Supreme Demon

Chapter 3240: God-like record!

You can search for "Supreme God and Demons (ie in Baidu!

More than fifty gods have fallen!

Although it was only a vacant body, the scene was so spectacular that the Fatty Tianzun was blinded, and he couldn't imagine how Ling Feng did it.

If you didn't witness it with your own eyes, I'm afraid it would be incredible.

That is a godlike record!

This is his idol.

Fatty Tianzun was very excited, because just now Ling Feng showed him a super-high fighting style.

Use fists!

Simple and rude, to the flesh!

In front of Ruthless People, the powerful Gudongtian Taoist Temple was as weak as a chicken.

"The next one is you!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and said, "Supreme, it's really exciting!"

"Hmph, dare to target my ancient cave heaven, you have to die today!" said a blue-robed supreme: "slaughter my spirit god, do you really want to confront the entire cave heaven?"

"Hehe, it's really interesting!"

Ling Feng sighed and said, "When I was in Tianxiang Mountain, the Dongtian Spirit God used to say this, so I printed my footprints on his face."

"Now that you say that again, I'm really curious about how thick your face is in Dongtian."


"and also!"

Ling Feng interrupted the supreme, grinning and said, "The cause of this incident is not me, but you. You want to force me out through Lan Yu, but you don't dare to go straight to the kingdom of glory. You must first be clear. You wanted to deal with me first!"


"If you really try to deal with me so hard, I would be optimistic to overturn all the dojos of the Dongtian Spirit God in the sky domain!"

"Only you?"

The three supreme sneers sneered, and they really didn't take Ling Feng's threat to their eyes, because a dojo like the Dongtian Spirit God was not enough to affect the entire Dongtian.

Really powerful dojos have supreme people, and even **** emperors and half-step ancient sages. If Ling Feng dares to open such a dojo, they would be happy to watch.

"Believe every word of me!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "I know what you are thinking, and I don't have the idiot you imagined. Therefore, I will ask the gods and choose the Supreme Dojo. After I ask the **** emperor, I will choose your **** emperor dojo. !"

"My Tao is immortal, and you will be immortal!"


The three supreme figures finally changed their colors. If Ling Feng's words were followed, the entire dojo in the sky domain would be really dangerous.

Ling Feng is not an idiot, he knows that he will move after thinking.

When its realm rises step by step, it is really a nightmare for Dongtian.

You know he is ruthless!

Respected as the God of Slaughter by Lingshen Tianyu!

How powerful is this person's potential?

With its potential, I am afraid that it will not take many years to ask the Dao Divine Emperor, how many dojos will be humiliated in the entire cave? How many dojos can be safe and sound?

"Then I will kill you even more!"

The three supreme gazes were cold and stern, and said: "Refine your void and punish your main body!"

"Then fight!"

Ling Feng hooked his finger and pointed at the three supreme figures.

In fact, with his current strength, he is absolutely qualified to smash the Dongtian God Emperor-level dojo, but Ling Feng does not want to show his true strength for the time being.

Some things don't need to be so anxious, there will be opportunities in the future.


He found that the sky domain was indeed an excellent place to experience. There were eight ancient powers and other dojos that could be used as objects of experience. Even if the body fell, you could still fight again.

"Suffer it!"

The three supreme figures are not the fifty Celestial Lords. They lit the altar of the ancient cave sky in the first time, making it completely glow, and releasing the vast sea and heavenly power, just like the ancient beast awakening, and only the aura can calm the Celestial Lord.

Fatty Tianzun suffered first, and the whole person flew upside down. If it hadn't been defended before, I'm afraid it would be tragedy at this moment.


Ling Feng stood still, and was not affected by the power and aura of the ancient altar. He still smiled.


The three supreme beings had no scruples about their image, they completely killed Ling Feng, the law of time exploded, and the terrifying majesty of the sky annihilated everything.

A supreme holds a sharp blade.

A supreme holding a big flag.

The last supreme holds an ancient tripod.


The space exploded on the spot. Thousands of thunder blasted and three large holes appeared in the void, all of which were torn apart by the three weapons. When the law of time poured into it, the three weapons in full bloom made the world tremble. The power of Ming.


A sharp blade split Shenyu, carrying the power of the water waves that have changed over time, and blasted towards Ling Feng. Its power passed and the world was annihilated.

Time feels like being beaten back to a year ago.


A big flag flickered and plunged straight down from the void, shattering the sky full of stars, and the ancient charm of Shenyu flying out of it, which could shatter the martial arts soul.

Obviously, this is a magic weapon specifically aimed at martial arts souls, and it is not trivial.


A big cauldron was pressed down from the void and headed straight towards Ling Feng, to suppress it underneath, smelt it with the cauldron, and refine Ling Feng into the spirit of the cauldron.

The time under the big tripod was about to be blown.

Cut off time!

The three Supremes played different time laws and strengths. When they were fully suppressed, Ling Feng became solemn. It would not be easy to kill the three Supremes without using the Supreme Tianwei.

"I cast annihilation with my self!"

Ling Feng shouted, the gods flew out at dusk and landed in front of them, and then the first star flew lightning down in the gods dusk, when Ling Feng opened his hands, the gods dusk turned into a jade pearl, Falling between his two fingers.

With a flick of Ling Feng's finger, the jade bead turned into streamer, and it pierced and shot towards the sharp blade.

"One pearl breaks ten thousand magic!"

At this moment, the annihilated jade beads are full of brilliant light, and the heat is suffocating. When the rain of light completely flies down, the sharp blade is unstoppable, the law of time is broken, and the jade beads are like broken bamboos, and they are powerfully bombarded. A supreme figure.

Although this supreme is obviously stronger than the Dongtian Spiritual God, his time law is still very fragile in front of Ling Feng.


The jade pearl light rain exploded to the extreme, almost to the point of suffocating, even the supreme figure did not dodge in time, because he did not expect Ling Feng to break his time law so easily.

When he reacted, even the defense was too late.

The jade bead blasted into his body at the speed of flashing electrodes, smashed the dantian, annihilated the internal organs, and made him scream on the spot, turning his flesh into mud and turning to ashes.


The first supreme knelt before Ling Feng, really kneeling.

He raised his head hard, making an unwilling voice, and finally dissipated with a sigh.

The other two supreme beings all changed their colors, and they didn't expect Ling Feng to be so swift and unpredictable when he started his hands, and the heavenly majesty displayed by that jade bead was indeed suffocating.

"Tianzun Nizhan Zhizun, this son can't stay!"

The two supreme figures looked at each other and pressed down. The big tripod and the big flag had already arrived in front of Ling Feng, trapping the space in all directions, and Ling Feng was not allowed to dodge. It was bound to kill them completely.


The two supreme veiled conversations, using a sharp needle, like a hair, hidden in the void and not clearly visible, but the most extreme heavenly power is surging in it, which can directly kill the **** of death through the void.

Ten Thousand Soul Needles!

Although the realm of the sky is a virtual body dojo, the major forces still have targeted research, and they can borrow the phantom needle to kill the opponent's main body.

Therefore, the sky domain is not safe, and it will still be tragic.


When the Ten Thousand Soul Needle approached Ling Feng, the two Supreme Sovereigns used the great cauldron and the banner to completely suppress Ling Feng, and then the Ten Thousand Soul Needle pierced the back of Ling Feng's head with lightning speed.

"So this is your ultimate move?"

Ling Feng smiled, he stepped forward, the whole world changed color, and the jade bead became a powder on the spot.

Endless power rushed to him.

I don't know when, a picture of God appeared around him, and finally merged into one, and then a sharp blade shot and shot out, absorbing all the power, and gushing out completely.

"What is the id?"

Ling Feng closed his eyes, at that moment.

The sharp blade pierced the sky, and the suppressed Great Cauldron, Great Banner, and Ten Thousand Soul Needle were completely immobilized, and no matter how hard the two supreme figures worked hard, it was hard to shake.

"what happened?"

The complexions of the two supreme beings changed drastically, as if they had encountered ghosts.

How can a celestial being able to immobilize their magic weapon?

How can Tianzun hold the Ten Thousand Soul Needle?

But everything just happened, there was no reason, and Ling Feng didn't intend to reason with them.

"Unfortunately, you don't understand!"

A sharp blade broke through the sky and pierced the center of a supreme eyebrow, and when it spewed out, Ling Feng used the fairy blade without hesitation.

When the fairy blade is integrated into the sharp blade, its power is enough to destroy the world.

What's more, Ling Feng saw through the power of the Ten Thousand Soul Needle, it was just borrowing the power of the altar to break through the virtual body, chasing the main body, this kind of thing is better at the fairy blade.

If the other party wanted to destroy him, he would destroy the other party in the same way.

"Uh, no!"

The supreme uttered a stern scream, and finally was terrified, because he deeply realized the terrifying of the fairy blade, and the power of the immortal came out of his body and could not be blocked.

Moreover, the power of the fairy blade can directly kill the main body through the virtual body.

Unfortunately, the fairy blade will not change because of his will!


A supreme has fallen!


The banner landed, and there was only one big cauldron glowing in the void. Ling Feng did not hesitate to shoot out, bombarding with the strongest force, and the fairy blade was hidden in the sharp blade and inspired, not to mention the Fatty Tianzun, it was the last one. Wei Tianzun couldn't see clearly and couldn't find it.

When he found out, the fairy blade had pierced his head and nailed him to death!



Still sad!

The last supreme fell, the power of the fairy blade was too strong, but he could hit the main body directly, making his body and spirit disappear.

Gudongtian became quiet.

The wind and dust in the sky gradually subsided, and the Fatty Tianzun was dumbfounded and demented. This was definitely the most enchanting and most exciting battle he had ever seen in his life.


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