Supreme Demon

Chapter 3141: Devour the God Stone!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The Devourer Stone is an extremely strange creature.

It gave birth to spiritual consciousness in the Phoenix Forbidden Land, completely awakened, absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, and nurtured a treacherous space, which could confine other emptiness, which was very scary.

On the same day, it swallowed several martial artists in the third virtual flame, confined other space with confinement space, and then picked its roots and essence to make it more diligent. Then, it was used by an old man to find another way. It collapsed and was damaged, so he had to stay away.

Soon after, it found a few bones in the fifth virtual flame. The roots and blood were not completely annihilated. After being swallowed by it, it followed Ling Feng.

Because it discovered the difference of Ling Feng, if there were rivers running in the body, there were thousands of Qi Yun covering the sky, that terrible Qi Yun, it was going to drive the God-Eater Stone crazy, so it followed and swallowed Ling Feng, thus obtaining the treasure of dreams.

It gave birth to spiritual consciousness, knowing that Ling Feng was going to enter the depths of the Phoenix Forbidden Earth, so it waited before the ninth path of virtual flames, and blended into the rock, without showing its aura, as long as Ling Feng appeared here, it was bound to say. .

This is a weapon it uses to deal with other characters, and it has never failed.

However, today it was suppressed by a shot of Euphorbia, and the confinement space had no effect on that person, and it collapsed on the spot, giving it a feeling of being beaten back to its original shape.

What's the situation?

The god-devouring stone was dumbfounded and extremely blasted. This person was really terrifying, and his eyes were staring at it, like death staring, making it chill.

"Come again!"

Ling Feng stood in front of the Divine Devouring Stone, looking down at this creature. He had spotted this creature before, but he didn't break it, but he didn't expect this creature to be interesting, so he dared to follow him.

Now, is it hiding here to devour him while he is not prepared?


The God Devouring Stone shone, and a faint rain of light rushed out from the inside and directly enveloped Ling Feng. The speed was extremely fast. The ordinary Tianzun was afraid that it would not have time to dodge at this close distance.

But Ling Feng is not an ordinary Tianzun.

The big halberd in his hand suddenly shook, a halo emanated from the big halberd, and the town fell on the god-chewing stone, with a clanging war sound, and a bang.

The light blooming on the God Devouring Stone was shattered instantly.


The God-Eating Stone Statue was irritated, the light rain completely bloomed, and it was colorful, with a black hole evolving in the middle, and faintly visible teeth appeared in the black hole, like a secluded magic mouth.

A monstrous imprisoning heavenly power emerged from Nali's mouth, and the surrounding light and rain, space, rules, and laws were all submerged in it.

Even the laws of space can be swallowed and imprisoned!

At such a close distance, that Youyou Demon's mouth was like swallowing an immortal, and the confinement space was too terrifying. Ling Feng estimated that the Supreme was caught off guard, fearing that he would suffer.

Obviously, the Devourer Stone used all his strength to completely disintegrate the space, ignoring any rules and laws.


There was a tremor, with a heavy aura, and suddenly fell on the stone of the gods, and a spear was thrust into the quiet and sharp mouth. The spurge was dull and unremarkable, but it was as heavy as the sky, like a huge mountain, suppressed In the mouth.

The God Devouring Stone trembled violently, that quiet and fragrant taste could melt everything, even the space and the bones of the Heavenly Lord could be melted away, not to mention a mere shot of Euphorbia.

There was a huge amount of aura gushing out of the god-devouring stone, all kinds of light rain scattered out, and the imprisoned space erupted with the smelting of all things, and this spurge was to be destroyed.


The euphorbia shook again, and there was an ancient aura pouring out of it, and the mountains and rivers shone with the sun and the moon, which fixed the ten thousand ways and annihilated the space.

Confinement space is extraordinary?

In front of Ling Feng, that was just a kind of space.

It blasted down hard, and the Euphorbia still had no light and rain splashing out, but it was as solid as a rock and unmatched in its weight.

That faint mouth was actually blocked, the imprisoned space and smelted everything were annihilated at this moment, it was difficult to shake the halberd.

In just a moment, the God Devouring Stone was suppressed, and the imprisonment space was completely disintegrated. The imprisonment ability that made many martial artists discolored at this time had no effect and was restrained to death by Ling Feng.

"Come again!"

Ling Feng lifted the Euphorbia and looked at the God Devouring Stone with a smile. This boulder was very special, and he moved his mind to see what magical power it had.

That big halberd fell beside the god-chewing stone, simple and unpretentious. It was obtained by Ling Feng from the figure of Gu Dongtian. It was not a top treasure, and its power was far less than that of a fairy blade. It was just a heavenly treasure.

However, this great halberd fell into Ling Feng's hands and that young man's hands were completely different.


The God Devouring Stone flew up, and it was about to break through in front of Ling Feng. It wanted to swallow Ling Feng to obtain that terrible aura, but now it was actually held down by a "ordinary" Euphorbia, and it was hard to move.

How can it not be surprised?

Obviously, it also knows that it has encountered a ruthless person, and if it dares to move its mind, it is afraid that it will be completely broken by its counterattack.

When it was able to move, the God Devouring Stone wanted to escape without hesitation.


A spear fell suddenly, crushing it to the ground, still hard to move.

"Come again!"


This time, the Divine Devouring Stone did not flee away in the air, and chose to escape from the ground, slipping away from Ling Feng's eyelids.


Ling Feng was a little surprised, and actually let him slip away. The huge boulder could melt into the rock, as if it melted into the lake water, it disappeared in an instant.

The God Devouring Stone fled away with lightning, and didn't want to see this person for a moment. He was so terrible, like a devil.

It flees thousands of miles, appears in another direction, and then emerges from the surface.


Before it was pleasantly surprised, he saw a shot of Euphorbia fall down, plunged into the rock, and banged on the "body", making it hard to move.


The Devourer Stone is scared to shit, what devil is this?

It has escaped thousands of miles away, and it has gone deep underground. It is not easy even for the Supreme to find it. The Emperor tried to capture it without success, but that person is simply a demon.

"not bad."

Ling Feng nodded, this stone is very extraordinary, confining space, smelting everything, and escaping all of its own. It is not easy for a general martial artist to capture it.

"Come again!"

Ling Feng said.

"call out!"

The God Devouring Stone escaped away, still underground, and rushed in another direction, 30,000 miles away, but before it rushed out of the surface, there was a euphorbia that broke through the rock and hit its "body".


The small heart of the God Devouring Stone almost burst. It used to assault others like this. Has anyone ever assaulted it like this?

Where the **** is the devil?

A shot of Euphorbia breaks through the rock, and it freezes.

"Yes, come again!"

Ling Feng said again, lifting the halberd and letting the God-Biting Stone escape calmly.

What made him dumbfounded was that the Stone Devouring God actually escaped into the ground, unwilling to come out, fearing to be frozen again, stopping underground, reaching a depth of hundreds of miles.

It thought it would be able to escape Ling Feng's capture in this way.

Unfortunately, it underestimated the terrible Ling Feng.


A dazzling light broke through the rock, one person penetrated a hundred miles, and forbidden to appear in front of it, and a shot of the halberd fell down and stopped it.

What is nowhere?

What is difficult to live in?

At this moment, the God Devouring Stone really felt like he wanted to die. The devil actually ignored the restrictions in the rock, and killed it like this, completely immobilizing it. Is this still a human?

He couldn't be made of stone, right?

God Devouring Stone thought viciously.

"The ordinary Tianzun is really not your opponent."

Ling Feng detained the Divine Devouring Stone, which was like a millstone, extremely extraordinary, flowing with colorful rain.

"A little too big!"

The God Devouring Stone fell in Ling Feng's hands, and he frowned, feeling that this millstone-like boulder was too big, and if he was brought by his side, it would be too conspicuous.

There is a feeling of being disgusted by the god-biting stone!

But it was not resentful, but a sense of relief, because it really didn't want to face this devil.

The next moment, it regretted it.

It was because Ling Feng was using his hands to press down on the God Devouring Stone, trying to squeeze it down, or break it, and the pain was so painful that the God Devouring Stone was about to vomit blood.

Is there anyone playing with rocks like this?

Is there such a wicked person?

Those big hands were as strong as immortal treasures, making the God Devouring Stone feel like being squeezed by five thousand giant mountains, almost breaking apart.

call out.

The God Devouring Stone suddenly became smaller, causing Ling Feng to fly into the air. It used the short time difference to flee with lightning, and never wanted to see this person again.

However, it just took off, and was confined to the void by a more treacherous force.

"Should it be able to become smaller?"

Ling Feng looked at the God Devouring Stone. At this moment, it was only the size of a palm, and it was very colorful and very gorgeous.


The God Devouring Stone had to become smaller, until Ling Feng was satisfied, it was only as big as a nail, like a small stone.

"I think your light and rain are too gorgeous."

Ling Feng said.

As a result, the god-devouring stone light rain scattered and became primitive and unpretentious, the kind that no one picked up on the street.

"not bad!"

Ling Feng clapped his hands, this little stone is inconspicuous now, even if the emperor finds it, it is difficult to understand its weirdness.

"Perhaps, available!"

Ling Feng's eyes flickered, and the reason why he struggled to capture the God Devouring Stone is because considering the glory kingdom, if there is this stone, it may be twice the result with half the effort.

"I guess it won't be easy to yield, right?"

Shen Lie made up his knife at the right time, feeling that eating the God Stone was dangerous, and it was not easy to make him obedient.

"Then slowly enlighten!"

Ling Feng casually threw the God Devouring Stone in his pocket, not worrying that it would escape. With his Tian Might imprisoned, the mere God Devouring Stone was not qualified to escape.

"If it doesn't work, let the little tree take root!"

Shen Lie smiled viciously, and now I am afraid that I don’t know about the Devourer Stone. When he sees the Tree of All Things, it is estimated that he will really scare shit!

"Good idea!"

Ling Feng nodded, and if you want to obey the God Devouring Stone honestly, you must give both grace and power. The tree of all things is mighty, and the beginning of all things is kindness.

He believed that even if one day the God Devouring Stone was thrown away, it would cry for it to come back.

Deity Devouring Stones are not ordinary creatures. If you want to become a fetus and transform a god, ordinary heaven and earth essence, martial art and blood are far from enough, but the beginning of all things can do it.


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