Supreme Demon

Chapter 3180: warm invitation!

"Supreme God and Demon"

People are indeed here.

But it is not that the three big power figures appear at the same time. After all, the Glory Son, Xuyue Goddess, and the Little Spirit King belong to the three forces. Although they are allies, they represent different interests.

Therefore, the person who came is only one of the forces.

"Who is it?" Shen Lie squinted his eyes, flowing coldly, but the first one to come was even more chilling.

Because he was too eager to get the peerless Dao seeds and eight ancient chariots.

If you think that Ling Feng is a good person and can be called a friend, you have to consider how much, and it will take longer.

"Xu Yuetian girl."

Ling Feng said coldly, with a chill in his eyes, his sense of consciousness is very strong here, and he is not suppressed at all, so he can "see" farther, naturally more powerful than Shen Lie.

"The most poisonous woman."

Shen Lie sighed. At the beginning, Ling Feng showed that the goddess admired the most, but others didn't think so.

"It's okay, I didn't care."

Ling Feng was very calm. Tiannv Xu Yue didn't know him well and couldn't talk about friendship. Naturally, he didn't have so much scruples. What he wanted to know most was the attitude of the Glory Son.

Of course, Xu Yue Tiannv has such a performance, but he has another interpretation.

In terms of time sequence, he should be more familiar with the emperor of glory and the little spirit king, so Xu Yuetian is worried that these two will find Ling Feng first. If they pull Ling Feng into the kingdom of glory or the land of little spirit, then even more Easier, nothing happened to her at all.

Therefore, she has to go one step ahead of those two people and make enough profit.

Soon, Xu Yue Tiannv appeared in front of Ling Feng.

Ling Feng did not hide his aura in the Phoenix Forbidden Land, so he was easily found. It was just that Xu Yue Tiannv was not the only one who came, and there were two elderly people behind him.

The two old men had white eyebrows and beard and hair, and their faces were full of folds, as if they were going to die, but the aura from them made Ling Feng vigilant.

These two old people are absolutely supreme.

"Has the astronomical covenant been lifted?" Ling Feng's face was gloomy, if that were the case, he would be in danger at all times.

"Brother Dao, don't come here unharmed."

Xu Yuetian's female model came with a smile on her face.

"The demeanor of the goddess is dazzling, and today is more prosperous in the past." Ling Feng couldn't help but praise, although he knew that Shen Lie's eyeliner was beside him, he had to do so.

What he didn't want to be too abrupt, it would only make Xu Yuetian female alert.

"Hey, if others say that, I definitely don't believe it, but if you say this, I have to believe it." Xu Yuetian smiled slightly, like Qingcheng Rose.

"The biggest shortcoming of me is being too honest."

"Human Dao brother is still so humorous."

"The goddess is still stunning."

The two of them looked at each other, and they felt sorry for each other.

After a while, Ling Feng moved his eyes away and gestured to the two old men, showing respect.

"The posterity is terrifying."

An old man opened his mouth and said, "The little brother swept across the Eight Spirit Gods, with all the might and power, really shocking the Spirit God Realm."

"Senior praised."

Ling Feng said respectfully, very humble in front of the Supreme, showing neither humble nor overbearing: "Has the news spread?"


Ling Feng frowned, and the development of the situation was faster than he thought.

"I want to get out of Tianxiang Mountain, isn't it easy?" Ling Feng smiled. Although a little surprised, he was not too worried.

The three Xu Yuetian women looked at Ling Feng's expression in all their eyes, and they glanced at each other calmly.

Obviously, Ruthless people are stronger than they thought. Knowing that the eight ancient powers and some other powers are eyeing them, they are still not too surprised, and their performance is very indifferent.

This means that Ruthless people still have a back hand and can leave Tianxiang Mountain calmly.


Xu Yuetian nodded her head and said with a heavy face: "The peerless Taoist species has disappeared, and the celestial phenomenon covenant can no longer work. The eight ancient forces have long since blocked the waters surrounding the Tianxiang Mountain."


Ling Feng frowned slightly, but he did not escape the eyes of the two old men.

"That said, my suspicion is still very big, right?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes.


An old man in black said on his forehead, "But even if you are not suspicious, those forces will not let you go."


Ling Feng bowed his head slightly, making people wonder what he was thinking.

"Actually, Brother Ruthless, don't have to worry too much."

Xu Yuetian said with a smile, "We are here to solve the trouble of Brother Dao."


Ling Feng raised his head in amazement, looked at the goddess Xu Yue, and asked puzzledly: "The goddess will solve the trouble for me?"

"Does the ancient Xuyue clan want to confront the eight ancient forces and get rid of them all?"


The corners of Xu Yuetian's girl's mouth twitched vigorously, but the two old men changed their colors, and they felt speechless. What kind of comprehension is this?

If it hadn't been for the clan to invite each other, they would all want to leave.

Just because of this person's IQ, I'm really sorry for that terrible strength.

"Chuck, Brother Ruthless Dao, I found you more and more interesting." Xu Yuetian smiled slightly, and then collapsed the somewhat rigid situation.

She said: "Although I am not afraid of the eight ancient powers, Xu Yuetian girl, but some powers do not need to do this."

"What did the girl mean that day?" Ling Feng's eyes were full of questions.

"My Xuyue ancient clan can use the ancient altar to build a strange gate restriction, which leads directly to the Xuyue ancient clan, and can directly bypass the eight ancient forces." Xuyue Tiannv said.

Ling Feng's eyes lit up suddenly, apparently very interested in Xu Yuetian's proposal.

"Why did the goddess solve this trouble for me?"

Ling Feng turned his head and looked at Xu Yue Tiannv: "This can easily cause the eight ancient forces to rebound."

"We are already in a hostile state. Why are we afraid to rebound?"

Xu Yue Tiannv waved her hand very strongly, and did not put the eight ancient forces in her eyes. She bluntly stated that as long as Ling Feng was willing, they could build an ancient altar within two days and send Ling Feng to the ancient Xu Yue clan.


In order to dispel Ling Feng's doubts, Xu Yuetian said that she was grateful that Ling Feng had previously helped her, because they were predestined to each other, and the enemy's enemy was a friend.

"Brother Dao, would you like to visit my ancient Xu Yue clan as a guest?" Xu Yuetian asked.

"The ancient Xuyue clan has an extraordinary aura. Tianjiao has come out in large numbers. I am fascinated by it, but..."

Ling Feng became hesitant, unspeakable.

"Does Brother Dao have any concerns? You can say it." Xu Yuetian's eyes flashed.

Ling Feng just frowned and didn't say much.

After a long while, he said slowly: "I have to stay here for a few more days, and I will reply to the goddess in a few days."

Xu Yuetian's eyes were brighter, but she didn't ask any more, because it involved people's privacy. He didn't ask too much for fear of causing Ling Feng's vigilance and disgust.

"Okay, then wait a few days."

Xu Yuetiannu talked with Ling Feng for an hour before leaving.

Soon after, the Son of Glory came, similar to the meaning of the goddess Xu Yue, willing to help Ling Feng leave Tianxiang Mountain, so that he could cast a strange gate to the kingdom of Glory.

But Ling Feng declined.

"Brother Dao is thinking of peerless Taoism?" The Emperor Honor asked.

"How to say?"

"Is it for it?" The Son of Honor asked with a smile.

Ling Feng sighed, but did not want to talk more.

"There are half-step ancient sages in our country. It's not a problem for me to get hurt. As long as Dao brother is willing, once you enter the ancient country, please take a half-steps to heal your injuries."


Ling Feng obviously moved.

"Brother Dao should not have any worries. My Glory Son guarantees with my personality that I will never disadvantage Dao Brother."

The Son of Glory made many guarantees, which made Ling Feng even more heart-stricken.

At last.

Ling Feng still declined, hoping to wait a few more days, but he said more to the Son of Glory, bluntly wanting to see who the Peerless Dao plant can really heal the Dao injury.

Two hours later, the Son of Glory left the Phoenix Forbidden Land.

"Uncle Yun, what do you think?" the Emperor Honor asked.

He asked about the middle-aged man who came with him.

"Mouth of nonsense!"

Lie Yun said coldly, unsmiling, but his words were extremely sharp.

"Hehe, yeah, this is an interesting friend."

"Uncle Yun ever sensed the breath of a peerless Taoist species?" Emperor Honor asked.

"Although I didn't sense it, but intuition should be on him." Lie Yun said quite affirmatively. His strength is not strong, but his talent in this area is unmatched.

He can sense breaths that many **** emperors can't sense, and his intuition is quite accurate.

"Then this friend is more interesting."

The emperor Glory smiled even more: "He wants to wait, if he can, who wants to take such a risk?"

"It's not that he doesn't want to leave, but that he doesn't want to enter the ancient country."

"Then force him to leave!"

"it is good!"

The next day, the Little Spirit King arrived late, much later than the Glory Son and Xu Yue Tiannv, but the invitation increased, and he made many promises, including the healing of Shen Lie, because he and the Glory Son both knew it. Ling Feng entered Tianxiang Mountain for Shen Lie.

But Xu Yue Tiannv didn't know about this, obviously the two characters deliberately concealed this matter.

Ling Feng nodded and bluntly waited a few days.


In the evening, the astronomical covenant was torn apart. A supreme figure broke into the Phoenix Forbidden Land and wanted to be disadvantageous to Ling Feng. Finally, Ling Feng retreated to the depths of the Phoenix Forbidden Land and used the terrain to start the character.

In the middle of the night, the Son of Glory and Lie Yun came to the Phoenix Forbidden Land again, talked with Ling Feng for a long time, and made many promises, indicating that the Kingdom of Glory has no selfish intentions, just because Ling Feng is a friend worth making.

Ling Feng agreed.

The eyes of the emperor Glory flashed endlessly, and he was overjoyed. He finally persuaded Ling Feng to change his mind and was unwilling to wait any longer.

There are many dreams in the night, and the Son of Glory invited more than a dozen supreme lords from the Kingdom of Glory to cast a strange gate overnight and set up an ancient altar.

In just two hours, a vast strange door appeared in front of Ling Feng, the speed was staggering, and at this time Ling Feng also walked out of the depths of the Phoenix Forbidden Land, looking at the strange door restriction, his eyes were cold. It’s just that it was hidden well, and it was not discovered.

"Brother, a big picture has begun!"

"Then do it."

Shen Lie said in a cold and iron-blooded voice: "I am ready. If I fall unfortunately, you will wipe out the kingdom of glory for me!"

"it is good!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "I have played the two trump cards. Now it depends on how well they can achieve it. I think Glory Nation will be a headache."


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