Supreme Demon

Chapter 2855: Fairy!

Virtual light.

Dotted with the sky.

The beautiful mountains are full of immortal atmosphere, filled with the charm of the ancient times, and it is intoxicating to take a bite. People like Ling Feng, who are basically immune to the rhythm, feel refreshed when they take a bite.

The injuries and blood in the body are healing.

Boom! He stepped on a strange mountain and made a heavy bang at his feet. The first mountain was not too strong. After the wind was adapted, he climbed the mountain with lightning. One step fell on the second mountain, and the arrogance could collapse.

boom! Tianwei of the second Qishan is obviously a bit stronger, but it is very small for Lingfeng’s class, and it does not affect his mountaineering.

next moment.

Lingfeng lightning mountaineering, do not stay, the entire Ertu is full of loud noises, Lingfeng like a lightning straight into the starry sky, disappeared between the sea of ​​stars.

Rather than climbing, it is better to climb a superstar.

One by one.

One by one.

In a short time, he climbed a hundred mountains, and Tianwei was obviously stronger, but the impact on Ling Feng was really limited.

He stepped forward.

He collapsed into the Milky Way.

A moment later, he appeared on five hundred superstars, like a beating grasshopper, and still climbing.

"It's still far away!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, there is no worry at all. Perhaps the pressure here is unprecedented, he has encountered the strongest place in Tianwei, but what about it?

He is lightning step by step.

During a few breaths, he appeared on a thousand superstars, stepping on the hard soil under his feet, and the smile on the face of Lingfeng was even stronger.

The Tianwei here has doubled, which makes him a little hard, but Tianwei has not encountered this for too long.

Just polishing his flesh and blood.


His flesh and blood can advance into the first-class Tianzun in advance, and even Tianzun is in the border.

call out! He didn't stop, but the lightning forward, the speed became faster, as if there was no Tianwei on the star in front.

Two thousand and three thousand hurricane speeds became faster. When it turned into a lightning bolt, he did not care about any superstars. He even forgot the fourth ban, blasted his will, and insisted on moving forward. He wanted to let himself The fleshy bones shoot the strongest potential.

Eight thousand superstars! This is a threshold. Tianwei here does not know how many times it has been turned over. However, Lingfeng has not been too worried, and still lightning forward, because his flesh and blood is strong.


Even if he spent a few days climbing up to eight thousand superstars, the front is still awkward and can't see the end. I don't know how many superstars there are.

Such an earth is simply unimaginable.

Ling Feng is still moving forward.

His flesh and blood is shining, every step is taken, flesh and blood are shining in the light rain, and more blood splashes out, and his bones are tearing, his charm is extraordinary.

"There are more, I like it!"

Ling Feng is excited before, there is a desire in his heart, he wants to become stronger, then start from the flesh and blood.

Ten thousand superstars! Ling Feng has already stepped into the Scorpio, and even opened a heavy day, can not see the end of the front, but can not see the bottom.


This is no longer important for Ling Feng.


He screamed and flew to the end of the scorpion at the end of 20,000, 30,000. He felt that he had crossed the entire universe, but he was still moving forward, and the whole scorpion was stepped under the foot of the wind, and his flesh and blood was torn. More powerful, the blood of Yin Hong is flowing.

The bones are breaking, and the heavy ones are hard to imagine.

Ling Feng violently gasped, his face was pale, cold sweat fell, like just out of the water.


He screamed at the sky and felt that the state had never been better. After the full-fledged plume, he had not been so hearty for a long time, and he had not found such passion for a long time.

As if, the years back to the original Lingwu Mountain.

He did his best and he had to climb to the last step.

It feels like fighting a hundred games.

Only in this state, Ling Feng has an unprecedented passion.

The Lingfeng in this state is a sharp blade, and no one wants to block such a wind.


Ling Feng proud of the sky, lightning dive, disappeared in it.

100,000 superstars! Ling Feng really opened up the whole universe. He seemed to see another universe through the bright light rain. Here is the end of the earth, and a vast ban is on the sky.

Boom! When Ling Feng's feet fell under the ban, the flesh and blood were tearing quickly, and then the "squeaky" sound broke completely, and the whole body dissipated.

Only the soul of the sea is eternal.

He seems to be dead.

In fact, Ling Feng did not have a commandment. His flesh and blood bones were dying, but his soul did not. His fairy power did not, and regeneration was recasting his flesh and blood.

A tremor.

In the void, blood and rain are drifting, slowly falling, forming a human form, and the blood line of the latter is outlined in that form. Only a moment has appeared flesh and blood, and a more powerful body is emerging.

The soul of Ling Feng flew down and fell into the body.

Everything seems so natural.

It was full of light and rain.

All of them fell into Lingfeng, and there were starbursts flying out of 100,000 stars. They flocked to Lingfeng and integrated into his body, completely igniting his flesh and blood, and letting him shoot an unprecedented light rain.

The acupuncture points in the body of Lingfeng are fully occupied. Every acupuncture point is covered with light and rain, and the momentum is collapsed, and the light rain is from 100,000 superstars.

The 100,000-star rain ignites the wind.

His whole body burned, not limited to flesh and blood, that is, his soul is burning.

Flames can be swallowed.


Ling Feng made a sorrowful sorrow, which is not outfitted.

With the perseverance and tenacity of Ling Feng, it is possible to issue such levels of misery, showing how terrible the flames are.

That flame is the supreme being, I am afraid that it will be a tragedy.


Ling Feng insisted on this, even if it was in the flames, he had no tragedy. Although it was fierce, it still did not die.

Hey! Suddenly, the fourth ban in the void made a ray of light, breaking through the 10,000 roads, breaking through the ninety-nine heavens, slowly becoming smaller, flying down from the air, flying out of the sea The three bans resonate.


They slowly blended, and they shot a more terrible light rain, and then they flew to Lingfeng.

It merged with Ling Feng into the blazing flames of time.

The flames did not go out, but became more intense, because the Lingfeng Soul Sea was completely ignited, whether it was confined space or Xianli was ignited and burned together.

An awkward force is being pushed to the ground.


It is getting stronger and stronger, and it is completely out of control in a moment.

The horrible sound of Ling Feng also slowly dissipated in this horrible flame, and the vitality is dying. I am afraid that the singer can't figure out the current situation of Ling Feng.


When the light rain was the most intense and most dazzling moment, there were magical creatures around the flames, beheading around.

Not much time.

More Xianli Feixian, surrounded by cranes.


Everything stopped at that time, and the crane was fixed and shaped like a sculpture, so it stood in the sky.

The ultimate cold power is consuming all living beings.

This scene only lasted for a while, and it disappeared. The frozen crane and Xianli that had been fixed collapsed and became smoke.

Flames burning immortals, immortal soils, confinement spaces, etc. have emerged one after another.


They finally dissipated between heaven and earth and merged into the void.

The flames are still there.

Passed by.

During the flight time, the flame finally subsided and finally went out completely.

On the Scorpio, there is only one body that is solitary, the hair is like a waterfall, and it is scattered, and the thin body seems to be able to prop up the whole universe.

When he opened his eyes, the clothes flew down and covered them.

His temperament is like a fairy, and his spirit is like jade.

The eyelids become more radiant, and the flesh and blood becomes stronger and brighter.

He seems to have changed.

It seems like it hasn't changed.


His whole body was empty, the power around him disappeared, and Xianli disappeared together. Dan Tian, ​​who had no boundaries, became more hollow.


The difference is that there is a hollow in the top of his head, there is no color, the void color is presented, and the blur is not clear, but it really appears.

Can't see the shape.

Can't see the power.


Ling Feng’s face was faintly smiling, only because of the igniting of the 100,000-star rain, and in the integration of the fourth prohibition, he had a drastic change.

The realm that has never been broken is broken at this moment.

The insurmountable gap has crossed at this moment.

He is no longer a second-class god! He is not limited to the first class.

Ao Xian's many resources, 100,000 stars of rain casting, four banned 迸 shoot the ancient and modern light rain, let him take a step that can not be taken.


He truly stands in the ranks of first-class heavens, overlooking the sky.

Xianli, confinement space, etc. have disappeared and become hollows in the void.

To be honest, Ling Feng himself is not clear enough about why the hole appeared, but he has a strong intuition.

Is confinement space the end of power?

Is there any power after Xianli?

The appearance of a hole may be the answer.

"The immortal soil, the flames burned the immortals, the fairy cold, the gods at dusk" whispered in the low wind, and each level after he stepped into the heavenly respect was different from other heavenly respects, and each level corresponds to an invincible space. .

However, these spaces are all from Xianli.

What about the last space?

"Xian Yu" Ling Feng looked up to the sky, with a deep sigh.. "I hope there will be no more fairy!"


He flew down from the void, penetrated the ninety-nine heavens, and fell into the earth.

He did not leave the territory, but searched in the land of Ur, to take away all the resources, and to use the spirit beads, to take away some of the ancient charm, these are the power they need to conquer the Yellow Spring.


At the time of the search for Lingfeng, there were two rumors in this piece of earth. The gods and the dragons were asking for respect at this moment, and they went up to the next level.


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