Supreme Demon

Chapter 3142: Phoenix Terrace!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Divine Devouring Stone advances to the rank by devouring the essence of heaven and earth, martial arts and blood. This is the advancement it can think of at present, but the effect is not obvious. It can be said that the progress is slow.

That's because Heaven and Earth Essence Qi, Wu Xiu Qi and Blood are not suitable for eating the God Stone, but if it discovers the Qi of All Things, it must be crazy about it.

The Beginning Qi of all things can make all things, and it covers a very wide range, not limited to martial arts, monsters, ancient trees, mountains and rivers, etc. can be advanced, just like martial arts get a big medicine.

Undoubtedly, when everything began to show its energy, the God Devouring Stone was afraid to cry and kneel at Ling Feng's feet, begging him to become a favorite of the war.

But now Ling Feng is in a hurry, and there is no time for the God Devouring Stone to cry. He needs to step into the ninth imaginary flame as soon as possible to find the whereabouts of the Eight Spirit Gods and the Son of Glory.


Ling Feng stepped down and went straight into the nine virtual flames.

There are few people here, and many Wu Xiu do not have the strength to set foot here, but there are also very few people who can set foot.

For example, the Eight Spirits.

For example, the top deity.

For example, some supreme ones who "steal the sky" and so on.

Each of these characters has profound strength and backgrounds. Otherwise, would you dare to challenge the major powers and gods?

The Nine Paths of Void Flame are very bright, and their aura is obviously stronger than that of the previous Eight Paths. It is a test for the Eight Spiritual Gods. Even supreme-level figures must deal with it carefully for fear of accidents.

But Ling Feng didn't have so many taboos, the first star flashed, and directly broke through the virtual flame and entered it.

The mountains and rivers here are prosperous, and the ancient trees stand tall. Each one needs more than ten talents to be able to hug each other. The branches are luxuriant, covering the sky and the sun. Walking here, the holy sun in the sky is much dim, only occasionally The light falling down.

In the ninth path, the aura is obviously stronger, which is of great benefit to martial arts, but there is a weird imprisonment here, suppressing the martial arts of the heavens, making it difficult for them to cross the gap. Relatively speaking, this benefit is very pitiful.

In the process of Ling Feng's speeding, a giant green beast ran rampant, like a giant snake in the sky, shining fishy smell and terrible coercion, making Ling Feng frowned, because the giant jade python was about to ask the sky, and its strength should not be underestimated .

Soon after, Ling Feng also found a towering ancient tree, with its branches and leaves falling down, with scarlet eyes on it, which can deter human beings. If you are not vigilant enough, you will be deterred by the ancient tree. .

In fact, when Ling Feng appeared here, the ancient tree once wanted to make trouble. The large blades of the millpan rustled and fell, and came with the wind to encircle the Lingfeng, but when the first star flashed, the sky was full of leaves. "Back to nature", the ancient tree "sudden" far away, dare not start with Ling Feng.

Although the first star is the first leaf on the tree of all things, it is derived from the transformation of God’s way and the fruit of Lingfeng’s transcendence, but it has already become a sharp weapon, and even the supreme star, not to mention the fallen leaves, even the ancient tree Cut off.

Creatures like ancient trees are obviously more sensitive to danger than Wu Xiu, so it escapes quite simply.

"Let's run away quickly!"

Ling Feng pursed his mouth. The ancient tree was weird, but its power was limited, at most it was equivalent to the God-Eater Stone. It was terrifying in the Phoenix Forbidden Land, but if it was brought back to Tianxiang Mountain, it would only become a martial arts ration.

What's more, his current dantian has long had an ancient tree in the universe, with Tao fruit hanging on it, which can destroy all things and make the gods annihilate.


Suddenly, the ancient tree of the universe trembled, and it flew out of Lingfeng Dantian and rushed directly towards the ancient tree.

"Ha ha."

Ling Feng smiled and didn't care. The ancient tree of the universe came out on his own. It wasn't that he deliberately summoned it. It should have sensed the aura of the same clan and was beneficial to it, so it flew out.


The ancient tree trembles obviously, and then flashes away, because the ancient cosmic tree is more dangerous than Lingfeng, it appears at this time, I am afraid that it will pick the "dao fruit" and prey it on the spot.

"It is the Taoist Soul Tree, which is useful to me."

The ancient tree of the universe left a word, rushed to the Taoist Soul Tree, and disappeared in front of Ling Feng in the blink of an eye.

"Come back when you're done!"

Ling Feng threw a word down and walked into the distance.

Soon after, he found the traces of the Eight Spirits Gods, followed by, and forbidden to appear in a desert.

There was gravel here, covered with rocks. I really don't know how these gravels appeared. Ling Feng did not follow closely, but followed far away into the depths of the desert.

"It should be one of the eight spirit gods."

Shen Lie frowned. In this desert, it had a very ominous feeling.

"Don't worry too much."

Ling Feng nodded, knowing what Shen Lie was worried about. The Eight Spiritual Gods were extremely powerful characters. If they found Ling Feng trailing, they were afraid that they would lead to some terrible areas and slaughter them.

After all, Ling Feng is an outsider, and he is not familiar with Tianxiang Mountain and this forbidden earth, and the ancestors of the Eight Spirits may have been here and know some ancient places.

"It's not easy for them to find me."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Furthermore, I also found the breath of the King of Honor and the Little Spirit King. Although they are very indifferent, it proves that they are all here. If I guess correctly, this'spirit god' did not find me. , He just found the whereabouts of the Glory Son and the Little Spirit King."


After a long while, Shen Lie was on his forehead, not as nervous as before.


An ancient tree rolled over the sky with gravel, lightning came, and soon appeared behind Ling Feng. The ancient cosmic tree came back, and some of its leaves seemed to have eyes growing, with a strange agility.

Obviously, that old tree was unlucky and was picked "Dao Guo" by the ancient tree of the universe.

The next moment, the ancient tree of the universe rushed into Ling Feng's Dantian, rooted in the galaxy of the beginning of all things, and fell asleep shortly after.

"This tree deserves a rare fruit."

Shen Lie grinned. The ancient trees of the universe were extremely strong in Taoist rhyme, especially the Tao fruit they produced were extraordinary, but their strength was not strong and they were inherently weak.

Now, after it has become Ling Feng's "dao seed", it is deliberately changing. It does not want to be a Tao seed that provides "energy", but is becoming a "war seed".

Ling Feng was happy to see this situation, so he didn't stop it.

The sky is full of yellow sand and the rocks are hard.

The arrogant anode heat in the sky emits energy fluctuations, not limited to light and heat, and there is also a phoenix nirvana. Although it has no effect on Ling Feng and the others, it can also be seen that this desert is unique.

"It's getting hotter and hotter, it should be close to the destination."

Ling Feng made a guess because he noticed that the "spirit god" had slowed down a lot and became more vigilant.

Five hours later, the scorching sun in the sky suddenly became much dim, and there was a thick cloud layer on the sky, which was as heavy as lead, and then there was a heavy rain.

Ahead, the spirit **** stopped and looked at the dark clouds in the sky with an unprecedented solemn expression.

Ling Feng landed in the distance and had not yet entered the cloud range, but he had already discovered the difference.


In the pouring rain, there were flashes of light flashing through the sky, and Ling Feng stood in the distance, seeing it more clearly. The lightning was like a phoenix, and the lightning was not silvery white, but bloody.

Scarlet lightning!

Like a phoenix!

At the same time, when the **** lightning lit up, Ling Feng also discovered that the desert where the spirit **** was in, turned into an oasis. Although the ancient trees were not towering, the grass was not thick, but the coolness was shining, and the clear spring was gurgling.

The entire oasis is not big, less than a hundred miles in radius, but it is shrouded by a strange force, like a prison.

"That is……"

Ling Feng Yanchu keenly captured a picture. In the middle of the oasis, there was a red road platform, intertwined with endless lightning, all of them crimson, like magma gushing, like a question of heaven and earth.

"Phoenix Terrace!"

Shen Lie exclaimed, even though the Crimson Daotai is not big, with only one hundred meters in radius, it reveals heart-shattering fluctuations, endless blood flashes, more like the formation of phoenix flames, and a blood flash can destroy everything.

The next moment, the sky was clear and the spirit **** disappeared in front of them.

"Even to enter the oasis in this way?"

Ling Feng was thoughtful, if it hadn't been for the spiritual **** to lead the way, it would not be easy for him to find this place.

After waiting for a while, Ling Feng flew towards the desert.

In an instant, dark clouds rolled, **** lightning swallowed the sky, and the weather was at its peak. In that cloud, an ancient phoenix was vaguely visible in its nirvana, blazing flames, swallowing everything.

Afterwards, the downpour fell, and a flash of blood appeared in the space.

"Phoenix Nirvana Space!"

"As long as Wu Xiu is close, he can be touched, but it will limit his strength and not allow the emperor!"

Ling Feng keenly felt that this is a gateway, and only through here can you reach the oasis.

But the ancient phoenix set a limit. If the **** emperor appeared, the door would collapse, and would not send it to the oasis, but would hit the distance.

Obviously, the ancient phoenix was very taboo against the **** emperor.

After just a few breaths of effort, Ling Feng felt a flash in front of him, the flash of blood in the sky dissipated, and there was a strange stream of light under his feet leading into the distance.

The coolness rushed to the face, and the clear spring slowly fell.

He appeared on the oasis.

This oasis is just as he had seen it at the beginning, only less than a hundred miles in radius. For Tianzun and other characters, it is just a snap, but here the law of space is imprisoned, and the annihilation of the sense of God, etc., is indeed an extremely distant place just by sight Geographical.

"Eight Spirit Gods are all here!"

Ling Feng frowned. He found the breath of the Eight Spirit Gods and the breath of some other characters here, obviously arriving earlier than him.

"However, don't worry, that platform is very weird, it's not easy to shake it."

Ling Feng moved forward, hiding his aura, only exuding an aura of the **** level.

Although no one is weak to appear on this oasis, he has to be a little weaker than others, and it is easier for him to be less noticeable.

After a short while, he came to the middle of the oasis and fell in an ancient forest.

At this moment, the Eight Spiritual Gods have arrived, located in eight directions, separated from each other by a certain distance, which is obviously vigilant and jealous.

In addition, there are more than a dozen people standing scattered, looking at the Crimson Daotai from a distance.

When Ling Feng appeared, there were a few glances. Those who could appear in this place were extraordinary and worthy of vigilance, but in the end those few glances were taken back.


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