Supreme Demon

Chapter 3179: Hurt each other!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Phoenix is ​​forbidden in the soil.

There are many old trees, luxuriant branches, and solid rocks spread out. The heavy rain is torrential and not muddy, and it is more empty and aura after the rain.

This sacred soil is carved like a mountain of stone. The ancient trees and flowers are different. They grow on the rock and absorb the essence of the rock. Only then can it flourish.

Ling Feng didn't heal his injuries here, there was no injury in his body, he was just acting before.

He found a hill, not far from the third imaginary flame, sat down here, took out various tools and some beasts, and wanted to eat here.

Not long afterwards, the small hill lit a fire, and a celestial beast fell on the flames like a millstone, which was turned over by Ling Feng, and part of the celestial beast’s flesh and blood fell into a **** pot, and the pot had already scented and the soup turned white. , There is also a Tianshi phantom tumbling on the water, releasing endless energy.

Ling Feng and Shen Lie both sat down, watching the soup boil and roll, turning the flesh and blood of the heaven beasts from time to time, making the flames roast more evenly, and the flesh and blood in some places had overflowed with golden grease, and the fragrance was fragrant, which made the mouth full.

But Ling Feng and Shen Lie didn't have any appetite, they were just a little dazed and sluggish looking at the tumbling flames.

"Shenlie, are you ready?"

Ling Feng asked quietly, without looking at Shen Lie, but still staring at the tumbling flames.

"Are you really sure?"

Shen Lie didn't answer Ling Feng's question, but instead asked, "This is a big bet, one step away, we will all be cool."


Ling Feng said with certainty: "If there is a way, I am not willing to take risks, but now we can only do this."

"You expect them to come?"

Shen Lie finally turned to look at Ling Feng.

"They will come!"

With lightning in his eyes, Ling Feng said, "Eight ancient chariots, tyrannical strength, and various treasures, etc., but I don't think those three people want to let it go, right?"

"anything else?"

"There are also stone ruffians and peerless Taoists."

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and said, "Although I said they are not mine, the three characters will definitely not believe them. They will come to verify."

Shenlie was silent.

The eight spirit gods were blasted out of Tianxiang Mountain, and the whereabouts of the Taoist species are unknown. This matter is almost over, but the eight ancient forces will not let Ling Feng go, the ancient chariots are taken, and their faces are sweeping, no matter for that purpose, They must get rid of Ling Feng.

Therefore, they want to leave Tianxiang Mountain is a very difficult problem.

of course.

What worries them the most is the Honor of the Emperor. If these three characters do not come, the drama that has been performed for so long is a waste of effort, but Ling Feng bet that the Honor of the Emperor will come.

"He won't come, maybe he is a good friend."

Shenlie sighed and said, "But he is here, and he will be the enemy from now on!"

There is a big difference between the glory of the emperor and not.

Knowing that Ling Feng has precious treasures, they have never thought of Ling Feng. Only a real friend would do this, but if he makes an invitation and desires, then this friend will be very embarrassed.

However, Ling Feng's attitude towards the three was very indifferent, and the reason was that when they first entered Tianxiang Mountain, the three were cold and arrogant and despised.

Now, he is powerful enough to suppress the audience, and the three characters lower their stance, but if one day, the three characters look down on him for nine days, I am afraid that there will be no such posture.


Can decide everything.

Ling Feng is a person who grasps the details, so naturally he will not ignore this point, because of this, he can be regarded as the emperor of glory and the three of them will definitely come.

"If they don't come, I will sneak into the Kingdom of Glory and steal the Heavenly Soul Eternal Medicine, and I will feel a little guilty."

Ling Feng looked into the distance and smiled: "But I hope they can come, so I have a clear heart!"

Others regard it as a true friend. If you steal the treasure of your friend's house, your conscience will be uneasy, right?

But what if this friend is pretending and wants to seize your treasure?

Ling Feng didn't mind doing too much.

Soon after, the broth was cooked, and the soup was as thick as white porridge, and the phantom of Tianshi was visible during the tumbling, because the phantom had been melted into the broth, and the roasted meat also exuded an endless aroma at this time, the fleshy juice, golden color.

Ling Feng and Shen Lie finally recovered from it, serving soup and eating meat. For a qualified foodie, nothing is more important than eating, and eating is a very sacred thing that should not be disturbed.

The fragrant soup bottoms out, the bones of the barbecue are left, and the aroma diffuses.

Ling Feng and Shen Lie were just a little bit satisfied with their food and drink. They closed their eyes and looked at the sky, a little lost.

"I haven't eaten enough yet!"

After a while, Shen Lie suddenly said quietly, his eyes full of wounds.

Once in the Kingdom of Glory, it would be a life of nine deaths. Ling Feng's situation should be better than him. Shen Lie was afraid that he would be exposed to the deep water and suffering.

To be honest, Shen Lie was a little panicked, worried that it would be difficult to see Tian Qi again.

In the face of death, it becomes troubled by gains and losses.

"I know."

Ling Feng resolutely said: "However, no matter what happens, I will guarantee your safety. If the Glory Nation really dares to do that, even if I do everything I can, I will rescue you."

Shen Lie shook his head, his expression distressed.

"Are you still worried?" Ling Feng frowned, his expression dark.


Shen Lie looked at the sky quietly, pondered for a moment, and then said: "I have given so much, I want to know if we come back alive this time, can I beat you up?"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth trembled, his face as black as the bottom of a pot.

He felt sorry for Shen Lie, but this guy wanted to beat him.

To deal with this kind of creature, Ling Feng has always been very simple, he slammed Shen Lie out, and this bird was not a serious bird at first glance.

"Ling Feng, you have stopped doing this, Brother Bird!"

Shen Lie picked up his son, Ling Feng, this guy was unwilling to let it beat him up, he felt that the deal was really not worthwhile.

"Too lazy to care about you!"

Ling Feng closed his eyes, letting Shen Lie curse and feel uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything.

Just kidding, I was threatened by it before and could only compromise, but now what is it called?

"It's okay to ask for something else, but you can't beat it up."

"Hehe, then you give me the tree of all things?" Shen Lie pouted.


Ling Feng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "As long as you have this strength."

Shen Lie thought about it carefully and felt that the Tree of All Things was very dangerous. With its current strength, he was afraid that it would be suppressed to make it difficult to move.

"Well, I am not interested in the tree of all things."

Shen Lie suddenly laughed strangely and said, "Then what if I want Ye Witch?"

Ling Feng looked at it directly, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, as if he was going crazy.

"Hey, Ye Witch can't? Then Ling Qing?"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes, obviously on the verge of violent walking.

"It really doesn't work, Han Ruyue and others can also be considered." Shen Lie still said unconsciously.

The more ugly Ling Feng's face is, the more refreshed it is.

"Um... I will tell Tian Qi these words exactly."

Shen Lie's triumphant face collapsed in an instant, his face was straight, and he felt like digging a hole by himself.

"Then I will say this to Xinran."

"Furthermore, let Ling Qing listen."

"Tell me again to Han Ruyue."

"And Dugu Yuyue, Yunxi, Liu Shushu..."

Ling Feng started to count, every time he counted a person, Shen Lie's face became paler, and when Ling Feng had counted all these women, Shen Lie's face was pale to the extreme.

"Shenlie, you are done!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will chant several times in front of them when it's okay."


Shen Lie gritted his teeth, his face twitched and twitched significantly faster, and he looked at Ling Feng and finally understood two idioms.


Dig your grave!

"Do you want to hurt each other so much?" Shen Lie said sadly.

"Hehe, didn't you say that at the beginning?" Ling Feng said with a sneer, Shen Lie once made him cast a vicious curse at the beginning, but he naturally couldn't let it go.

"Then don't hurt each other, right?" Shen Lie shook his head with a headache and sighed, "The previous curse is cancelled. I won't tell Witch Ye and the others, and you don't have to tell Tianqi and the others."

"You can do this, but I think it's better to hurt each other."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Why don't you beat me up and I will beat you up again, this thing will just go away?"


Shen Lie's face changed drastically, and he disagrees alive.

Just kidding, it beat Ling Feng?

Even if Ling Feng did not resist, I was afraid that he would not be able to hurt his bones, but if Ling Feng severely beat it, the consequences would be quite serious.

Moreover, it felt that Ling Feng would definitely resist. It was not so much that it beat Ling Feng severely, it was better to be beaten up after being resisted by Ling Feng.

He clearly wanted to beat himself twice.

"Forget it, this matter is over, I won't care about you." In the end, Shen Lie compromised, not daring to sit on Ling Feng's shoulders very honestly.

Ling Feng didn't pursue it anymore.

Phoenix Forbidden Land is very peaceful, birds and beasts are rare, and the ancient rhyme of Phoenix is ​​indeed uncomfortable, even birds and beasts are reluctant to live here.

Ling Feng passed the time every day, sitting and watching the clouds, watching the scenery and eating delicacies, without worrying at all.

The Tianxiang Mountain storm has not passed yet.

The Eight Ancient Forces did not intend to let Ling Feng go, so if he wanted to leave, he had to wait until the Eight Ancient Forces fully withdrew, or he had to wait.

And the Phoenix Forbidden Land is undoubtedly more suitable than other places. The terrain here is strange and suppressed by the might of heaven. Even the God Emperor would have to pay a heavy price to deal with him.

Three days later.

Ling Feng's eyes lit up suddenly, but he sighed in his heart. The time to come is still coming. The three major forces can't sit still, because so far no peerless Dao species have been found, and Ling Feng is the most powerful. The suspect.

How are they willing to let go of such an opportunity?

"Here, but it's not the three major forces." Shen Lie squinted his eyes, and said.

"I know!"

Ling Feng smiled indifferently, already guessing this would be the case.


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