Supreme Demon

Chapter 2895: Tomb house!


This is completely independent of the power of the gods, the most fierce knife in the hands of this wind.

When the anti-God was fully brave and swayed by Huang Quan, they rushed in time, like a rainbow, splitting the sky, bursting into the yellow spring.

The light rain covered the sky.

The light rain hole opens up endless space.

That light rain is more representative of the highest level of anti-God!

The number of people is not a lot, scattered and scattered, but it is even more surprising when you look at it, only because the small number of people just formed a broken knife shape, which is amazing.

Normal, the state of the disease should be a weapon such as a sharp blade and a sickle?

What is a broken knife?

Only the burning of the Supreme is clear, the headed figures will express their loyalty in this way, telling the devil, their will, their character is trustworthy.


This is not a broken knife, but a broken edge.

This is in the tribute to the Lord Lingfeng, only because the Lingfeng was swept by the broken blade, and the ruthlessness was expressed by the broken blade.

This trip, only death!


The scorpio is exploding, the space around it is ignited, and the speed of those personal things is too fast, terrible to the point of suffocation, even if the Supreme People present are changed color.

"what's the situation?"

"Tianzun Legion?"

Even if the Magic Road Supreme could not help but exclaim at this moment, the "broken blade" that came from the gallop was completely formed by Tianzun. The head of the figure was dressed in blood, and the head cloak did not look at them, but it burned. The momentum, the frenzy of the sky, is portraying their war.

"Is this a rebellious man?"

All the people in the field looked at the burning of the Supreme, only this figure was clear.

"Live back!"

The burning of the Supreme eyes is moist, he wants to cover up, but after all, he still can't hold back.

Because these characters appear, it means that they will fight for life and death, protect the wind, and protect Ye Witch and others.

In the anti-God, the sky is the real "death squad".

"On the side of a monument!"

The head of the character was slightly stiff, and then laughed and rushed to the distance.

They are coming to death!

From the day they were born, it was already doomed.


They have no hesitation, today, after the tempering, who dares to confront the sky?

Who dares to despise God?

This handle knife is really sharp!

"I am with you!"

The eastern rain fell to the sky and said, "The oriental clan is handed over to the gods!"

When he finished, he flew to Huangquan.

The Eastern Rain is a wise man. He knows that there must be a supreme person who enters the Yellow Springs. When he is attacking the top figures of the gods, the Supreme God can only sit down against the gods, so he is an excellent candidate.

At this point, when they set out to open the channel of the Feitian Waterfall, the oriental poetry was concealed.

In today's starry sky, there is no force that can incite the anti-God.

Even the devil!

Even the top figures of the rebellious gods are brave and swaying.


Oriental poetry thinks that Ling Feng is not so idiotic. At this time, it should still be alive. Only a large number of supreme joint forces have established a strange ban, and through the Huangquan Bilu, the top character of the anti-God will come back sooner or later.

She is betting!

The Eastern clan must be stronger in her hands!

Therefore, the Eastern Rain fell to the request of the oriental poetry, and the same as the anti-God.

"Well, I am waiting for you to come back!"

Burning the sky is full of twinkling eyes, no matter what the oriental poetry wants, willing to take the ultimate life to gamble, such characters are worthy of rebellious love.

next moment.

The Feitian Waterfall Channel is closed between the bangs, and the power of the Supreme Supreme is too powerful.


The top characters of the anti-God set foot on the Huangquan Bilu, how is the ending, I am afraid to wait for the first class, what will happen to this starry sky when they are not there?



Ling Feng’s injury was extremely heavy. The body was injured and the limbs and five internal organs were all demolished. Various resources were pouring in, but the effect was not good.

God's face is heavy.

Ling Feng’s injury was in his eyes, but he could do nothing, and the other side of the news was even more serious. Although the Shura Eight did not betray, they did not remove the Eight Fountains, and they tried to imprison them.

It is blunt to wait for Ling Wang to come and go.

Moreover, they have done their best and can only be imprisoned.

What does it mean?

Is God a idiot?

The eight Shura people felt dangerous, so they did not rush to kill them. They gave the opportunity to the Eight Senses of the Spring. Once the Tomb of the Tomb was flying, Ling Wang was defeated, and they had the opportunity to vote.

And if Ling Wang is still able to be a hard-steel tomb, the more they can say it.

Two sides and three knives.

What they don't know is that such creatures are even more important.

"The situation is not good, can Lingfeng recover?"

Xiaolong found it here and his face was heavy.

"I don't know yet."

God sighed and said, "He has different physiques. We can't help, we can only rely on Himself."

"The creatures in the cemetery are only afraid to come over!"

Xiaolong said, "The ban on the surface of the secluded mountain is lit up, and our time is running out!"

"Yeah, I hope he can heal, otherwise we have to explain it here."

God said bitterly, "The deity is still a place, can't just die."

"You are... the whole age?"

The dragon screamed at the gods and then laughed.


God is angry and angry, and can't wait to kill the dragon.

Time is in a hurry.

Eight days have passed.

The situation is getting worse and worse. The light and rain on the secluded mountain are so terrifying that there are living supremes that come across the field. The terrible yin and anger make them look ugly.

at the same time.

The Shura elite soldiers were attacked and suffered heavy casualties, because this time is not only a sacred spring creature, but also a creature from the cemetery.

"The tomb is coming, so please don't panic!"

"The secluded spring can't be chaotic, dare to marry the ancestors, the tomb must make Ling Wang pay the price!"

The priests of the cemetery are shouting, and there is no such thing as putting Ling Wang in his eyes.


The tomb respect really came over, looking for the whereabouts of Ling Feng, and Shura eight very intelligently threw away the eight secluded fountains, fled the battlefield and smashed.

They don't want to be on the tomb of the tomb.

They want the tomb to deal with Ling Wang first, or Ling Wang first to deal with the tomb.

"Although the breath is weak, I can still find it!"

A few days later.

Someone sneered and found the atmosphere of the dragon and the gods, and slowly touched it in that direction.

It is reported that Ling Wang sneaked into the Tian Zhou of Huang Quan's ancestors, which led to the tragedy. At this time they also wanted to try.

"They are coming!"

God looked at the distance and sighed. The eight Shura are unreliable. At this time, I don’t know if I am near them.

They can only rely on themselves.

"Come on, just drop them!"

Xiaolong said coldly, "The most is a death, anyway, the deity has!"


A sigh of anger, when he saw the dragon squinting his eyes, he almost didn't come up.


God is almost angry and said.

This is the salt in the wound.

Just a moment.

The gods and the dragons are looking straight ahead, and they look straight ahead. Although they are concealed, it is still very difficult to escape the eyes of the tombs. After all, they are not Lingfeng.

They know that the celestial creatures of the cemetery are coming.

call out!

Silent and silent, a virtual shadow flashed to the gods, and there was no match.


Just as it was about to succeed, it was black in front of him, and a black sack was opened in front of him, and it was taken in on the spot.

Rather than saying that it is to attack the gods, it is better to say that it is automatically sent to the sack.

"Hey, I already knew that you are coming back. How can you be prepared for nothing?"

God screamed and laughed. "As for your sneak attack, your bird grandfather played it hundreds of years ago."

Although the strength of the gods is weak, but do not underestimate his sneak attack skills, he and Ling Feng from the Xuanshi to Tianzun, what kind of robbery, sneak attack has not done?

This kind of sneak attack on the tomb house is too low.

He slid the creature down, pinched the sack, and punched and kicked the sack.

"The cemetery is awesome!"

"Where is Joseph wanting to die?"

Xiaolong is not willing to look around, and chooses to spend a good meal with Shen Lie.

Anyway, it is difficult for them to leave alive, so it will be cool, at least not to suffer.

"Is it?"

"Then let me try!"

Another virtual shadow flew, flickering and flashing, and then disappeared around the gods and spirits, making people unpredictable.

God did not think about it, holding the sack and covering it to the top of the head.


A creature fell into the sack of heaven.


The gods slammed the sacks and threw them on the ground, and then began to explode, quite rude.

It is Xiaolong who has a little look.

How did the gods find out?

It doesn’t feel like it at all.

"You want me to explain it to you now? Let them know all about it?" Shen Lie looked at Xiaolong like an idiot.

"Then explain later!"

Xiaolong’s smile, it did not understand, but it felt that the gods were not so magical.


"It’s really a small one!"

The five creatures flew out of the air and were falling in front of the gods and the dragons. They were all human figures and face-to-face.

"In terms of sneak attack, you are indeed very talented, but you can't save you from the side door."

They are quite confident, disregarding the dragon and the gods.

"Is it just not just for you?"

"Is the Emerald Eight should come out?"

God sighs, although it is not the sacred supreme, but it is a five-first-class god, and there are eight breaths behind them.

"The dog's nose is strong enough!"

The eight sacred springs flew out and sneered and said, "Let Ling Wang come out, it is meaningless to hide."

"The tomb is coming soon, how long can he be?"

"Then let us pass this level!"

God does not let, Ling Feng is their last hope.

Even if they die, let Ling Feng live.

"When you say this, I am more certain that Ling Wang is seriously injured and dying!"

"That's your business, you can take a look at our bodies!"

The wrath of God made an attacking gesture, and said coldly.


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