Supreme Demon

Chapter 3249: he came!

You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu!

The world is deserted and solemn.

Mao Xiaoyu's eyes were slightly cold, and she couldn't help but shudder. If she hadn't had a keen sense of consciousness just now, she had noticed the danger in advance, I'm afraid that she had already become a prisoner.


Beside an old tree behind Mao Xiaoyu, a beautiful woman was quietly leaning on the old tree, watching coldly, her slightly squinted eyes shimmering.


When Mao Xiaoyu showed the ancient martial power, the woman's eyes suddenly sharpened and exuded a cold temperament. It was because of the release of this temperament that Mao Xiaoyu could perceive it.


The woman stepped forward and slowly raised her head, so the more beautiful face was also in full bloom in front of Mao Xiaoyu.

"Who are you?"

This is not a questioning, but a question of Sen Leng.

The advent of Xianjin was really shocking, but what was even more surprising was that ancient martial arts were flourishing. There was no ancient martial arts in God's heaven. Although some people could integrate Dao soul, flesh and blood, the temperament and power were completely different.

Only Gu Wu has this kind of temperament and power!


When Mao Xiaoyu frowned and looked at the beautiful woman, he was surprised, but the pretty face was not shocked and solemn, but a kind of surprise and ecstasy.


Mao Xiaoyu asked tentatively.


The woman was taken aback for a moment, even the steps she took could not help stopping: "What did you say?"

"Are you Lingshen?"

Mao Xiaoyu's eyes were slightly hot, and his body couldn't help but tremble. Different from the previous celestial beings, Mao Xiaoyu felt a unique temperament of rebelliousness in this woman.

Moreover, she recognized the woman.

Although it was more than a thousand years apart, there were some portraits and spiritual imprints in the gods, and this woman was among them.

"Do you know her?"

The young man flickered his eyes and waved to the woman.

Obviously, he is in charge here, not the woman.

This made Mao Xiaoyu slightly frowned. Based on her knowledge of Nishen, the appearance of this woman meant that she was the master.


Mao Xiaoyu nodded, wary of the young man while staring at the woman, and said, "Are you Zhang Lingling?"

"Hehe, you really know her, but just knowing her is not enough!"

The young man shook his head and said, "Tell your origins, where did Xianjin get it?"

But Mao Xiaoyu completely regarded that young man as air. She looked directly into Zhang Ling’s eyes and said, “I don’t know what happened over the years, but if you are not in charge of this place, then some things would rather die than tell. ."

She wants to know Zhang Ling's attitude!

Because that is the core figure of true rebelliousness!

"I'm talking to you!" the young man said angrily.

"Who are you?" Zhang Linger frowned, but still asked.

"Mao Xiaoyu!"

"Why are you here?" Zhang Linger asked.

Mao Xiaoyu didn't say anything, because in the young man's signal, several Tianzun had already surrounded her, but Mao Xiaoyu did not make a defense, but looked directly at Zhang Ling'er.

"Get out!"

Finally, Zhang Ling spoke, with a tone that couldn't hold her beak.

"Zhang Ling, you are just Ke Qing!"

The young man's face was a bit ugly, he was the head of this trip, and Zhang Ling was just a temporary transfer of Ke Qing, whose origin is unknown.

Since stepping into Tianxiang Mountain, Zhang Ling has always been lazy, Yan Hu has not taken it seriously, and has never had much scruples.

But now this Keqing is actually going to be the master.

Where does his face go?

"Yan Hu retreat!"

Zhang Ling's voice became cold, and when Yan Hu was still talking, Zhang Linger threw a token directly, but when Yan Hu caught the jade card, she was surprised.

"Get out!"

This is the third time that Zhang Ling has spoken. It is different from the previous one, but now it is full of majesty.


Yan Hu flashed backwards, but at the moment he lost his temper, only respect.

Just because that is the Wing God Order!

"Who are you? Why do you know me?" Zhang Ling looked at Mao Xiaoyu and said.

Mao Xiaoyu's eyes were solemn, she tidied up her clothes, and then respectfully said: "Junior Mao Xiaoyu, meet Lingshen!"

When he bowed down, Mao Xiaoyu made a vague gesture.

Zhang Ling's eyes flashed, she naturally noticed Mao Xiaoyu's gesture, which only the core figure could understand too much.

"Whose... are you under?"

Zhang Ling took a deep breath, but did not dispel his doubts. Today's rebellious gods can be said to be walking on thin ice. Before that person appears, all they have to do is to fill their wings and wait for that person to arrive.



Zhang Ling was a little startled, and was silent a lot, before sighing: "Are you talking about the proprietor?"

"Exactly!" Mao Xiaoyu said on his forehead.

"you are not honest!"

Zhang Ling curled her lips and let out a silent smile.

"Lingshen, why do you say that?" Mao Xiaoyu asked in a puzzled way.

"Because we are also under the boss!" Zhang Ling sneered.

This is a big lie!

But it hit their guns.

"I know!"

Mao Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and said, "You are under the owner, and I am also under the owner."

"But I have never seen you!"


Mao Xiaoyu said naturally: "Because we are here at this moment!"

"So, are you willing to catch it now?" Zhang Ling asked.

"I want to see the owner!"

Mao Xiaoyu said in a voice even more incapable of holding his beak.

"Hehe, aren't you under the line of the master? Why do you still see the master?" Yan Hu sneered. At this time, it was basically certain that Mao Xiaoyu was lying.

"Because the owners are different!"

Mao Xiaoyu said in a low and powerful voice: "I know what you are waiting for!"

"But there are some things that can only be said frankly when you see the master!"

"Haha, ridiculous!"

Yan Hu shook his head, unwilling to say more, when Zhang Ling revealed her identity, then she was in charge.

"What do you need to see the protagonist before you can speak frankly?" Zhang Ling asked.

"Lingshen wants to hear?"


"Does Lingshen know the consequences?" Mao Xiaoyu asked.

"Before the situation is unknown, the consequences will be really serious if you are shown the master." Zhang Linger shook her head.

Mao Xiaoyu became dull, she knew Zhang Linger still couldn't believe her.

"I know Lingshen is very vigilant, but this matter is too important, can you lead me to see the host?" Mao Xiaoyu pleaded.

"I'm afraid not!"

"Have to speak frankly?"

"Have to speak frankly!"

Mao Xiaoyu became silent again, the matter was too serious, and one carelessness was to pierce the sky.

"Foolish God, in my opinion, I'd better capture it alive and ask its origin." Yan Hu looked at Zhang Ling'er and asked.

Zhang Ling said nothing.

Her eyes flickered, but she still looked directly at Mao Xiaoyu's eyes.

In the end, Mao Xiaoyu sighed and said, "Lingshen, I hope you can understand how important this matter is, and you and I cannot bear the consequences."

"But it doesn't matter!"

Mao Xiaoyu was silent for the third time, and just when Yan Hu and others were waiting impatiently, she finally spoke, with an extremely heavy voice and an extremely serious voice.

"he came!"

No head and no tail!

People don't know what it means.

Yan Hu and the others were instantly awe-inspiring, and couldn't help looking around, worried that someone would break in.

But soon I discovered that I was deceived, and no one showed up at all.

Just as they were about to question them angrily, Zhang Ling'er's eyes turned red in an instant, her breathing was short, her body could not help shaking, and the supreme aura that had been hidden so well escaped at this moment.

Only then did Yan Hu and others know why Zhang Ling'er came here in a low-key manner.

"what did you say?"

Zhang Ling's voice trembled, and she couldn't believe it.

"Does Lingshen still need me to say it again?" Mao Xiaoyu said sternly, "Some things have serious consequences. Even if you are Lingshen, I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

This is a warning!

When it comes to the host, even Zhang Ling'er is not qualified. Once the news leaks, let alone Zhang Ling, even Xinglan will apologize with death.

"How do you know?" Zhang Ling's voice trembled even more, obviously also knowing how important the situation is.

"I said that our owners are different!"

Zhang Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then instantly understood.

Nishen has not only one traveler, but also a second traveler, but the second one has never come over.

Today, Mao Xiaoyu frankly said that he acted differently, and his meaning was obvious.

"But I found that you are a little different from us, can you tell?"

Zhang Ling is still very vigilant. With these words alone, it is obviously not enough to dispel her doubts, but all the core figures of rebellious gods should know this. If someone can't stand the temptation, betrayal, and use it as a temptation, That would be forever for rebellious gods.

"Indeed, I am different from you!"

Mao Xiaoyu nodded, Zhang Ling's vigilance did not disgust her, but respect.

"Lingshen, have you heard that he has a real murderous knife in his hand?"

At this moment, Mao Xiaoyu was unprecedentedly proud, and his little tail was about to rise.

She is a natural disaster!

That is the **** against the gods, that is the elite of the elite!

Only one person in the world can order them.

"heard about it!"

Zhang Ling was unprecedentedly solemn and became dignified, and anyone who saw that power figure would not be proud.

"Then did you know Tang Yuheng?"

"Tang Yuheng?"

Mao Xiaoyu was stunned. She really didn't know there was such a character, but after a while, she reacted.

"Is Lingshen testing me?"

Zhang Ling smiled and said nothing.

"Does Lingshen know Tangjiu and Bai Yuheng?"

Mao Xiaoyu smiled slightly and bowed and said, "Xiaoyu, today, with his life, please Lingshen show me the host!"

"Yan Hu!"

Zhang Ling's voice was cold and harsh.

"Yes!" Yan Hu stepped forward respectfully.

"Hold my divine order, mobilize all adjustable forces, and **** Xiaoyu with all my strength."


Even Yan Hu and the others are somewhat deceived. Although they know that Zhang Linger has been probing and finally determined Mao Xiaoyu's identity, they are not going to use such a huge force, right?

"Escort her, go back immediately, and be sure to send it to the owner without any delay!"

"The Winged God..."

"I'll chop off all the tails for you!"

Zhang Ling said solemnly: "Remember, no matter how heavy the price is, you must protect her well, even if you sacrifice everyone!"</p>


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