Supreme Demon

Chapter 3239: Overturn the spiritual **** dojo!

You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu!

The pavilion shines.

The world is turbulent.

One jade bead lit up the entire sky, the holy sun and the sky were all covered, only one jade bead covered the sky.

What is the Dao of the Self?

Ling Feng has been thinking and feeling.

Later, he came to understand that the Dao Fa of the original self is to borrow all the power in the body and smelt it out, and create the heavenly power that belongs to detachment. When the gods of the evening pure land appeared, Ling Feng had a strong intuition in his heart that he could smelt.

So he succeeded!

This jade bead is very special. There is no time change in it, it is empty and terrible, but the smelted jade bead contains the heavenly power that imprisons thousands of time changes.


This is Ling Feng's recognition of Yuzhu.


Dongtian Spiritual God did not feel the danger, the law of time pushed Tianwei to blast Lingfeng, a star came from eternity, crushing the sky, forming a space explosion, and even annihilating the void, the pavilion became instantly The ashes.

If it hadn't been for Fatty Tianzun to fly out quickly, I'm afraid it would become ashes at this moment.

But letting that day's prestige be turbulent, it was still hard to hurt that sacred source.

At this moment, the annihilation jade pearl came slowly, like a dust rushing into the law of time, facing the vast star, no mountains and seas, no space turbulence.


There was a crisp sound, it was the sound of the jade pearl plowing the stars, and when the jade pearl passed across the sky, the invincible stars were also frozen at this moment, together with the Dongtian Spirit God.

The jade bead is very slow, but it is overwhelming in all directions, so that the gods of the cave can not dodge, only the frontal jade bead is hard.

He did make a defense, and it was an unprecedentedly strong defense, but without an ancient chariot, his defense was too fragile.

The jade pearl was like a broken bamboo, ploughing past his body like that, leaving a blood hole the size of an eye.

No blood splashed out, only the light scattered by the rain.

Obviously, Dongtian Spiritual God entered the sky realm only with a virtual body, not a real body. I'm afraid that only Ling Feng can do this kind of thing, right?

"This... why?"

Dongtian Lingshen was shocked and sorrowful, it was unimaginable, as powerful as him, advanced to the supreme, but still not Ling Feng's opponent, was killed by Cui bitterly.

He looked at the blood hole the size of an eye in his chest, and his eyes were full of sadness. Although the blood hole was small, only he knew how terrible the jade bead was. Just ploughing it over destroyed all of him. the power of.

The pubic area collapsed in an instant.

After a year, he is still not as ruthless.

After a year, he still couldn't rewrite the record!

What a sad story!

"Because you are too weak!"

Ling Feng squinted at the Heavenly Cave Spirit God, and said coldly: "If you want to deal with me, then come to the Kingdom of Glory to find me, hide behind the scenes and do things, do you really mean that I don't hold a grudge?"

"If you dare to deal with Lan Yu, I will wipe out all the gates of your cave sky!"


Dongtian Lingshen almost spewed out a mouthful of dog blood, trembling with anger, he was ridiculed by Ling Feng and wanted to die.

But the strength is not as good as that of people, so I can only watch Ling Feng arrogant.

Finally, he looked at the gray-robed man and tried to squeeze out two words: "Call...person!"


A generation of Tianjiao characters, Dongtian Lingshen, vanished in the horrified eyes of the gray-robed man and the fat Tianzun.

Of course, with the strength of the Dongtian Spirit God, a mere virtual body does not affect its overall strength, but it also takes some time to heal the injury, and I am afraid that it will not appear in the past few days.

What's more, he knew that Ling Feng was in the realm of the sky, and he didn't even dare to appear, otherwise he would be annihilated by force.

This is the strength and fierceness of Ling Feng!


Ling Feng expressed the intentions of the Eight Spirits, warned that if he wanted to find him, he could come to glorify the kingdom, but if he was forced out by suppressing Lan Yu, it would be annihilated to the end.

"Of course, you can also use Lan Yu to call for a battle. Fan Tianzun and the Eight Spiritual Gods, you can let them go!"

Ling Feng is quite strong and didn't put the Eight Spirit Gods in his eyes. Although these characters may have succeeded in asking the sky to advance to the supreme rank, what about it?

The supreme is here, still suppress it!

The man in the gray robe was horrified and horrified. What a character?

It was so annihilated.

"I remember!"

At this time, Fatty Tianzun screamed and stared at Ling Feng as if he had seen an idol: "You are a ruthless person!"

"He said that!" Ling Feng rolled his eyes.

"I know!"

Fatty Tianzun blushed and said, "But you are the ruthless man from Tianxiang Mountain, sweeping the Eight Spirit Gods, ranking the first heavenly arrogant of the Spirit God Realm, and you are called the Slaughter God!"

"God Tu?"

Ling Feng was stunned, really didn't know that after he left, he had such a name.

"Floating clouds!" He waved his hand indifferently.

"Shen Tu is ruthless, you are my idol!" Fatty Tianzun was very excited. He had only heard of that record before, but he had never seen the deity, but he saw it today.

No wonder Tianlan trusts it so much!

No wonder Ling Feng is so light and breezy!

Spiritual gods are like me, like clouds!

Ruthless people have such boldness!

"Come on!"

Suddenly, the gray-robed man reacted, his face changed drastically, and the Heavenly Cave Spirit was annihilated. This would be a disaster for the entire ancient cave Tianmen Court. Who would have thought that ruthless people would appear here?

He does not have the strength of the Dongtian Spiritual God, but he keeps in mind the words of the Dongtian Spiritual God: call people!

A person is indeed not an opponent of Ruthless people, but here is the Dongtian Taoist, with powerful restrictions and altars, and there are many characters, he does not believe that Ruthless people cannot be killed.


As soon as his voice fell, more than a dozen characters galloped down, looking down the entire battlefield in the void. This was not because of the gray-robed man, but because the previous fierce battle was too intense. They immediately flew when they sensed it. , Unfortunately, the battle happened too quickly, when it appeared, Dongtian Spirit God was annihilated.

"Who dares to break into my ancient cave sky!"

"Are you looking for death?"

"Brothers, kill him together!"

In just a moment, more than 30 figures appeared on the battlefield, most of them Tianzun, among them there were two supreme figures, the overall strength really should not be underestimated.

Fatty Tianzun's face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help backing up.

Although he knew that Ling Feng was very strong, it was exhausting enough to deal with a supreme person, and it was unimaginable to deal with so many characters now.

In fact, the situation is more terrifying than Fatty Tianzun imagined, because just now, more than a dozen people flew in, including one Supreme.

Three Supremes, Fifty Heavens.

This is a terrible door that can push the rain on the ground, and a door that can compete with the powerful supreme.

How to single out Ling Feng alone?

Isn't that looking for death?

"The culprit is the ruthless man!"

The gray-robed man looked at Ling Feng, his eyes full of resentment, and a battle battle had already flown out of his hand. Although it had not been split, there was a metal trembling sound, and the roar of the gods and demons.


"Which ruthless person?"

Everyone present couldn't help but froze, but they quickly reacted, and their expressions changed drastically. They didn't expect that it was this person who came to invite the spirits and spirits of the Shenquan today.

"The first heavenly arrogant in Lingshen Tianyu?"

"It's him!"

"So why are you still hesitating?"

"Could it be that my brothers are so neat today, and Ruthless people have such a face, we can't let them underestimate us!"

"That's the truth!"

"Kill him, make me famous!"

The crowd was raging and people were very excited.

This is Wannian waiting for a while.

Although Ruthless Man is just a virtual body, as long as Ling Feng is killed, the humiliation that Dongtian has suffered can be washed away, and his reputation can be promoted.

Can they not get excited?

If it were just one or two people, they would have been sacking girls now, but this is the ancient cave sky, which belongs to their dojo, there are as many as three people in the light of supreme, let alone dozens of gods.

Moreover, there are Gudongtian altars, etc. If this person can't kill the ruthless person, then this person will completely become a nightmare of the cave.


The gray-robed man yelled, and the first one rushed towards Ling Feng. Zhan Ge Sheng in his hand released a dazzling light, forming a magical rainbow, and the law of space was completely in full bloom. There was a whirlwind rolling in it, and it rushed towards Ling while galloping. wind.

"I'll stop him, idols, please be safe!"

Fatty Tianzun flew out with sharp eyes. It was extremely difficult for him to stand up at this time with his strength, but he could only block the gray-robed man.

"No, you stand behind me!"

Ling Feng shook his head and waved his hand boldly: "Today I overturned a gate!"

When the voice fell, he had already met the gray-robed man.


He blasted a punch, the aura bloomed, and even used the aura space. Although not exactly the same, it was indeed a space law smelted from the aura.

The next moment, the gray-robed man was like a kite with a cut line, lightning flew upside down, and a blood line fell in the air.


The man in the gray robe fell to the ground with his head under his feet, his head buried in the soil, his feet still trembling and shaking.

After a breath, the gray-robed man's figure became illusory and collapsed to the ground.

A Tianzun was solved so easily.


He strode forward, like the strongest lightning, and blasted another punch. The person who rushed forward was blown away on the spot, and even before the whine, he broke into the void.


Ling Feng Lightning punched out, unbeatable, like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, cast unimpeded, only used the fist, not even the first rank.

If you need to use that power to deal with Tianzun, then Ling Feng would be really tragic enough.


Like a ball, he overturned the fifty Heavenly Sovereigns present one by one, and then collapsed into the void.

Fatty Tianzun originally wanted to hold on, but at this time he shut up abruptly, dumbfounded, and didn't know what adjectives to use to calm down the battle.


The opponent is like a dead dog?

Ruthless people are really strong enough to make people feel perverted. In front of him, Tianzun is really not enough to see, only the Supreme can fight against it.

Suppress the Supreme with the power of Tianzun!

Is this the only one in ancient and modern times?

Not to mention Fatty Tianzun, that is, the three supreme beings were all blinded. They were indifferent for the first time. Although the Dongtian Spiritual God had fallen, they were far stronger than the Dongtian Spiritual God, so they were reserved.


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