Ling Feng looked directly at the millions of squadrons, and his momentum became stronger. He still had to conquer, so the Yin soldiers were also a very important force.

He didn't want to kill all the squadrons here.

"We surrender!"

One Heavenly Shout, it is not as loyal to the eight lords, but more fearful of power.

"I will wait for the service!"

Someone took the lead, and other creatures had nothing to insist on, one by one, bowing at the foot of Lingfeng.

Like the waves, a dagger.

Millions of sinister soldiers, how spectacular the scene is to be spectacular.

of course.

There are also some unacceptable creatures, they are swindling, trying to smash the wind, how can we escape the sacred eyes of the gods and dragons?

They rushed into the millions of squadrons, one by one, and killed the creatures that swindled.

"Not really decapitated, all die!"

This is the cold side of the gods, and the power it displays makes it even more chilling.

Half a day later.

The whole scene was quiet, and millions of squadrons were fine-cut hundreds of thousands, but this has little effect on the squad.

What is important is that more than 50 days will be preserved. This is a force that cannot be ignored. It can erupt the power of heaven and earth and is extremely beneficial to Lingfeng.


Ling Feng took the Yin soldiers into the mausoleum, and the entire ancestor was evacuated by the cold secluded, and the resources were listed and divided one by one.

Every sinister has a harvest, but this is divided according to merit.

Among them, cold and quiet will receive the most resources.

"Shen Lie, Xiaolong, you will take the cold and quiet and other heavens to take the other six tombs, but if you dare to resist, you will be defeated!"

Ling Feng didn't want to delay. The mausoleum was killed. The mausoleum was their bag. He could not allow any accidents.


Shenlie and Xiaolong immediately boarded the road and flew to the other six tombs. Under their pressure, no one of the mausoleums could turn over the waves.

Just one day.

Shenlie and Xiaolong flew back, while cold and quiet did not.

The six tombs always need some creatures to sit in the town, and the cold and quiet days are the best candidates, and the cold and so on are ecstatic.

To know.

This is the 12th tomb of the West, the territory is vast, the non-Tian Yin can be beautiful, the palm of the hand is a hundred soldiers, the power is soaring.

They are very willing to be the mausoleum.

At this moment, they are full of enthusiasm, very satisfied, from a lord to a lord, they only took a few days, is this metamorphosis too fast?

"My Lord really works for a dynasty!"


The twelve tombs are camps, they don't melt together, they seem to be scattered, but now they are in the hands of Ling Feng, and Ling Feng can completely build a dynasty with the Tombs.

Although the territory is not as good as other dynasties, it is also a dynasty that cannot be underestimated.

after all.

There is a king in their dynasty.

In fact.

Some people are agitating without waiting for the cold and quiet, and hope that Lingfeng can create a dynasty. Unlike the scattered twelve tombs, the true nature of a true dynasty is completely different.

They are all founding fathers.

Locations, resources, etc. will all be different.

This is not the same as the district magistrate.

"My family name, can I build a dynasty?"

“It’s been a long time since the land of the West was scattered. It’s time to build a dynasty.”

"My Lord Dynasty!"

Many days will be agitated and full of desire.

"My surname is Ling!"

Ling Feng said very casually that he did not bluntly want to build a dynasty, but that look is showing his attitude.

"Ling master, then what about our dynasty called the Ling Dynasty?"

Everyone is suggesting that although they do not know whether this "Ling" and "Ling" are the same word, it is not important.

"it is good!"

Shen Lie first came out and echoed and agreed.

Only by satisfying the appetite of these creatures can they more easily mobilize their enthusiasm and lay down even more vast territory.

"Then Ling Ling Dynasty!"

Ling Feng took the lead and agreed.


The crowds will be excited, and the extremes will be unified. They have the right to wrestle with other dynasty wrenches.

The day.

The Ling Dynasty held the founding ceremony and sent a letter to other dynasties, hoping to be recognized by other dynasties.


There is no response, because the Tombs of the Tombs are scattered and weak, even if the dynasty is established, it is a scattered dynasty, which is not worthy of attention.


The land of the west is very partial, and the position of the 12th tomb is extremely desolate. Such a tomb is a small pimple in front of the real dynasty, even if the territory of the 12th dynasty is just a glimpse of the real dynasty.

It really is not worth their attention.

At the same time, this character of Ling Feng has never heard of it. I don’t know where the mountain butcher has come to be the lord of the dynasty?

It’s really whimsical.

In this way, those days that encouraged Ling Feng to build a dynasty will be paralyzed, but Ling Feng, the "national lord", did not realize it at all, and he was still happy.

"Is none of them coming?"

Ling Feng looked cold and asked, smiling.

"This is indeed the case at the moment."

Although I don't want to tell the truth, this is the truth.

"very good!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "Write it down one by one."


Cold and quiet.. "What does Lingzhu mean?"

"If they don't want to approve it, then let them recognize it."

Ling Feng laughed and still like humans and animals are harmless, but cold and quiet but feel the chill, they are different from other kings, very bloodthirsty, as long as he is unhappy, dare to break the sky.


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