Supreme Demon

Chapter 3233: Epiphany!

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The mist is raging and the rain is shining.

Such as the drop of water flying down from the void, wet Ling Feng's clothes, the fog made Ling Feng unable to distinguish the direction, the heaven and the earth were drowsy, and the range that the spiritual sense could touch here was too small.

Ling Feng strode forward. He believed his instinct. Although this fog was extraordinary, as long as he moved forward, he would be able to step out of the fog and push everything away sooner or later.


Not long afterwards, there was a fierce cry in the mist, and a bird flew down from the void. Its sharp claws were in the color of void, and the light rain was illusory, as if holding a piece of sky, it suddenly pressed against Ling Feng, It's killed.

The bird had only one eye and one foot, which looked a bit like Bi Fang, but it was not that kind of sacred bird, but another species, but it was extremely terrifying, and the whole body was covered by light and rain, and its charm was extraordinary.

Moreover, this bird is extremely powerful, absolutely of the supreme level, even if it meets Bi Fang.

"Slashing creatures and stepping out?"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes. When the bird came, he raised his hand and slammed a punch, roaring like a mountain and sea, with a whistling sound and trembling, he shot the bird to death.

The bird turned into rain, melted into the mist, and disappeared.

Obviously, this bird is not a real creature, but evolved from the fog. It has natural power and is extremely terrifying.

Ling Feng moved forward, but various biological illusions came surging, carrying terrifying heavenly powers. In the early stage, it was unknown creatures, such as the bird that was killed by Ling Feng, but this only lasted for a moment, waiting for Ling Feng to take ten miles. The creatures become different.

All kinds of sacred birds, strange beasts, etc. appeared, but that bird was the weakest creature, as strong as a phoenix and a true dragon, had appeared, supernatural powers, and invincible.


The mist collapsed, forming various terrifying light beams, blasting and shooting into the distance. Ling Feng didn't know how many birds and strange beasts he had encountered. He felt as if he was facing the tide of beasts.

However, this is not the limit.

The battle lasted only two hours, the picture changed, the fog became thinner, a round of sun hung between the sky and the earth, flooding with dazzling light and rain, and lightning bolts fell from the void, like a waterfall, blasting towards Lingfeng.

Ling Feng was completely fearless and strode forward, even though his skin was ripped apart by the blast, he still stood still.

When the sun disappeared, a crescent moon appeared between the sky and the earth. The crescent moon was like a knife, cutting Ling Feng's flesh and blood, but this level of power was still hard to hurt Ling Feng.


With a loud noise, an immortal appeared between the heaven and the earth, and a sharp blade in the fairy queen, splitting the heaven and the earth, crushing everything.


Ling Feng's discoloration felt unbelievable, because this kind of power was so familiar to him, it was the fairy tale among the seven wonders of the world!

That was the power he had evolved at the beginning, but now it just doesn't use it anymore.


He raised his hand and broke through Xianjin, but his eyes were full of shock.

The Qijue of Heaven and Earth was obtained by him in the small universe. Although he does not know the origin, it should belong to the ancient martial dynasty. But now it is displayed in this mist, how can he not surprise Ling Feng?


Ling Feng's power came out, and a sharp blade rushed straight into the sky, evolving into the fairy tale, and with a strong force, it smashed forward. With a loud noise, the two fairy tales fell apart, and it was difficult to help each other.

Obviously, the evolving fairy goddess of mist is so powerful that it is not weaker than Ling Feng.


Ling Feng frowned. This scene was beyond his expectation. The power and moves of the mist evolution made him feel familiar, but very rusty, but when the mist evolved, it made Ling Feng feel different.


When the light and rain shined, the two ancient characters were in full bloom, releasing the vast sea and heaven, the immortal way was fully displayed, and the unparalleled light broke out, and the fog was pierced.

"Mantra of Eight Characters!"

Ling Feng was shocked. He didn't expect such ancient characters to appear in the mist, but here he didn't feel the call of the last two mantras of the eight-character mantra, but the fairy road was still in full bloom, which was very wrong.


Ling Feng battled with the same strength, and the four ancient characters were in full bloom, pressing against each other, and collapsed in the void.

But the situation has become more and more complicated, because after the immortal Dao, life and death, ancient tux, etc. are all manifested, the heavenly power has broken through the sky, and it is played with the ultimate supreme power.

Ling Feng responded with all his might, but he was still pushed out by that tyrannical force, his steps became staggered.

His eyes are burning, looking forward to it.

The six-character mantra came from the small universe, but even though he searched the entire small universe and could not find the whereabouts of the last two characters, he was guessing that the last two characters might have fallen in other universes, and now he appears in the gods. Domain, naturally suspect that there are ancient characters he wants in this heaven domain.

The fog is extraordinary, and it can evolve the six-character mantra, does it mean that the last two characters will also appear?

However, Ling Feng was still disappointed, the last two words did not appear, and the only six-character mantra that the mist can evolve.

"Only six-character mantra?"

Ling Feng frowned, his eyes flickering, and he was lost in thought, because the six-character mantra was a combat skill he mastered.


Various celestial techniques have appeared on the sky. There are idols hitting the sky, ancient chariots rumbling out, and all kinds of ancient beasts appear and bombard them together.

"The celestial skills of the eight ancient forces!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and watched calmly. He had encountered these magic tactics in Tianxiang Mountain before, but now they are all presented to him.

Suddenly, Ling Feng seemed to understand.

The fog here is extraordinary and magical, not only reflecting the way of martial arts, but also reflecting the experience of martial arts, even if this experience comes from a small universe.

Just because of this, the power of some forces such as the Void Dao and the Guanghan Palace have all appeared, forming an attack on Tianwei and pressing against Ling Feng, and this is obviously not Ling Feng's Dao, but Ling Feng's experience.

Needless to say, the secret skills of the eight ancient forces belonged to Ling Feng's experience, and when they bloomed in the mist, they were like a sharp knife, splitting the heavens of the ten thousand ways and creating terrible power.

Ling Feng was not afraid, stood firm, and the sun, moon, mountains and rivers were turbulent between raising his hands, surpassing the ultimate strength, crushing everything, even the ultimate supreme ancient secret skills could hardly hurt him.

He stepped forward, no force could stop him.

However, the fog seemed to have no end, always enveloped Ling Feng, and as he moved forward, this intuition became stronger.

"If you want to dissolve the fog, I'm afraid it is not by brute force!"

Ling Feng felt that this mist stretched for thousands of miles, and there was no end to the distance. It was like a fog of heart. If you want to clear the mist, you don't need to travel far.

On this day, Ling Feng sat down, fully responding to the various secret skills and illusions in the sky, while also observing.

This is a dangerous good fortune, but also a journey of life.

When he asks the Supreme, he can also look back and carefully observe the experience when he came, the storms, the poaching, the life and death contests...

The secret skills of the major forces appeared one after another, and then exited sadly.

It is the Tao of Meng Po, Huang Jingjing, and Celestial Reincarnation that have all been evolved, Haiyue and other **** emperor secret skills have also been placed in front of him, and the ancient secret skills of the glory kingdom have all flashed.

Ling Feng dealt with the terrible Tianwei while seriously experiencing and observing.

That is the reflection of his life!

That is the reflection of his martial arts.

I don’t know when, Ling Feng closed his eyes, the heavenly power in the mist is endless, and does not stop, but Ling Feng no longer needs to watch, he is immersed in it, savoring the tastes of life, and savoring the rising against the gods. , Taste the red attachment...

"What is the id?"

Ling Feng murmured, all kinds of experiences came, and all kinds of secret skills were displayed together, allowing him to observe and realize, and make the Dao in his heart more and more clear, like a sharp blade, to split the fog of the world and see the truth.

The Beginning Qi Galaxy was turbulent, and the stars seemed to be lit, emitting the most dazzling light and rain. The small celestial phenomena and ancient trees in the universe were all forced out, one by one, everyone was horrified, because at this time the Beginning Qi Galaxy was called the universe Rage, destroys everything and destroys everything.

Even if Shiqi Xinghe didn't force them out, they would all come out.

"Smelt the world and secret skills, melt my blood and secret skills, and achieve the most unique Dao in history!"

At this moment, Ling Feng had an intuitive perception, and he had a more comprehensive understanding of Dao in his heart. Previously, in that ancient cave, he borrowed endless Yin Qi and death to make him have a deeper understanding of Dao.

It was at that time that he wanted to forge a different way, beyond the field.

The id, cross me, cross him... the other side.

This is not a field, but a method!

Although Ling Feng came back, he was always thinking about the iddha, but there were many things that he didn't think through, and when it appeared in the mist, he could observe the secrets of all laws and the course of life.

The id method becomes more intuitive, trembling in the sea of ​​mind, almost ready to come out.

Ling Feng closed his eyes slightly, his hands slowly evolved, sometimes quickly, sometimes heavy and slow.

In the beginning, the evolution between his hands was very single and simple. With the passage of time, the evolution between Ling Feng's hands became more and more complex and mysterious, like an ancient landscape of mountains and rivers, like stars appearing, with an unspeakable beauty.

Because of its mysterious complexity, Ling Feng's deduction became more and more difficult, but the evolution between his hands did not stop. Although it was difficult, Ling Feng still persisted, and worked very hard to portray it seriously.

After a while, the evolution between Ling Feng's hands changed from clarity to blurry, and the complicated and mysterious ancient engraving became simpler and more unique.

It is a realm to see mountains as mountains and see water as water.

Looking at mountains is not a mountain, and looking at water is not water. This is also a state.

Looking at mountains or mountains, and water or water, this is another realm of detachment.

From simple to complex, it is difficult to make Tao stronger, but from complex to simplified is even more difficult, and this is the sublimation of Tao.

Avenue to Jane!

the only!

Is this enough?

Does Tao only have three levels?

What Ling Feng wanted was not the integration of all the ways, but the ultimate detachment of the way!


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