Supreme Demon

Chapter 3250: Soup wine!

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this moment.

Zhang Ling was cold and solemn, and Mao Xiaoyu proved herself that she couldn't see any problems with her eyesight. If this happened, the situation would be extremely serious.

That's the owner!

Everyone was waiting for him to come back, and now he really came back.

Why is Zhang Ling not excited?

How can she not be ecstatic?

Because it involves the owner, this matter should not go wrong, even if everyone sacrifices everyone, Mao Xiaoyu must be brought back to the **** map, and she must cut off all the tails so that no one will know.


Yan Hu and others are incomprehensible, what happened? Why do we have to do our best, why not hesitate to sacrifice everyone?

"Yan Hu, go ahead immediately. This matter is very urgent and serious. When you return to the **** map, you will naturally know!"

Zhang Ling didn't want to explain too much.


Yan Hu weighed his forehead. Although he was a late-ranking rebellious god, he knew the rules of rebellious god, and some glory could be defended by life and death.

"Today, you can put on battle clothes!"

Zhang Ling said solemnly: "Even if you let go of your hands and feet, there is no need for explanation on the side of the protagonist. No one will blame you!"


Yan Hu and the others were even more shocked. Nishen has always been very low-key. Putting on battle clothes has never happened before, because once they put on battle clothes, it means that Nishen is finally about to start their journey.

Does winged **** mean this?

"Your task is to send Mao Xiaoyu to the host. You can't ask about other things, but if you encounter obstacles, shoot with all your strength, don't hesitate!"


"Xiaoyu, the winged **** will do his best!"

"I'm so troubled with the Wing God, Xiaoyu will definitely not let the Wing God down!" Mao Xiaoyu said solemnly, "This is also our intention to stay here!"

"lets go!"

Zhang Ling waved.


Yan Hu solemnly said, "Mao Xiaoyu, please!"

"it is good!"

In the next moment, Yan Hu and others took Mao Xiaoyu to break through the strange door restriction and galloped into the distance. At that moment, they took out their battle clothes and put them on their bodies.

Wear a battle suit and fight for God!

Put on a battle suit and fight for him!


A series of light flames broke through the void, blooming on the sky, the light and rain were not bright, as if someone sacrificed a sharp weapon, and the light and rain broke through the sky, nothing more.


When the flame broke through the sky, a pair of eyes in the darkness lifted up.

"The wings of the gods are now!"

"That is Zhang Ling's Wing God Order!"

The dull Tianxiang Mountain is still dull, but undercurrents are surging, and the god-defying people have completely awakened.

"Find out the truth, I want to know what happened!"

Soon, news came, but it was extremely vague.

"It's true that Zhang Ling's Wing God ignited the Wing God Order. It should be escorting a person back to God's picture, but whoever is that person now has no choice but to be anywhere."

"We don't need to know!"

Someone said coldly: "Help her with all my strength!"

However, another news came soon.

"Wear a battle suit!"

There are only three words, but this news is not from Butterfly, but from Zhang Ling.

"Non-war time wear a war suit?"

"The matter is serious, and Yinshen is fully born!"

"It's a winged god, the butterfly is born!"

"Fight the enemy with all your strength, the gods against the gods will calm the situation for me, if anyone dares to follow and deal with the wing gods, they will be killed directly!"

On this day, I don't know how many people have regained consciousness, with killing intent in their eyes.

When the Wing God ignited the Wing God Order, it did not happen in God's Heaven. Now Zhang Ling ignited the Wing God Order, which means that the situation is extremely serious, but Zhang Ling did not pinch the Wing God Order, and the situation is different.

This means that they have to act low-key and punish the enemy in secret.

"God against the gods!"

"The hidden **** takes his orders!"

"The butterfly leads!"

A series of slight voices sounded, and the most elite force of the gods rebels finally flew out, hiding their killing intent, sneaking in the dark, they galloped with lightning, trying to keep up with Zhang Ling's footsteps.

The **** map of the direction, wherever there are enemy traces, crush it with all your strength.

Zhang Ling stated that with an unmatched attitude, the news brought by Mao Xiaoyu is too important, and it involves the owner, so they cannot be careless.

Nishen was born in the dark, the butterfly played the strongest role, controlling the world's news, while the hidden gods and Nishen were responsible for killing all enemies.


The breeze is slow, and the crescent moon is like a hook.

Yan Hu and the other six Tianzun took Mao Xiaoyu forward with lightning. They were extremely vigilant. Although Zhang Ling, the supreme figure, wiped out the breath, they were still very cautious. They flew in the sky for a whole day before flying through Tianxiang Mountain. , Annihilate all breaths as much as possible, and get rid of all tails.

After flying out of Tianxiang Mountain, their speed increased a lot, like a flash of lightning flashing through the void.

But what surprised them was that they came so fast, many areas were filled with blood, and several extremely hidden places were filled with bones.

"The breath is very clean!"

Yan Hu's face was dark, and the blood here was not dry, which proved that there had been fierce fighting not long ago, but somebody erased all traces, especially the breath of the murdered and the murderer.

"Very clean and neat!"

The hearts of everyone were heavy, and this fierce battle happened so quickly that it almost made their hearts tremble.

"Don't panic, it's against the gods!"

Mao Xiaoyu smiled slightly. She didn't know how much Yan Hu and others knew about the gods, but from the method and the degree of neatness, it could be seen that this was the killing of the gods.


Yan Hu and the others were surprised. They had been in the gods for decades, but they didn't know much about this force, or Xinglan let them know not much.

Because all they can see is just those thousand people.

When it comes to core secrets, Xinglan didn't let these people know, because of this they didn't know Zhang Ling.

Although they knew that besides the **** of rebellion, there was another force that was the butterfly, but he didn't know what kind of force the butterfly was, and what power it had besides delivering news.


Mao Xiaoyu said firmly: "Don't hesitate, all obstacles will be cleared!"

Xinglan didn't explain, so she didn't need to explain.

Mao Xiaoyu has nothing to do with how large the gods are, but she knows that when the Wing God does not hesitate to light the Wing God Order, then there will be thousands of butterflies, the gods of the gods, the hidden gods, and even the immortal figures rushing for help. , There will be thousands of people die for her.

At the beginning, Zhang Ling and others escorted a pill, and countless gods overcame thorns and thorns for them.

Others don't understand, but she understands.

This is God!



Although Yan Hu and others didn't understand, they didn't dare to delay and moved forward quickly.

There were more casualties along the way. Although they were careful, some people still found out. It's a pity that these people have encountered the god-destroying elite.

"There is someone ahead!"

Suddenly, Yan Hu and others stopped, because they felt an extremely terrifying aura, someone appeared in front of them.

They immediately deployed defense as if they were facing a major enemy, and if they encountered danger, they would send Mao Xiaoyu out even if they died.


Mao Xiaoyu's eyes suddenly opened up, because she felt a breath of difference.


A person came in lightning and appeared directly in front of them. It was a black-clothed young man with a cold face, weirdly torn the space and appeared in front of them.

"what happened?"

"Why did the Wing God ignite the Wing God Order?"

A lazy voice rang in their ears, and then people could see the person's face clearly.

"It's him?"

Yan Hu was stunned for a moment. They recognized this person. This person was also an anti-god congregation, but too lazy. Since they entered anti-god, this person has been lying lazily in the shade of the tree. Very speechless.

But what they didn't expect was this person who came at this moment.

Obviously, someone had sent the news back to the **** map, and it was this person who came to meet him from the **** map side.

While Yan Hu and the others were stunned, Mao Xiaoyu stepped forward, bowed deeply, and said softly, "The younger Mao Xiaoyu has seen Bacchus!"


Tangjiu was slightly stunned, and looked at Mao Xiaoyu with a weird expression. This woman actually recognized him?

But when Mao Xiaoyu made a vaguely complicated gesture, Tang Jiu's eyes suddenly sharpened.

"You call yourself a junior?"


Mao Xiaoyu raised his head with a smile on his face, and explained, "Xiaoyu has seen a portrait of Bacchus."

"Why did you come from?" Tangjiu asked.

"Come because of him!" Mao Xiaoyu said feverishly with wet eyes.

Tangjiu was stunned again. When he raised his eyes to Mao Xiaoyu again, there was already a blush in his eyes because he understood.


Others don’t understand the meaning of this title, but why don’t the godly people understand?

Only one person in this world can detonate this storm.

There is only one person who can make the Wing God light the Wing God Order without hesitation, even if it alarms the world.

"He really..." Tangjiu's voice trembled.


Mao Xiaoyu said firmly: "Now is the time to send the news to the host!"


The soup wine voice is slight, but extremely strong: "Don't worry, I will meet you, then no one will want to hurt you!"


He went straight forward, and the low aura on his body was truly released. Yan Hu and others' complexions changed drastically, only because the soup wine showed the aura of the top supreme.

Although very low and deliberately suppressed, they still feel suffocated.

With the soup and wine personally suppressing the formation, there is no obstacle to the way forward, not to mention the countless gods who come after and after, it is even more powerful.

at dusk.

They finally crossed the Spiritual God Realm and appeared in a piece of sacred soil where birds and flowers were fragrant, where the mountains and rivers were calm, there were no waves, and the distance was full of flowers, and there was nothing special.

But when the soup wine raised his hand to hit the blossoming sea, and ignited the void, the world changed, and a vast strange door was in full bloom, bringing everyone into a **** picture.

Before Mao Xiaoyu had time to look at this **** map, he was attracted by a person in front of him.

She has a beautiful face, like a fairy in the sky.

She is slender and graceful, her eyes are full of mist, as if it blends into the landscape.

She is so beautiful that the world's scenery is bleak, but what is more fascinating is that unique temperament.


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