Supreme Demon

Chapter 2896: Look, the gray machine!

The sky is dark.

Just like the hearts of two creatures now.

Five first-class heavenly creatures, and eight secluded springs, how miserable they are in the situation.

Besieged on all sides!

I am afraid that it looks like this?

To know.

The gods are only the third-class demon, and the dragons are only the second-class demon. Once they are on the first-class gods, they can only dodge by speed. The problem is that they are behind the wind. If they dodge, then Lingfeng It really didn't save.

They must insist on their death!

Hope, but they can only hope that the hope of that is bigger.

"Right on my mind!"

The five tombs of the cemetery have not yet opened, and the eight secluded fountains can't help it.

Previously, they were persecuted by Shura and they were so miserable. They were so embarrassed that they had already been depressed. At this time, they still did not export birds.

"Come on!"

God is so cold and cold, not afraid of the Eight Fountains.

call out!

A ray of light appeared, the blood sacred out, and a glimpse of the arrow flashed to the front of the gods, and a gray knife was flying in the hand, and it was smashed toward the gods.

The momentum is strong, and the momentum and strength of the top Tianzun should be blasted out.

"The deity is here, come and want to find death!"

God arrogantly shouted, hands flashed out, but the direction is not blood, but the void.


The emptiness of light and rain shines, and a strange ban is activated, releasing a large amount of Tianwei, carrying a strong force against the blood.

A tremor.

The blood can't help but fly back, and there is more white on his face. The sharp knife in his hand has not fallen down, and he has been blocked by the dodge.

"First-class ban!"

The blood is so stunned that the two creatures are as simple as imagined, and there is a strange ban on it.


Shen Lie and Xiao Long are not idiots. In the unfavorable situation, if they do not set a strange ban, they are really waiting to die.

All they wanted was to hold on and stay longer, until Lingfeng wakes up and blasts the tomb.

They don't have to die with the tomb.

"Let's see how long you can keep this singularity!"

The blood is cold and laughs, and once again slams into the gods, and the sharp knife falls on the prohibition, inspiring the gods.


Naqimen banned the sturdy immortality, and even survived the blood of the respect.

"Don't waste time on them!"

The head of the cemetery Tianzunmu said that he did not want to wait, because Ling Wang is healing, once healed, it is a big trouble.

It’s a long night dream, it still understands.


It stepped forward, pointing out, pointing out three short blades in the middle of the finger, bursting out of the top Shenhong, the space was shining, and the light rain was banned.

Power is changing.

The power is even more explosive!

The terrible power broke all things, and the bombardment was banned in the singular gate, causing the singular ban to make a trembling sound with cracks on it.

"Give me a break!"

The head of the cemetery Tianzun screamed, and the three short-blade blazes again, and slammed into the singular ban.

at the same time.

The six sacred springs shot together, and they rushed to the singular ban, causing them to burst into cracks and collapse in an inch.

The odd door is banned, but these creatures are more extraordinary.

How can it withstand the bombardment of many first-class gods?


A moment later, the Dodge door screamed and screamed and collapsed in the void.

"Then die in the end!"

God sighed, they brought a small number of banned gates, and only one can be set in a hurry. Now that the singularity is banned, they will face the cemetery and the secluded sun.

"Death? By yours?"

"Let us!"

The Tian Zun, headed by the tomb, smiled coldly and pointed out that it was magnificent and direct.


God opened the scorpion sack and took it in on the spot.

When he can take advantage of it, he definitely doesn't want to take it!

When he was able to kneel, he wanted to take another look.

"It's a bit interesting, but you are not supreme, even if you get the Scorpio?"

"Get rid of him!"


The four priests of the cemetery flew out, and the eight sacred springs flew out, and they rushed to the gods. They did not give him any chance and did not give him the opportunity to delay the time.


Just a punch, the gods are like a kite, flying out, even if there are celestial sacks, can not stop many Tianzun creatures, not on the spot, is already the ability of Tianzhu sack.

at the same time!

The creatures looked back and slammed into the dragon.


The dragon was embarrassed, the light rain flew out, mysterious and unpredictable, and there was a heavenly order around it, which was able to withstand the bombardment of several creatures.

It is lucky to live.

However, it flies hundreds of miles.

This is not a level of battle.

"First pick up Ling Wang, then pick them up!"

The head of the cemetery, Tian Zun, said with a smile, "I don’t want Ling Wang to heal!"


The few creatures present did not hesitate. The lightning flew forward and opened a Tianshan.


At this moment, a knives flew out, carrying the top Tianwei, and carrying the unbreakable arrogance.


The fairy blade flashed, and a head flew onto the sky, and the soul was destroyed by the smoke on the spot.

"I haven't died yet, I don't need you to come to the end!"

A voice blew in the Tianshan Mountains. A **** character came out of the Tianshan Mountains. There was no anger on his face, but every creature couldn't help but shudder when he saw him.

Ling Feng!

Shenlie and Xiaolong were ecstasy first, but then their faces changed dramatically and they were full of grief.

Surprise in Ling Feng wake up, grief in Ling Feng was a heavy injury, failed to heal.

The wind in this state is really weak.

"Ling Wang, you are alive!"

Tian Zun, headed by the tomb, said with a smile, "How do I pick a living head?"

"Then let the horse come over!"

Ling Feng looked at the creature with a cold look, and his eyes sparkled with cold light.


The four creatures of the cemetery, the seven creatures of the secluded spring, rushed to Lingfeng.

They have to get rid of the wind, to pick up the head of the wind, a living Ling Wang is quite valuable.


The Ling Feng, which was in the void, suddenly flashed, and appeared behind a Tianzun creature in the cemetery. The fairy blade was with a sharp light rain, and the life was inserted behind it.

Gray blood rushes out.

The celestial creature screamed and died on the spot.

It is not weak!

But even the severely wounded Ling Feng is not something that these creatures can despise.

His dignity is not to be offended.

However, after scolding the demon creature, Ling Feng's flesh and blood collapsed, and the big mouth spurted blood, almost disintegrating. Although Ling Feng had evaded the flash, he used his strength and the serious injury became more serious.

Only the remaining strength is not enough to suppress the internal injuries.

"the second!"

Ling Feng is cold and open, although he is bleeding, but anyone can see the killing of his eyes.

"who is the next?"

Ling Feng coughed blood and said that the hoarse voice was accompanied by chilling eyes, so that the living creatures were shuddering.

At this time, Ling Feng really had a demon gas field.

"Do not be afraid of him, the end of the strong!"

The head of the Tianzun creatures personally end, to get rid of the wind.


Several creatures have launched an assault on Ling Feng, but they can be seen at the end, and another creature is bloody.


Ling Feng’s footsteps, physical strength, and power became unstable.


A few creatures are not afraid of death, a little out of the wind to understand the scope of Huang Quan biological.


Ling Feng is still strong and respectful.

Another creature paid the price of life.

However, Ling Feng’s injury has deteriorated, and a large piece of blood is pouring out of his mouth. At this time, he has not used it.


The head of the Tianzun short blade is still lying on the back of the wind, making it more bloody, but the powerful body makes it not fall.


Ling Feng said hoarsely.

"Do not insist, you can escape!"

The gods could not stand it, and persuaded Ling Feng to leave. They were seriously injured and it was difficult to escape from the ascent, but if Ling Feng had to fight for life and still have a chance.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng did not respond.

If you do not respond, you will refuse.

"You are stupid!"

"So why are you so smart to do this stupid thing?"

"We have not saved!"

"You are alive, we are not too miserable!"

"Come on, I have no plans to go back!"

Ling Feng laughed, I know they will come, I hope we will not disappoint them.


The sacred head of the cemetery came to the sky, and the broken blade directly stabbed the chest of Ling Feng, and it came to a cool heart.

Because the injury was too heavy, the body had to be disintegrated, and the Lingfeng reaction became dull and did not dodge in time.


The fairy blade crossed a shining light in the void, and the blade smashed the arm of the cemetery for the first day, making it sorrowful.

This is not a double defeat.

When other Tianzun attacked, Ling Feng even hit the number and his chest was bright and terrible.

This time.

He failed to get rid of the cemetery and let them leave alive.

He is really strong.

"He wants to fall, everyone must work hard!"

Tian Zun, headed by the tomb, said with a smile and said, "Take the head of Ling Wang for the supreme!"

"I am waiting for the future!"


Other Tianzun became more crazy and bloodthirsty, and wished to kill Ling Feng lively.

"Ling Feng, you are an idiot!"

The sorrow and sorrow screamed, but the only thing that could be ushered in was the blind eyes of the wind, and he was so stupid and innocent.

Also as when I first met.

"Do you want to die?"

Ling Feng faces life and death, and the **** eyes have long been unable to see the world.


Just then, there was a bright light in the void, which blew up in the distant sky, and the whole sky was lost.

Initial time.

The gods and the dragons did not return to God, and their eyes were equally vague, but they looked back so suddenly, they suddenly stopped, and then their eyes were wet.

"Ling Feng!"

The shouts of screaming and exhausting "Look, the gray machine!"


Ling Feng numb turned his head, but he could not see the gods. His eyes were extremely damaged in this battle.

"Gray machine!"

The sacred body was straight and stunned, looking at the distance, and then bursting a demon in the arms.


The virtual light breaks through the sky, and the gods illuminate the future of the world!

Hey... Bang!

At this moment, a light rain breaks through the sky, and is rapidly rushing in this direction. It is like a signal, it is more like a call of life and death.

where are you?

I am here!

What needs to blow up the gods?



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