Supreme Demon

Chapter 3218: Tenshi sword fight!

"Supreme God and Demon"

With the strength of Glory Ancestor, does it really take so long to heal Shenlie?

Ling Feng had already known the intentions of the Kingdom of Glory, but he did not expect that the ancestors of Glory would put such a heavy hand on Shen Lie, almost annihilating Shen Lie's Dao Soul.

what is this?

Some bottom lines are not to be touched. Ling Feng was depressed by Shen Lie and felt uncomfortable in his heart. Shen Lie didn't need to suffer such torture, but he did!

Where is Ling Feng?

He can't do much, but as long as he can do it, then do some for Shenlie!

For example, despise the glory of the emperor, the glory of the goddess.

For example, slaughter the glory of Tianjiao!

Before, he didn't behave as fiercely because he didn't know the attitude of the Kingdom of Glory, but now there is no such taboo. If he wants to contempt, he will contempt!

"Hehe, I really want to be better than them!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "I'm against the supreme, I swept Zhao Yueguo Tianjiao, shouldn't anyone do better than me?"


The scene suddenly cooled down, and the Yaotian group was stunned. They didn't expect that Ling Feng would actually "confess" it. This was hitting the face of the Goddess of Glory and the God of Glory. Even the face of the King of Glory would be damaged.

Although this is indeed a fact, people like the King of Glory may be speechless, but who dares to say it?

Isn’t it clear that such characters as the Domain King and Dao King?

But when people mentioned the glory of the God of War, they took the initiative to bypass the glory of the emperor and goddess, just for fear of damaging the royal face.

Who would "take the initiative" like Ling Feng?

This is a very serious matter in the Kingdom of Glory. Although the King of Glory will not talk about it, and will "recognize" Ling Feng, as long as there is a chance, he will definitely wear small shoes for Ling Feng.

Since ancient times, the oppressive king has no good end!

The Yaotian regiment didn’t know how this God of War came. For this point of IQ, people really wiped a cold sweat for him, and they were even more worried about themselves, because they would follow this "stunned green" experience. Fight with.

"Haha, the reputation of the God of War, I've heard about it, but what I'm talking about is strategy and wisdom." Yuan Qing shook her head. In terms of personal combat power, the God of Glory is indeed impeccable, even if they look at Ling Feng unhappy. , But also admit the terrible strength of this person.


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth rose slightly, showing an arc: "Strategy and wisdom?"

"Yes, it's not personal force to lead the army, but how to make a legion play its strongest combat power."

Yuan Qing said loudly, "In this regard, the Son of Glory can throw you thousands of miles away!"

Obviously, this female **** worships the Son of Glory extremely and regards it as an idol, because the Son of Glory is an invincible myth in the kingdom of glory.

"So, have you ever been instructed by the Son of Glory?"


"Also under the guidance of the Glory Goddess?"


Yuan Qing and the others all said proudly, and raised their heads. This is something to be proud of, because not every legion has such qualifications in the Glory Kingdom.

"Then if I defeat you, can it prove that I am brilliant and my strategy is amazing?" Ling Feng asked elegantly.

Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan and others should not, but sneered.

They are only Tianzun, how can they fight against the evil spirit Lingfeng?

"I'm talking about the entire Yaotian group!"

Ling Feng knew what they were thinking, so he immediately stated his attitude: "I will suppress myself in the third-class Tianzun, and break your Yaotian group with my own strength!"

Yuan Qing and Zou Yuan's eyes lit up suddenly, but they didn't immediately say yes.

"Dare you guys?"

"God of War is really courageous!" Yuan Qing said coldly: "But it's boring, even if you defeat you?"

"You are very confident."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Then make this battle a little more interesting, let's take a gamble."

"What a gambling method?"

Yuan Qing and Zou Yuan have brighter eyes. What they want is a gamble, and they have already planned in their hearts.

"If I lose in this battle, I will naturally ask the king to take his life back, because this God of War has the strength, but no strategy and wisdom, and is not qualified to lead troops, especially the Yaotian regiment, how?"

"it is good!"

Yuan Qing and Zou Yuan agreed immediately.

"Not urgent!"

Ling Feng waved his hand to stop them and said, "But what if I win?"

Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan, and others were stunned. To tell the truth, they never thought that Ling Feng could win. They were second-class Tianzun. Their strength should not be underestimated. It may not be easy to deal with Ling Feng, but now it is the entire Yaotian group. , Even if you are against the Supreme, you are not afraid, let alone Ling Feng?

But as a big bet, they naturally have to bet.

"If you win, it will prove that I was waiting wrong. God of War is a figure with great wisdom and strategy."

"Hehe, don't fool me."

Ling Feng pointed to his brain and said, "I'm very smart!"

Yuan Qing and Zou Yuan both frowned, but still said, "If you win, we are willing to follow the God of War and let you lead the army."

"This is not enough!"

Ling Feng said with a sneer, "I want you to be convinced, to make you like a mountain, and to follow you to the death!"

Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan and others looked at each other and were somewhat silent.

"Do you dare?" Ling Feng asked loudly.

He squinted his eyes, sneered at the corners of his mouth, as if he expected Yaotian to dare not.

That expression completely angered Yaotian group, Yuan Qing and Zou Yuan shouted angrily: "Okay, we promise you!"

"There is a little momentum!"

Ling Feng nodded and said, "Then sacrifice your strongest strength, but don't say that I bullied you!"

Yuan Qing and Zou Yuan just gave Ling Feng a cold look.

"I'll give you five hours. After five hours, if you are not ready yet, then let's give up this battle!"

Ling Feng strode away and was too lazy to watch the layout of the Yaotian regiment.


Five hours later.

The atmosphere of the martial arts arena was shocking, and there was a faint mist between the sky and the earth. The Yaotian group was standing in the mist, with a solemn expression and holding a sharp knife. Although separated from each other, the momentum was like a whole.

At this moment, Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan, and Xu Hang each stood on one side, with solemn expressions like a sword, unleashing the power of the Yaotian group.

Just by their aura, they are no weaker than the Supreme, after all, the Yaotian group has a full 10,000 people.


The position where the Yaotian regiment stands is very special, seemingly irregular, but in fact it can best exert its overall strength, which can be called extremely strong, because this is a killing formation, once you set foot, there will be no bones.

Yuan Qing and others are very confident in this killing formation, and naturally they have to show their full strength to deal with people like Ling Feng and teach him how to behave!

At the same time, this killing array came from the hands of the Son of Glory, and they became the killing array of the Son of Heaven!

Ling Feng is here.

He appeared in front of Yuan Qing silently, her face still with that awkward expression on her face, not showing her prestige.

"It looks like you are ready!"


"Then start!"

Ling Feng took a step forward, showing his aura. Indeed, he only used the power of the third-class Tianzun. He did not show his full strength, but was not eager to attack Yuan Qing and the others, but ignored the front.

"Yaotian God Fight, take me as the front!"

Yuan Qing screamed, and the entire Yaotian group suddenly changed aura, and a violent sky surged to Yuan Qing instantly, and then blasted towards Ling Feng.

At the same time, Zou Yuan and Xu Hang also moved, sharp knives out of their sheaths, and slashed into the distance.

The world was turbulent, the sky roared, and the power of the entire legion was condensed in one place, completely killing Ling Feng.

"Actually, I know what you mean."

Ling Feng smiled elegantly, and said, "You want me to be in battle so that you can exert your full strength."

"Then I am as you wish!"

After speaking, Ling Feng stepped into the emperor's killing array in one step, which made Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan and others overjoyed.

At that moment, the emperor's killing array was fully launched, like ten thousand powers of heaven, suppressing everything, not to mention that it was Ling Feng at this moment, that is, the original glory of the emperor almost didn't kill it.

How are they not proud?

It's a pity that Ling Feng is not the Son of Glory. He is the Lord of God against God. Even the Legion of Blood Rebellion and the Legion of Demon Slayers can't trap him, let alone the Yaotian Group?

What's more, at the moment Tianzi Killing Array appeared, Ling Feng could see through the Killing Array. Although it was not weak, it was still not enough to see. Although the flaws were cryptic, characters like Ling Feng could see through it at a glance.

He raised his hand and pointed out a finger. The power of the sky was not strong, but he overturned a character on the spot. Then the lightning came to the center and hit the ground with a punch, like the thunder rolling in the sky, and the sky was rushing into the sky. The loud noise caused many people to be overturned and fly out.

Then, he rushed to Zou Yuan, wherever he passed, he turned his back.


He solved Zou Yuan with one punch, and the two were not at the same level at all.

In an instant, the emperor's killing formation was dimmed a lot, and Tianwei was not so strong. Ling Feng resolutely rushed back to the killing formation and made a fierce move. He solved hundreds of people in a short time. When he came out again, he flew backwards. It's Yuanqing.


Xu Hang's discoloration changed, and he didn't expect Ling Feng to be so fierce that he would overturn the two heavenly veterans, but the emperor's killing array is far more powerful than this. When it is really launched, it will not be limited to the situation.

When its voice fell, the Yaotian group responded quickly, Yuan Qing and Zou Yuan immediately flew out, guarding "one gate", and blasting towards Ling Feng together.

The emperor killing array is changing!


Ling Feng sighed. He could see that although this emperor's killing array was variable, it had no soul. It was unified in momentum and strength, but it was scattered in soul.

How much power can a killing formation without a soul exert?

Ling Feng strode into the killing formation, blasted out with a punch, opened and closed, and broke the formation forcefully. Then he followed the flaw and rushed straight into the sky, suppressing it with a punch from above.


The earth shook and the mountains shook. Hundreds of characters were overturned on the spot. This ever-changing genius killing array was broken again, and the power of Xu Hang, Zou Yuan, and Yuan Qing also collapsed.


The emperor’s killing array changed again, its power became more condensed, and its aura became stronger, but there was still no soul. Many people knew how this killing array changed, but they didn’t know why it changed. They tried their best to boost the momentum and let Yuan Qing wait three. Human use, only when Ling Feng is approaching, will he use his strength to defend.

Because of this, the emperor's killing formation has no soul!

Moreover, just relying on this killing formation to drive the Ten Thousand Yaotian Group is simply wishful thinking.


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