Supreme Demon

Chapter 3219: I want the first soldier!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The emperor kills the formation!

It belongs to the handwriting of the emperor of glory. If this army has only two thousand people, then the emperor's killing array will definitely be able to exert a stronger force, but the shining group has 10,000 people, which makes the emperor's killing array bloated and less flexible.

Although the aura and power of the ten thousand people will become stronger, but for a character like Ling Feng who is extremely fast, attacks very powerful and flexible, the emperor's killing array can be said to be flawed everywhere.

Ling Feng wanted to attack, but they couldn't react!

Why can Ling Feng raise his hand to suppress Zou Yuan, Yuan Qing, and Xu Hang?

That's because Ling Feng saw through the emperor's killing formation, came strong, and directly destroyed its formation, making it weak for a moment. At that time, it was impossible for the three heavenly masters to condense such a huge power, and Ling Feng could suppress it if he wanted to suppress it.

It is precisely because of this that the three heavenly veterans have to change and kill the formation, but is this enough?

What is the scariest part of the killing array?

One person is a killing formation, ten people are killing formations, one hundred, ten thousand and ten are all killing formations. It is not only a whole, but also an individual. Only this kind of killing formation can exert the power of "soul".

Nowadays, only Yuan Qing and the other three can take advantage of the force to attack and kill freely, so it is easier to be breached, but what if everyone in the Yaotian group can take advantage of it?

When everyone is very flexible, everyone knows how to use the killing formation, then the Yaotian group really has the qualifications to face the supreme.


Ling Feng broke through the center with a punch, causing it to appear in a large vacuum zone, and then soaring into the sky, falling strongly, blasting a big hole, shocking hundreds of people, causing the emperor's killing array to pause for a moment.

Ling Feng flew out again, blasting Yuanqing with a punch, causing it to spurt blood.

He struck out lightning and kicked Zou Yuan, breaking his breastbone.

"A plate of loose sand!"

Ling Feng shook his head and said, "Now I take back that sentence, you are not weak, you are scum!"


Xu Hang, Zou Yuan, and Yuan Qing were furious on the spot, fighting for serious injuries. The Yaotian regiment was irritated and attacked frantically. The emperor's killing formation changed and changed again, and it turned out to be like a dragon flying in the sky, like a phoenix flying around. Compression from the circle.

They showed the strongest majesty of the emperor's killing array, killing Ling Feng with a crushing method, more like the same Mo knife, to plow Ling Feng.

At this moment, Yaotian group is more like a giant python, shrinking, Xu Hang, Zou Yuan, and Yuan Qing are sitting at the positions of snake head, seven inches and tail respectively.

At this moment, Ling Feng did not break the formation, but blasted out forcefully, directly hitting the snake's head from the tail of the snake, breaking it inch by inch, until the emperor's killing formation was completely disintegrated.

"This is your strength?"

"This is your pride?"

"If this is the case, then I will tell you now, you will all die in the Five Kingdoms Battle!"

Ling Feng looked at it coldly.

To be honest, Ling Feng really despised the Kingdom of Glory, and even the entire God Realm. Although their personal strength is strong, they are far less powerful and great in the research and display of the strength of the Legion.

Although the God Rebellion Legion also has flaws, it is limited to the limit of vision. As long as this point is overcome, the God Rebellion Legion can display the ultimate strength within a certain number of people.

Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan, and Xu Hang were completely blinded.

They have strong confidence in the emperor's killing array, but they are still vulnerable in front of Ling Feng. That person directly saw through and didn't give them any chance, even if they showed the strongest side of the killing array?

Moreover, Ling Feng only showed the strength of the third-class Heavenly Sovereign, and they could all see that the strength was only stronger than them.

But just like this, they were still crushed and suppressed.


They asked themselves, they didn't weaken this killing formation, but played it out in a stronger state, but Ling Feng was able to see through it directly, point to break the formation, and disintegrate their power.

Strong enough to suffocate them.

But why?

Why can he see through?

Why can he break the formation?

Why is the emperor killing array so fragile?

In fact, the entire Yaotian group was dumbfounded. They didn't understand why they would lose. The Son of Glory had personally praised it. Once this killing formation was thoroughly understood, even if it was not as good as the Ultimate Heaven, it was almost the same.

Why can't the town live in the third-class Tianzun?

And Ling Feng's next few words made them even more grief and anger.


When they think of this word, they want to die.

At the same time, Ling Feng's questioning also pierced their pride and confidence.

This is your strength?

This is your pride?

At this moment, what are they proud of?

"To be honest, I am disappointed."

Ling Feng sighed and said, "With such a little strength, what can you be proud of? Just such a little blow, what can you be disappointed?"

"If you can't bear even this little pressure, why do you participate in the Five Kingdoms Battle?"

"forget it!"

Ling Feng was somewhat distracted. He had no interest in the Five Kingdoms War, but because of the invitation of the Glory Son, and Shen Lie needed the Glory Ancestor to heal his wounds, he had to agree.

He is more willing to stay here and look for the celestial soul elixir in the Kingdom of Glory.

"You don't want this God of War to lead the army, and that God of War will complete you." Ling Feng walked slowly, turning his back, and said: "I will explain to the king clearly, maybe I will order the army."


As soon as Ling Feng took five steps, Yuan Qing's voice rang: "God of War, please stay, our previous gamble is not over yet."

"Oh?" Ling Feng stopped and turned around and asked, "What else can I enlighten?"

Yuan Qing bowed her hands, tried her best, looked ashamed and hurt, and said, "I know we are not enough, I know we are weak, and I know we are scumbags, but please teach me the **** of war!"

"Please teach me the God of War!" Xu Hang bowed.

"Please teach me the **** of war!"

The emperor's killing array was vulnerable, and their last pride was broken.

They are even less qualified to be proud in front of this person!

But they were even more reluctant to ask the king to take his life back. It was even more insulting to the Yaotian regiment. They would rather die in battle than shrink back. This is their pride from the heart.

of course.

Ling Feng used his real strength to prove to them what strength is. This strength is not limited to personal strength. Judging from the break-in, dot-array, and brutal momentum just now, Ling Feng is more than just personal strength. It's simple.

I'm afraid this person has led soldiers!

At this point, the intuition of the Yaotian group is more accurate, far superior to the Glory Son and Goddess.

"Please teach me the **** of war!"

The entire Yaotian group was bowing, and Ling Feng conquered them with great strength.

Before, they felt uneasy in their hearts and felt that they had given their lives to someone who didn't understand the tactics and the legion. They were afraid it would be cool, but at this moment they felt unprecedented peace of mind in Ling Feng.

This is an intuition, very vague, but it cannot be ignored.

"I am not the Son of Glory, let alone the Daughter of Glory." Ling Feng smiled.

"Please teach me the **** of war!"

The Yaotian group made a neat voice.

"What I want is a corps that can give you orders and don't defy. What I want is a corps that can truly become a murderous knife in my hand. Can you do it?"

"From then on, the order will be like a mountain, don't dare to fail!"

Yuan Qing bowed lower, but her voice was very loud.

"The order is like a mountain, don't dare to fail!"

The Yaotian group made an overall voice, loud and firm.

At this moment, they recognized the glory of the God of War, and after that they were willing to give their lives to this person.

"Glory has Yaokong, Yaoshi and Yaotian. The Goddess of Glory took Yaokong, and the Son of Heaven took Yaoshi. But I think Yaotian is the best." Ling Feng squinted his eyes and said lowly. Some could not hear what he was talking about.

Suddenly, he raised his head, looked directly at Yaotian Tuan and said, "Indeed, I am a Xinnen for you, and you have your doubts. After all, this is a battle of life and death. Once in the hands of my Xinnen, you will If you die, the Yaotian regiment will also be wisely lost."

"So, I decided to promise you one thing."

Ling Feng said earnestly and piously: "If you can make the order, don't dare to fail, I promise you to bring you back alive, although it is impossible to make everyone alive, but the Yaotian group will definitely Full of glory, come back alive!"

The blame of the country has nothing to do with the soldiers.

Although Ling Feng had hatred for the Glory Kingdom, he did not vent on the Yaotian group. They were only executing orders, and the spirit of maintaining the dignity of the country was something to be proud of.

Of course, Ling Feng's attitude towards the Yaotian regiment was more about his feelings towards the legion.

Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan and others raised their heads, and a bright light flashed in their eyes. At this moment, Ling Feng was really different.

"I am not the Glory Son, and I am not the Glory Daughter."

Ling Feng said loudly, "I am Ling Feng. What I want is not Yaoshi, Yaokong, and even Yaotian!"

The Yaotian group was all taken aback, not understanding what Ling Feng wanted.

"Don't understand?" Ling Feng smiled, rather arrogantly.

"I don't understand, please teach me the God of War!" Yuan Qing's forehead was indeed puzzled.

"Leave the personal battlefield to me, and the legion battlefield to you!"

Ling Feng stared at the sky and said: "What I want is a glorious heavenly group, a fierce blade that can push the five kingdoms heavenly soldiers horizontally, and can suppress the gods and Buddhas. I want the heavenly groups to tremble when they see it. I want one. A true first soldier!"

"I can teach you to kill the formation, I can show the strength of each of you, and I can make you very strong and strong..." Ling Feng looked directly at the Yaotian regiment and said, "But your life is yours. It depends on you whether you have the courage to follow me to the stage of cultivation!"

Yaotiantuan was breathing fast, and everyone blushed.

The Son of Glory took away the Yaoshituan, and the Son of Glory took the Yaokongtuan, don't they really feel it?

Are they really willing to be in third place like this, and will never fall behind?

They are not willing!

But they never dared to say it, they never dared to show it, someone spoke it for them today.

He said: I want the first soldier!

"I can do what I said, so, can you do it?" Ling Feng solemnly asked.


A loud noise broke through the sky, resounding throughout the ancient country!


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