Supreme Demon

Chapter 2856: Waiting for the rabbit!

In the earth.

The gods were so solemn and solemn, sitting in a piece of earth, the power of the body spewed out, forming a variety of virtual images, soaring around them.

Binocular hurricane.

Thousands of arrows rain.

In the void, there are two scorpions piercing the scorpio, and behind him there is a whisper of the gods, and the momentum is completely ignited, and when all this flocks to the body of God, Wan Dao makes a sound.

A mist of rain fell into the sky from the body of God.


The mighty Tianwei issued a wave of sea waves, a glare, a breakthrough of thousands of roads, and breaking through the sky, and it appeared on the top of the gods.

It was a red sea of ​​smoke.

It is intertwined with Wan Dao Tian Wei, and it has the power of Ao Xian and the power of this red earth. He casts a third space with the power of the Prohibition and the Earth.

That is the sea of ​​smoke! The temperament from Xiangu was massively integrated into the body of the gods, igniting the space of the earth and the sea, so that the flesh and bones and other bones have undergone essential changes.


The earth and the sea have extraordinary power. Unlike the previous two spaces, the sacred spirit at this moment has long been confined to the inheritance of the gods.

At the beginning his ancestors died in Huangquan, proving that there was a big problem with his family.


Shen Lie has always been aiming at Ling Feng and has witnessed too many magics. If he has always maintained the power of his ancestors, he will only be able to copy his ancestors.

In the world, unlike Xiangu Wangu, he is also not an ancestor.

He is a **** and is destined to take a different step.

The smoky sea is his space for another path. Although it is still influenced by his family, it is because of this space that it is more powerful, because he takes the essence of his family.

Come out in one step.

Ask for success! After a few years of polishing in Huangquan, Shen Lie finally took a step, not limited to the fourth-class demon, and its overall strength is climbing too much, the earth and the sea is the power of detachment, and can be with the second-class Tianzun Shopping.

at the same time.

On the other side of the dragon, there was also a dramatic change. It got a lot of temperament in the star map, and almost got the source of the charm. Now it has gained distinctive strength and sentiment in the forbidden soil and the earth.

And it is heavily influenced by the wind, which is also a kind of edification.


Its sentiment and the strength it receives are the least, but Xiaolong is the most polished in the third-class demon level. It is nearly two thousand years of polishing. If the dragon can't ask for respect, it is really disappointing. .

not to mention.

Under the strong oppression of the five lords, Xiaolong’s heart is also sighed with anger. It is eager to ask for success, and only then can it become the main force, not the drag.

Under strong psychological pressure and numerous resources and perceptions.

Xiaolong finally took a step, and asked for a strong, and the light rain broke through the sky, appeared in it, and the momentum was like a dragon.

The entire four spaces are displayed one by one.

Every one is different, but one thing is the same, they are extremely vast and strong enough.

Especially the fourth space, which is filled with stars, and there is a creature flying around. If you look carefully, you will find that each creature is a real dragon, although it is not an entity, but it is strong.

Tianwei is alive and makes God shudder.

Although the success of the dragon is not comparable to the first-class Tianzun, but in the second-class Tianzun level, Xiaolong is not the top, it is similar.

have to say.

The influence of the arrogant and the earth is still quite powerful.

next moment.

Shenlie and Xiaolong flew out of the gods, and the body spewed out of the world, very beautiful, there was no previous worry on their faces, and some were just unprecedented warfare.

Ask for success.

Although they are not as good as the first-class gods, they can at least be a first-class **** of hard steel.

of course.

This is still not enough, because they are going to face up to five first-class celestial creatures, they can only hold one of them, so the real main force is still Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng?"

God looked around and searched for the whereabouts of Ling Feng, or the location of the question.

"I am here."

Ling Feng smiled and appeared, looked at the gods and the dragon said. "It's very good, asking for success in such a short period of time is enough to prove your excellence."

"That is," said the gods proudly. "The deity has taken a step in my family and will be detached from it."


Ling Feng smiled at the forehead.. "The gods and the birds are powerful, but they do not mean invincible, they can still improve, and now you are in their direction."


Shen Lie felt that responsibility was great. He used to follow the footsteps of his ancestors, but now he has to think about it for future generations.

Because it will create a miracle.

Because he will lead the gods and fins to a farther direction.

"Well, I will work hard."

Shen Lie solemnly headed for the first time, Ling Feng this point is really important.

"The potential of Xiaolong is being played out, and there is still hope in the future."

Ling Feng said with a smile.


Xiaolong solemnly squats, Ling Feng is not a general figure, there are so many things that can be seen through it. Because of the example of Ling Feng, Xiao Long dared to think about the matter of the day.

Although it is very tired and more difficult to kill in Huangquan, it really feels progress.


One day, it can really ask for success.

"its not right."

Shen Li suddenly looked over and looked at him with a serious face. "We have all asked for success. Although we performed extremely well, our strength is still not the opponent of the five sovereigns."

"You didn't ask for respect?"

This is a problem they are worried about. Although they ask for respect, they can't solve the situation at hand. Only Ling Feng asks the esteem to force the five lords.

"I asked for respect."

Ling Feng said with a smile.


Shenlie and Xiaolong are carefully looking at Lingfeng and feel the change of Lingfeng. The problem is that Lingfeng does not feel any change at all.

He still looks like that.

His breath is still dull.

"This kind of joke can't be opened."

God frowned and said.

He had previously found in the Ertu, and he did not find the fluctuation of the question, only the side of the dragon, and once Ling Feng asked his voice should be bigger than the dragon, can you have a little movement?

This is not normal.

"Do you think I am joking?"

Ling Feng said with a smile.


Shenlie answered very seriously.

"Would you like to try?"

Ling Feng smiled and asked.

"" Shen Lie did not want to talk, although there is no change in Lingfeng, but Lingfeng's smile is not right.

A nightmare smile.

This is the grading of the various smiles of Ling Feng, and the nightmare is the most terrible.

"Do you really ask for respect?"

God asked with an unbelievable look.

"Do not make it."

Ling Feng blinked and smiled. "If you come over, try it."

"Do not try!"

Shen Lie quite simply refused, he did not want to be jealous.

This standard smile of Ling Feng is too dangerous.

"Would you like to let the five masters try?"

The face of the gods is filled with an evil smile.

"I think this idea is good."

Xiaolong echoed, full of treacherous smiles, because they knew that once Lingfeng really came out and stepped into the first-class Tianzun, it was really invincible. If the five masters knew this result, they estimated the expression on their faces. Quite wonderful.

God and the dragon, be prepared to appreciate it.

"Let's go, you can't let your opponent wait too long, it's really rude!"

Ling Feng blinked and sneered, but the breath of the world that was inadvertently revealed made the gods and the dragons feel suffocated.

at least.

For the creatures at this level, the breath that makes them suffocate is absolutely demon to the extreme.

Although the five lords are strong, they are limited to strong.

But Ling Feng's strength is not limited to strong.

This is the gap.

"It’s really a matter of asking, no one is moving."

God frowns, this state of Lingfeng is incredible and unpredictable.

Normally, there are movements, but Lingfeng does not.

Normally, after asking for success, there will be some breath out, and Ling Feng does not.

More importantly, they are increasingly unable to see the wind, and the goods are getting farther and farther on the road.

next moment.

They packed some of the resources in the territory and stuffed them into the "bags" because the next battle would only be more cruel, when we didn't have such good luck.

Therefore, they must prepare a little more.

at dusk.

Ling Feng they only applied to the earth from the earth, and in the middle, they are as strong as the mountains, began to condense the yin of the surrounding, although very thin, but better than no, right?


Here is the Ertu, they can smelt, the yin of the body should not be more, or the five lords will doubt.


Ling Feng was the first to start, tearing the flesh and blood, and making himself **** and bloody. It looked extremely miserable. The dragons and the gods were treated like the same way. They had to give the five masters a big surprise. They always had to do the preparatory work. .

Everything is ready.

Ling Feng, they flew to the earth to export, like a lightning bolt, but the footsteps looked embarrassed, and the gods and dragons followed.

Hey! They flew to the exit.

"I don't believe they still haven't left!"

Ling Feng is cold and cold, with a hoarse voice and a **** taste.

"Oh, it’s really what you got!"

At this time, five gloomy voices rang in the distance, and the five lords appeared again, with horror and coldness on their faces.

They were horrified at the fact that the three characters, such as Ling Feng, were able to persist in the territory for a month.

The cold thing is that Ling Feng and others have not yet died, and they have come out to send "body".

It’s a great person.


Ling Feng may have been hurt too much this time. He was not vigilant and banned from attacking them. This made the five masters excited.

Waiting for the rabbit, it is not too disappointing.

"You" Ling Feng suddenly changed his face and said incredulously. "You haven't left yet!"


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