Supreme Demon

Chapter 3232: The realm of the sky!

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Jingfeng Garden is picturesque.

Ling Feng and Tianlan sat facing each other in the Lanting, the fragrant tea on the jade table was cold, and there was tea in the Lanting.

Tian Lan was talking, Ling Feng sat quietly, and he still didn't know many things, especially the Skyland and Lan Yu, it was even more unsuitable to interrupt at this moment.

Tianlan frowned slightly, her face was full of sadness, and she sighed from time to time when she talked about it. She explained Lan Yu very clearly, but she was very vague about the sky. This is understandable by Ling Feng, because Tianlan had already sighed. The wind is regarded as a figure in the realm of God, and the realm of the sky can be said to be known to everyone, there is no need to waste time and energy to explain.

But this is exactly what Ling Feng wants to know.

Ling Feng had no way to explain, or hint that Tianlan explained more clearly. Some things could only pretend to be ignorant. He didn't want Tianlan to see its origin.

During Tianlan's explanation, Ling Feng roughly understood a few points.

First, the realm of the sky should be a magical dojo in the realm of God, unlike any dojo that Ling Feng has seen, it should be somewhat the same as but different from the realm of God.

Second, Lan Yu is a small gate built by Tian Lan, and there are not many people, just in the sky.

Moreover, Lan Yu is completely asking Wu Xiu's door in the aura, and only if he meets this requirement can he be qualified to enter Lan Yu.

Obviously, Lan Yu does not belong to the Kingdom of Glory. Although Tianlan is a character in the Kingdom of Glory, it is not restricted in the sky domain and has enough freedom and space. This is also the rule of the sky domain.

Third, there is no harmony in the sky region. The gates are opposed to each other, alliances and more neutral. Some rules in the world cannot restrain the martial arts in the sky region. Everything follows the law of the jungle. For respect.

Fourth, the realm of the sky is a dojo with massive resources, like a dream, and like a reflection of a rare big realm. Although the resources inside cannot be brought out, they can be borrowed to create oneself, which is crazy, and the sky The domain is also the dojo for fighting for hegemony among the martial arts, and can get rich rewards.

of course.

In Tian Lan's presentation, the trouble Lan Yu encountered was also presented to Ling Feng.

Lan Yu has a small number of people, but none of his strength is weak. A few days ago, he discovered a divine spring in a Guchuan. The divine spring is extraordinary, it can make all things, but it also makes many people jealous. Some people are afraid of their image and dare not do it. He made an aggressive act, but just a month ago, some forces couldn't bear it, and wanted to fight the idea of ​​that **** spring.

However, they did not take the arrogance, but in the name of challenge, they severely injured many of Lan Yu's characters, making Lan Yu embarrassed, and once the injuries were severe, they had to leave the sky first. Lan Yu's strength was naturally affected. Weakened, according to this situation, Lan Yu is afraid that it will not last long.

Lan Yu is headed by Tian Lan, why is she not in a hurry?

But the opponent's strength is really strong, even Tianlan is not fully sure, and Tianlan can defeat one or two of them, I am afraid it will not affect the whole situation.

"It is reported that there are the shadows of the eight major forces in this layout!"

Tianlan looked sad. Although Tianlan was not weak, she did not have the strength to compete with the eight ancient forces. She even suspected that the eight spiritual gods were behind the scenes.

"You mean you want me to sit down?" Ling Feng asked with a blink of his eyes and a smile.


Tian Lan nodded and said, "These forces are not easy to deal with, but if the God of War sits still, they will definitely make them hesitate. It doesn't take long. It only takes a few days. After that, they will not dare to attack easily."

She wanted to use Ling Feng's strength to deter the deities, and this deterrence was far-reaching, at least for a short period of time, all gates needed calm reflection.

Ling Feng groaned and said nothing, the appearance of the sky domain really made him feel shocked. He wanted to know if the sky domain was the dojo of the entire gods universe or just the dojo of the spirit gods.

If it were the entire dojo of God's Domain, then Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others should have already entered it, so it should be easier to find out.

What's more, the sky realm does need extraordinary good fortune, unpredictable, and it is a martial arts dojo, which is very suitable for him.

Tianlan's eyes were burning, but she watched Ling Feng groaning, and she couldn't help smiling bitterly. She pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "God of War, although Lan Yu is a small gate, there are a lot of resources. That **** spring is extremely important to Tianzun. Advantageous, as long as the God of War is willing to sit down, Lan Yu is willing to give 10% to express his gratitude."

She thought that Ling Feng was for profit.

"Hehe, Tianlan, you misunderstood."

Ling Feng returned to his senses and explained with a smile: "I don't have any thoughts about that sacred spring, but if you want me to sit here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to shock some people."

"What do you mean by God of War?" Tian Lan was taken aback, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. What she worries most is Ling Feng's handling of this matter, wanting more benefits.

"Just sitting in town can't control those characters."

Ling Feng shook his head and said, "If you want them to retreat when they are in trouble, you need to hurt them, hurt your muscles and bones. After that, if you want to make trouble, you have to think more."

"God of War meant to challenge?" Tianlan's eyes lit up.

"No, I mean to kill the chicken and the monkey!"


In Jingfeng Garden, Ling Feng was drinking tea and looking ahead.

Tianlan has left, but before leaving, he left a jade plate. The jade plate is crystal clear. It is indeed a fine jade. The word Lanyu is carved on the jade. There is an altar in the jade plate. Vivid.

Ling Feng can enter Lanyumen Court through this jade card.

This solved Ling Feng's difficult problem. He was not a figure in the realm of God. Although he knew the realm of sky, he wanted to enter it, but he had no way.


Tian Lan didn’t think so much. Even if Ling Feng had a jade medal, he was afraid that he would not show it, or even if Ling Feng was willing to show it, he was afraid that after entering the sky, its territories were very far apart. A troublesome thing.

The Lanyuyu brand can go directly to Lanyumenting, saving a lot of trouble.

Of course, even if Tianlan did not leave a jade card, Ling Feng would have to ask questions, and the excuse had already been thought out. He came across domains and many things were left behind. Tianlan needed to help him if he wanted to enter the realm of the sky.

Unfortunately, it was useless.

"If they are really here, the sky will be easier to find!"

Ling Feng squinted and laughed. Shentianyu was very strange to them, and they were even stranger to Shentianyu, so there was no need to hide their names here.

Ling Feng came to this world under his real name, on the one hand, he didn't need to hide, on the other hand, he wanted to make it easier for the god-destroying crowd to find.


Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others will not deliberately hide their names. They should show people with their real names. Many things should be taboo in the realm of God, but there are not so many taboos in the realm of sky.

Ling Feng slowly entered the room.

He did not enter the realm of the sky immediately. Instead, he arranged nine strange doors in the room. Although the real combat power was hidden, these nine strange doors were extremely extraordinary, especially after the soul of the Tao, the nine strange doors were worthy of It is said that there is no solution, even if the **** emperor wants to break through, it takes time, and when the Qimen is dotted with the beginning of all things, it is extremely difficult for Guxian to snoop even half a step.


Ling Feng was still not at ease enough, if he entered the Sky Realm, someone would be disadvantageous to him, it would be quite tricky, and the ancestor of the Kingdom of Glory that made Ling Feng most taboo was the ancestor.

After doing all this, Ling Feng's eyes became cold and fierce.

In the Kingdom of Glory, only Tianlan is truly worthy of his help. If it is something else, Ling Feng would not pay such attention, but the sky is different. He can use Lanyu to find Ye Witch and others. whereabouts.

When he knew that there was such a magical area as the Skyland, Ling Feng couldn't wait. The life and death of Ye Xinran, Ling Qing and others was his heart disease.


When Ling Feng's power poured in, the jade medal glowed brightly, projecting a strange door in the room, which was a bit illusory and not real enough, but the momentum and power it created could not be underestimated.

It's just that the strange door projected from the jade card is not stable enough. If the body only passes by, there is no problem, but the main body passes by, its solidity is not enough.

Ling Feng frowned slightly unchecked, carefully observed and confirmed that there was no problem, then separated a virtual body, let him sit in the room, always beware, after all, this is the glory country, even if there are nine strange gates to suppress , Ling Feng was still not at ease, leaving a void, even if Han Qing came in, he would die.

The next moment, Ling Feng stepped into the illusory strange door and disappeared into the room in the illusion.

The light rain flashed, and the shuttle-like air current drifted out, and Ling Feng fell into an ancient river. The ancient river was full of mist, and the surroundings were empty like water, without any biological breath.


Ling Feng frowned, a little surprised, is this the realm of the sky?

But this is different from what Tianlan said. It stands to reason that that strange gate can lead it directly to Lanyumen Court, but now some changes have taken place. Ling Feng guessed that the strange gate might be unstable and something went wrong. This scene.

But he did not panic or change his color, because the terrain of the mountains and rivers here is indeed different from the spiritual gods, with a sense of haziness and fantasy, it should be the sky.

In the previous conversation with Tianlan, he understood the usefulness of the jade card. It is two-way, not one-sided. Ling Feng can sacrifice the jade card, communicate with the virtual body, and return to Fengfeng Garden, but he does not. do.

If even this mist can't be broken, what qualifications does he have to break through the sky?

Tian Lan didn't say, I'm afraid that he knew it long ago, at least he felt that Ling Feng should know it, or he had already broken through the fog.

"It's a bit of Shura Sea."

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and smiled and walked slowly. Although in the mist, his consciousness was affected and his perception was not far away, he didn't care. With his current realm and strength, even the **** emperor would be hard to hurt, so why be afraid. ?

Not long after, a phantom appeared in front of Ling Feng, various ancient beasts, fairy vines, etc. appeared, forming a terrifying heavenly might and blasting towards Ling Feng.


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