Supreme Demon

Chapter 3231: Yaotian metamorphosis!

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The id, crossing me, crossing him... and finally the other side!

The ancient trees of the universe and the yin and yang fish always feel that Ling Feng is not a martial artist, but more like practicing Buddha. The Zen is too deep and makes people wonder, but they feel that this method is very different and has a natural Taoist rhyme. .

"What is the id?"

"What is ferrying me to him?"

"What is the other side?"

The ancient tree of the universe and the yin and yang fish ask questions. This is a unique method. Although Ling Feng has a shallow cultivation base, he has gone a long way in the martial arts, especially by serving the Tao, even the immortal power dared to evolve and be born. , Its far-reaching is unimaginable.

"For me, casting!"

"To cross my long journey!"

"Ferry him by crossing me to help him get out!"

Ling Feng thought again, but finally sighed.

Obviously, there are still many things he didn't want to understand. This kind of method cannot be accomplished overnight and requires more experience and accumulation, but he believes that this kind of method will be born sooner or later.

The ancient trees in the universe, the yin and yang fish, etc. are all meditating, vaguely they seem to understand, they can feel the deep meaning of Ling Feng’s words, as if there is a vast world slowly unfolding, but the day and the earth is too vague, full of mist, they Can't see clearly.

"In a blink of an eye, I don't know if the **** emperor has left."

The ancient cave was empty. Although the gathering of yin had disappeared, the ancient charm of masculinity had also disappeared. I was afraid that no creatures appeared for many years, so Ling Feng turned and left.

There is a misty illusion in front of it. There is an ancient altar in it, which completely separates the outside world from the ancient cave. It is precisely because of this ancient altar that Ling Feng was set foot here. It is easy to leave. You can leave by borrowing the ancient altar, but This ancient altar is only for humans, not for feminine objects.

Because of this, the Yin Snake had been trapped in the ancient cave for so many years that day.

Ling Feng landed on the ancient altar and appeared in front of the ancient cave in the endless light and rain.

He fully let go of his consciousness and was extremely vigilant, but he did not find God Emperor Haiyue. Ling Feng guessed that it might be the Yin Qi gushing in the ancient cave, which shocked God Emperor Haiyue.

This was quickly confirmed, because the **** emperor Haiyue closed his eyes and waited before the cloudy sky.

Ling Feng turned and flew out from the other direction, unwilling to stand up to the Sea Moon God Emperor, and then flew to the front of the cloudy sky with vigilance, erasing the mark as much as possible to prevent being discovered by the Sea Moon God Emperor.

At least, before returning to the Glory Realm, he didn't want to let the Sea Moon God Emperor know for the time being.

of course.

He did this to guard against another **** emperor. As far as the current situation is concerned, that **** emperor should have also come, but because of the appearance of the sea moon **** emperor, the **** emperor does not want to appear for the time being.

Two hours later, Ling Feng appeared in the cloudy sky, and this is where Ling Feng and Yaotian group were separated.

"Huh? Haven't you come for so long?"

Ling Feng frowned. One month has passed, but the Yaotian group has not yet appeared. Could it be said that just a beast king makes the Yaotian group helpless?

If this is the case, the Yaotian group is really disappointing.


Ling Feng's eyebrows relaxed quickly, just because he had discovered the Yaotian group, their aura like a rainbow, and they were flying towards here steadily and quickly, neatly and uniformly, with a momentum like a sharp blade.

"not bad!"

Ling Feng's eyes brightened, and his divine consciousness suddenly darkened, and he did not want to perceive too much, because it was too close to the ancient cave, and the too powerful divine consciousness would easily wake up the Sea Moon God Emperor.

He sat down, placed in the shade of the tree, wiped out his breath with the tree of all things, and sat here waiting for the return of the Yaotian group.

咚, 咚...

In just two hours, the harmonious and rhythmic footsteps resounded, and a legion in a black cloak appeared in the ancient forest.

When it came, this corps had a total of 3,000 people, but now only more than 2,800 people have returned alive, and the remaining more than 100 people have stayed here forever.

However, after more than a hundred people fell, the Yaotian group's aura changed, as if it had undergone a transformation, completely merged into a whole, exuding an extremely terrifying aura that could compete with the supreme aura.

They are like a torrent in the night, coming and going like the wind, and even more like a sharp blade in the day, coming through the sky.


When their last step came down, the whole world was quiet, there was no unnecessary turbulence and ripples, they were galloping like a person, and the person in the lead was Xu Hang.

At this moment, Xu Hang's face was covered with scars, and the flesh and blood on his chest and abdomen were rolled over, looking embarrassed, and the entire Yaotian group showed such "scars."

Ling Feng flew out in secret, with a smile on his face.

"Meet the God of War!"

When Xu Hang led the visit to Ling Feng, everyone had respect. It was not a superficial fear, but a respect from the heart.

No one knows what kind of scenes they encountered in the cloudy sky. In order to kill a beast king, they exhausted all their strength, and they even fought like a scattered sand to the whole unity.

This is a fierce battle!

But it's not just their military strength, there are more.

In that last battle, they had undergone a transformation, like an awakening. The deaths of more than a hundred people stimulated the entire Yaotian group and made it grow crazily. Now standing in front of Ling Feng is a real murderous knife. .

"Where is the Beastmaster?" Ling Feng nodded, and then asked.

"The Beastmaster is here!"

Xu Hang took a step forward and offered the head of the Beast King with both hands, but it was not just one head, but three heads.

One head is like a liger, the other is like a dragon, and the other is like a unicorn.

"Three Beast Kings?"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and a satisfied smile appeared: "You are a few days late, are you going to kill the other two beast kings?"


Xu Hang nodded, and said unsmilingly: "I was able to return to life after beheading one Beastmaster before, but the other two Beastmasters followed them down and bit them tightly, so we backhanded them to beheaded. It really took a few days. "

"Please also be punished by God of War!"

As far as the legion is concerned, it is taboo to not appear on the agreed date. If some time is missed, the consequences will be very serious, and it is by no means two Beastmasters can make up.

"At this time when it is not a war, it is no problem for you to kill the two Beastmasters, but if it is a battlefield, don't be greedy for war!"


"Punishment will be forgiven. This is an experience. How many more days do you have?"

"Thank God of War!"

"Well, you first return to the glory kingdom, there are still some people in the Yaotian group that need to be taken care of!"

Ling Feng did not intend to lead Xu Hang and the others back. These things still need to be done by them themselves. It is not enough to be able to fight through the cloudy sky. It is just force. Now Ling Feng wants them to experience "forbearance." ".

"Try your best not to conflict, otherwise it will be detrimental to you. This is also an experience that tests your concealment and speed!"


Soon, Xu Hang disappeared into the night with the Yaotian group, while Ling Feng flew to several other places, where there were still some characters fighting fiercely, and now the results have come out.

Like Xu Hang and other Yaotian regiments, Ling Feng did not take them back to the glory kingdom, but instead let them return home by themselves.

If this can't be done, the Yaotian group's experience these days will be in vain.

"Let him find out!"

Ling Feng frowned, the Yaotian group had left Yintianhuang, how could the Sea Moon God Emperor's strength not discover the problem?

Although Ling Feng had worked out his breath in advance, it was not difficult to find him with the strength of the Sea Moon God Emperor, but Ling Feng was one step faster than the Sea Moon God Emperor.

After he had dealt with all matters of the Yaotian regiment, the Sea Moon God Emperor found out Ling Feng's whereabouts and followed it down.

"Unfortunately, you are still a step slower!"

Ling Feng grinned, then Lightning left.

"Ling Feng, you cunning thing!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother. He was worried for Ling Feng for a whole month. He didn't expect that Ling Feng would come out alive and successfully avoided him. When he found out, Ling Feng had already left.

In the past few days, he had exhausted his energy and barely found Ling Feng's whereabouts, but he still let Ling Feng slip away.

The next day.

The Sea Moon God Emperor sighed with grief, because he followed Ling Feng to the front of the Heavenly City of Glory, and that person had already flown into the Heavenly City, even if he had the intention, he was powerless at this moment.

"Cunning like a fox!"

"Ling Feng, I won't let you go!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor felt depressed, the dignified God Emperor was deceived by a supreme, and he hadn't caught up yet, so he let him escape.

What a tragedy?

"Emperor Escaping Heaven is here too!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes. He found the breath of the God Emperor Duntian near the city. Although it was very thin and extremely difficult to find, he was still aware of it with the divine power of the Tree of All Things.

"The two **** emperors don't know, is this being wary of each other?"

Ling Feng smiled and stroked his nose.

Soon after, Ling Feng returned to Jingfeng Garden, which surprised Han Qing, because Ling Feng came back alone and Yaotian didn't know where he was thrown.

"Han Qing, invite Tianlan." Ling Feng ordered.


Although Han Qing didn't know the inside story, he didn't dare to disobey Ling Feng, because he knew that Ling Feng had moved to kill, so he was always careful in everything, so as not to be troubled by Ling Feng.

In just an hour, Tianlan came.

"God of War, are you alone?" Tian Lan was dumbfounded. Isn't this the most weird thing in the history of Glory Kingdom?

The leader came back first?

Where is his legion?

"Haha, the Yaotian regiment is still undergoing training. Their strength is enough, and they will be able to use their potential even better when I am away." Ling Feng explained a few words, and then asked: "A month ago, you found me , I guess what problems have been encountered, and now there are still a few days before the Five Kingdoms Battle, I will solve them in advance."

Speaking of trouble, Tianlan also recovered from surprise, frowning, and finally sighed.

"Lan Yu is in trouble in the realm of the sky."

Tianlan sighed and his eyes were a little dull. Obviously these days were not easy at all. If it weren't for Ling Feng's mission to be important, and the matter involved the Kingdom of Glory, he was afraid that Tian Lan had already invited Ling Feng to sit down.


Ling Feng was slightly surprised. He was not familiar with "Lan Yu" and "Sky Realm", but Tian Lan proposed it, so just wait for its explanation.


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