Supreme Demon

Chapter 3143: Cast roots in the ancient flames!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The greenery is full of greenery, and the grass covers the ground.

The old trees that are not high enough give off a faint coolness, and a few clear springs are gurgling and flowing along the dwarf mountain. There are occasionally a few pheasants around the dwarf mountain, clucking away, appearing proud, unlike other pheasants.

A Crimson Daotai only has a radius of one hundred meters, like a kind of ancient tree carving. The branches and leaves are distinct. The branches and leaves are intertwined with lightning, like red flames. Although it is not too strong in terms of aura and strength, it is in that red color. In the flames, there are little phoenixes dancing and fluttering, seeming unpredictable and elegant.

At the same time, the crimson road platform was still filled with colorful mist, covering everything and confining space.

"It is cast from the ancient phoenix tree, contains phoenix energy and blood, and builds flames with colored fog. This is indeed the Phoenix Terrace!"

An old man was looking ahead with his eyes blooming. This phoenix platform is extraordinary and solid. It is carved from a complete ancient phoenix tree. The essence of the phoenix inside is not dry, but it is still in full bloom and can be imprisoned. All spaces cover everything.

Don't say it is the Eight Spirit Gods, even the supreme figures can't see through, and there is a real Nirvana on the Phoenix Stage, which can smelt everything. If a general martial artist touches, he is afraid that he will fall on the spot.

However, this phoenix platform is a treasure for some martial artists, and the ancient flames of the phoenix can forge the heaven-shaking way.

"The Little Spirit King and the Glory Son should be here, right?"

At this time, there was a voice in a chariot in the south, extremely crisp, like a jade bead falling on the plate, soft and colorful, just from the voice, one could imagine that she was a beautiful woman with variety.

The Eight Spiritual Gods are not exclusive to men, and there are strange women who shock the world.

"Yes, we did find the breath of two characters here." A woman in colorful clothes said respectfully.


The woman in the colorful chariot only said "um", and there was no movement, as if indifferent to the two characters.

Not long after, there were fluctuations in the oasis. Some characters appeared and fell on the four sides. They did not conflict with the Eight Spirits and the previous figures. They were very alert to each other and were not willing to go to war at this moment.

Obviously, these characters are extremely strong, knowing that the Eight Spirit Gods are bound to win the Phoenix Daotai, they dare to come, which is enough to explain the problem.

"They are really two ruthless people, the ancient flame of Phoenix is ​​quite terrifying."

Inside the western chariot, a rough voice sounded. Although it was calm, people still heard a bit of hostility from it.

"It's not enough to have Phoenix Ancient Flame alone, it needs to be matched with the heavenly power of response!"

Another spirit **** spoke up and said, "The heavens of the gods are vast and boundless. There was a Phoenix Heaven Kung Fu that spread out. It can be called an invincible Heaven Kungfu. If they get it, it may be really successful."

"Their Dao roots were destroyed, but the ancient Phoenix tribe didn't need Dao roots. Now that the Phoenix Daotai is born, if there is Phoenix Heavenly Kungfu, you don't need real Nirvana, and Phoenix Heavenly Kungfu can be used to build their Dao Roots."

Ling Feng frowned secretly. The Eight Spiritual Gods were indeed terrifying. Although they didn't understand the essence, they could know the intentions of the Glory Son and the Little Spirit King in just a few words.

In ancient times, the phoenix rarely had Nirvana. Most of them used the Phoenix Taoist platform to use the Phoenix Heavenly Power to complete a transformation. Although it is not true Nirvana, it is similar to Nirvana.

Moreover, the ancient phoenix tree is rare in the world, rare as an immortal, and can help martial artists to break through the limits of Tao and comprehend the rhyme of Phoenix Taoism. Although it is not as peerless Taoism, it is also crazy.

"Through the Phoenix Taoist platform to build its roots, and then comprehend the Phoenix Taoist rhyme, I think that the two major forces have obtained part of the Phoenix Tiangong. If I guess correctly, the Phoenix Tiangong can complement each other and form a complete Tiangong."

The Eight Spirits talked freely, but they were extremely calm. They didn't attack the Phoenix Daotai. They were only clearing the situation and breaking the truth.

"It's really spicy."

The gods looked at the eight spirit gods fiercely. These eight people are not good things. They seem to be breaking the truth, but in fact they are telling those who don’t know the truth to let them know what the Son of Honor and the King of Spirits are doing. , What are the consequences once successful.

At the same time, these few people mentioned "Phoenix Tiangong" and "Phoenix Taoist Rhyme", which are all gems among the gems. How can it not be crazy?

They are implying that other martial artists should not hesitate if they decide to use their swords. Once they use their swords, they should not stop them.

"It's a kind of temptation."

Ling Feng nodded, his face was serious, and it was not easy to be the Eight Spirit Gods. The seemingly simple dialogue was actually a kind of temptation to test each other's attitude towards the Phoenix Daotai and the two characters.

If someone shows a different meaning, then this fierce battle will definitely be targeted. If there is no statement, it is actually an attitude.

"Phoenix has its roots in the Tao, and once it succeeds, it will detach itself."

Someone whispered and said, "After breaking and standing, you can crush the world."

"Two ruthless people!"

"It's not that they are ruthless, but the forces behind them are ruthless!"

The eight spirit gods looked more thoroughly. One of the spirit gods said: "Perhaps, they have known the Phoenix Taoist platform a long time ago, and they know how to cast the roots, transform and become stronger, but they can’t make up their minds. If there were no previous things, they would not dare to do so."

"A slaying game has injured many **** emperors, and now I have to use the Phoenix Taoist platform to become stronger. Is this to deal with everyone?"


Finally, someone couldn't help but move the knife first, and a heavenly sword came out from the sky, and slashed towards the Phoenix Daotai. The sky knife pierced and shot out a magnificent light as thick as a millstone, like a space with mountains and rivers inside. Flashing is the evolution of the laws of space.

Find another way!

Don't be imprisoned!

Ling Feng could tell at a glance that this was a supreme, who had come "stealing from the sky", using the treasure to hide the breath, making people unaware, and now there is no taboo here, but the space is still suppressed.


The Phoenix Taoist platform trembled, and the surrounding light and rain were plowed by the heavenly sword, emitting a brilliant light, which was as much as fifteen feet, faintly, through the hazy blood fog, people saw a figure sitting on the platform. , Surrounded by endless blood fog, those blood fog evolved into ancient phoenixes, wandering in the void, galloping between heaven and earth.

"Glory emperor!"

Ling Feng recognized that character at a glance, and he was the emperor of glory who had been overturned by him.

"Sure enough, I'm using the Phoenix Daotai and Blood Essence to build Dao Root!"

"Swallowing and vomiting Phoenix energy and smelting one's own body, it is obvious that you have obtained the Phoenix Heaven Art." The Spiritual God said, somewhat familiar with the Phoenix Heaven Art.

"If he succeeds, then we are afraid that we will all interpret the tragic world." Someone said with a smile.

Although they were laughing, everyone present felt a bit cold.

Those who dare to appear here either want to deal with the two people or they are trying to fight the ancient Daotai platform. No matter which kind, I believe that as long as the glory of the emperor and the little spirit king recast the roots, they will be dealt with.

Even the Eight Spiritual Gods are taboo against those two, which shows how terrifying and tyrannical they would be if they succeeded.


Suddenly, the sword light flashed, like an ancient mountain, crushed down, collapsed endless blood mist, and appeared on the Phoenix Road Platform.


The ancient phoenix screamed forever, evolved from the blood mist, and confronted that ancient mountain. The laws and rules of the phoenix were intertwined to refine it.


The sword light suddenly brightened, sending out sky-reaching power, and burst into pieces in the void, destroying all the ancient phoenixes around, detonating all directions, forming a large vacuum.

Phoenix Daotai's prohibition is not that strong, otherwise the Honor of Heaven and Little Spirit King will not be so easy to enter it.

"It's the Little Spirit King!"

When the vacuum was destroyed, the figure of the Little Spirit King appeared in front of people. He was shrouded in endless blood fog, and a huge ancient phoenix that looked like a giant python was flying around him, moving the sky.

"It's really about to take shape, the ancient phoenix aura appears, and it's evolving Daogen!"

"Taking the ancient phoenix as the root of Taoism, talent is detached, no less than planting a Taoism seed, it may be stronger!"

"I suspect that there may be some ancient phoenix inheritance on this ancient phoenix road platform."

When his voice fell, the breathing of everyone present became a lot thicker. Ancient phoenix, true dragon, etc. are rare beasts in the world. They have the qualifications and potential of advancement fairy beasts, and its inheritance can be imagined. How important.

Just the phoenix heavenly power can cause transformation, what if it is partly inherited?

Obviously, someone is jealous.

"I don't feel like this can go on anymore!" someone said, killing the emperor of glory and the little spirit king.

"The deity wants to enter the Gudaotai to take a look!"

After finishing speaking, a middle-aged man walked with his sword on his back and walked directly across the air to set foot on this Taoist platform.

"You dare!"

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the four corners of Gudaotai. Someone shot and shot the middle-aged man with a sharp weapon.

"Hidden in the ancient phoenix road platform, without being perceived, guarding the two kings with this, it is really vigilant."

The middle-aged man was forced to retreat because the four corners had strange door restrictions. They came from the ancient phoenix. Once they were in town, they could arouse the vast majesty of heaven, no less than a true heavenly deity, and ordinary martial artists would definitely die if they stepped on foot.

You know, Tianzun has been suppressed in the realm of heavenly gods, and he can't even maintain the strength of the heavens, let alone deal with him.

"Don't you do it yet?"

The middle-aged man spoke and urged everyone to do something, but his strength alone was not enough.



There were many people who shot secretly, all of them played Tianwei, the magical soldiers stunned the sky, exuding terrible aura, and there were fluctuations in the law of space, all of them were new ways, although they were not as good as the real Tianzun, but they should not be underestimated.

A fierce battle broke out, but the Eight Spirits did not do anything, but waited and watched.

Ling Feng pushed forward a few steps, and didn't do anything, but curiously looked at the ancient phoenix road platform. There was indeed a phoenix transformation inside, but it was not a real Nirvana.


A surprise came from an ancient chariot, because someone stepped forward and whispered, sending some messages, making him frown.

"It's really Yunqi's soldier!"

The eyes of the young people floated towards Ling Feng, staring at the big halberd in his hand: "I sensed the blood of Elder Liao Tian and Liu Ruoge in that person."


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